RTS TT-16 Bedienungsanleitung

Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für RTS TT-16 (16 Seiten) in der Kategorie Intercomsysteem. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 14 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/16
Op er at ing In struc tions
16 Channel Transmitter
16 Channel Receiver
Wireless IFB
Trans mit ter: The trans mit ter gen er ates and am pli -
fies a RF (Ra dio Fre quency) car rier sig nal, mod u -
lates this car rier with the mi cro phone sig nal, and
ra di ates the mod u lated RF car rier.
Re ceiver: The FM VHF re ceiver is tuned to the fre -
quency of the trans mit ter. The re ceiver picks up the
ra di ated RF sig nal from the trans mit ter through the
an tenna and con verts the RF sig nal into au dio volt -
ages for use with an ear phone, head phone, but ton
re ceiver, neckloop, etc. The re ceiver fre quency must
be matched to the trans mit ter fre quency.
The Telex Sys tems fea ture a syn the sized trans mit ter
and a syn the sized re ceiv er op in the VHF er at ing
Band be tween 64-68 MHz. See Ta ble 1 for stan dard
fre quen cies avail able.
Each trans mit ter chan nel can be uti lized by any
num ber of re ceiv ers in any given area. Up to five si -
mul ta neous sys tems can be used in a given area.
- -1
Fig ure 1
Block Di a gram of Typ i cal Wire less IFB Sys tem
Ques tion: Can more than one sys tem be used si -
mul ta neously?
An swer: Yes but never on the same fre quency. You
will need to have dif fer ent fre quen cies for ev ery re -
ceiver/trans mit ter com bi na tion.
Ques tion: Is the sys tem more sen si tive in any one
par tic u lar di rec tion?
An swer: No, the trans mit ter’s an tenna ra di ates
equally in all di rec tions, but the sig nal is at ten u ated
by your body, walls or other sur round ing ob jects.
The re ceiv ing an tenna is es sen tially sen si tive in all
di rec tions as well.
Ques tion: Can the re ceiver re ceive other trans mis -
sions when the trans mit ter is turned off?
An swer: Yes it can. Telex sys tems op er ate in the
VHF Band be tween 64-68 MHz. How ever, it is not
sus cep ti ble to ra dio wave skip, CB’ers or stan dard
FM ra dio trans mis sions. It is on TV Broad cast chan -
nels 3 and 4. So it is best to use the chan nels in
your sys tem that are not on the TV broad cast chan -
nel in your area. See Ta ble 1.
The fre quency your sys tem op er ates on is com puter
se lected for least in ter fer ence, but there is no such
thing as a 100% clear chan nel all the time.
If the sys tem is go ing to be used in a per ma nent
fixed lo ca tion, it should op er ate in ter fer ence free un -
til such a time or date when some one else be gins
us ing the same fre quency.
If the sys tem is go ing ing to be mov among var i ous
lo ca tions, you may run into oc ca sional fre quency
con flicts.
When ever the sys tem is in use, the trans mit ter
should be left on to pre vent the re ceiver from pick -
ing up out side in ter fer ence.
Ques tion: What is E.D.R.?
An swer: E.D.R. stands for en hanced Dy namic
Range (companded) au dio. E.D.R. im proves the sig -
nal-to-noise ra tio pro vid ing dio much better au qual -
Ques tion: Can the TT-16 and TR-16 be used with
ex ist ing TR-34 and TT-44 prod ucts.
An swer: Yes, as long as the E.D.R. fea ture is dis -
abled on the TT-16 and TR-16.
Ta ble 1
Fre quen cies Avail able
- -2
Chan nel Freq. in MHz Broad cast TV
Chan nel
1 64.5 3
2 64.7 3
3 64.9 3
4 65.1 3
5 65.3 3
6 65.5 3
7 65.7 3
8 65.9 3
A 66.1 4
B 66.3 4
C 66.5 4
D 66.7 4
E 66.9 4
F 67.1 4
G 67.3 4
H 67.5 4


Marke: RTS
Kategorie: Intercomsysteem
Modell: TT-16

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