Zanussi ZAN1650 Bedienungsanleitung
Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Zanussi ZAN1650 (47 Seiten) in der Kategorie Staubsauger. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 3 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/47
Z AN1650
Z AN1655
Z AN1656
Z AN1660
Z AN1665
T3507 02 08 06
Vacuum cle ane r O pe rating instructions
Bode nstaubsauge r Ge brauch sanw e isung
Stofzuige r Ge bruik saanw ijzing
As pirate ur traîne au Mode d'e m ploi
As pirapolve re Instruzioni pe r l’us o
As pirado de polvo Instruccione s de us o
As pirador Instrucçõe s de utiliyacçâo
Ele k trik li süpürge Kullanm a k ılavuzu
Η λεκτρική σκούπ α Ο δη ϊες χρήσεω ς
Пылесос Pуковод ство по эксплуатации
Пилосос Інструкції з експлуатації
Us is avač Upute za rad
Vys avač Návod k použití
Прахосм укачкаинстр укции за употреб а
O dk urzacz Instruk cja obs ługi
As pirator Instrucţiuni de utilizare
Vys ávač Návod na používanie
Se s alnik Navodila za uporabo
Us is ivač Uputs tvo za upotre b u
Tolm uim e ja Kas utus juh e nd
Pute k ļsūcēja Ek spluatācijas instruk cija
D ulk ių siurblys Naudojim o ins truk cija
Pors zívó H asználati útm utató
• •
• • • •
• • • • •
• • • •
Z AN1650 Z AN1655 Z AN1656 Z AN1660 Z AN1665
18 19
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29
31 32 33
●Re ad th is instruction book le t care fully.
●Be fore using th e appliance , ch e ck th at th e m ains pow e r
voltage corre sponds to th e voltage sh ow n on th e rating plate .
●D o not s w itch th e appliance on if it appe ars to be faulty
in any w ay or it h as a dam age d cord or plug. D o not try
to re pair th e appliance by yours e lf.
●Alw ays re m ove th e plug from th e pow e r s ock e t w h e n
th e appliance is not in us e and be fore carrying out any
cle aning or m ainte nance ope rations .
●Ne ve r le ave th e appliance unatte nde d w h e n it is
sw itch e d on. Ke e p th e appliance out of re ach of
ch ildre n.
●Th is appliance is for dom e s tic use only. Us e as
de s crib e d in th is instruction book le t.
●D o not pull th e appliance by th e cord.
D o not unplug by pulling on th e cord.
●D o not us e appliance on w e t surface s or to vacuum
liq uids , m ud, ash and burning cigare tte butts .
D o not vacuum up any h igh ly flam m able or e xplos ive
subs tance s or gase s .
●D o not unplug th e vacuum cle ane r w ith w e t h ands.
●D o not ope rate th e vacuum cle ane r too clos e to h e ate rs
and radiators , stove s e tc.
●Be fore you start us ing th e vacuum cle ane r, ple as e
re m ove large or sh arp ob je cts from th e floor to pre ve nt
dam age to th e dus t containe r and h ose .
●Be fore placing into ope ration m ak e ce rtain th at th e
filte rs are in th e prope r pos ition.
A Unw ind a sufficie nt le ngth of cable and inse rt th e plug
into th e pow e r sock e t. A YELLO W m ark on th e pow e r
cable sh ow s th e ide al cable le ngth . D o not e xte nd th e
cable be yond th e RED m ark .
B Pre s s th e O N/O FF button to s w itch th e appliance on.
O n initial start up full pow e r is re ach e d afte r
approxim ate ly 1-2 se conds .
C To re w ind th e pow e r cable , pre s s th e re w ind button w ith
foot, and guide th e cable w ith h and to e ns ure th at it
doe s not w h ip causing dam age .
Sound le ve l: 82,5 db (A)
●Ne ve r ope rate th e cle ane r w ith out th e dust containe r
installe d.
●Your cle ane r is fitte d w ith an e le ctronic filte r indicator.
Th e dus t containe r m us t be e m ptie d if th e w indow of th e
e le ctronic filte r indicator is illum inate d w h e n th e cle ane r
is ope rating at m axim um pow e r and th e nozzle is
rais e d from th e floor.
●Ple ase note : It is norm al for th e re d ligh t of th e
indicator to flick e r on and off during use . If th e dust
containe r is e m ptie d and th e indicator is still active , it
m e ans th at th e cartridge filte r is clogge d. In th is case ,
follow th e instructions of ch apte r 'Re placing or cle aning
th e cartridge filte r'.
22 Re m ove th e dust containe r by pus h ing th e ope n buttons
on th e tw o s ide s of th e dus t containe r h andle .
23 Re m ove th e conte nts of th e dus t containe r by pus h ing
th e orange - coloure d ope ning button.
24,25 If ne ce s sary, th e prote ctor m e s h als o can be re m ove d
(24) in orde r to sh ak e th e dirt from its surface (25).
26 Clos e th e dus t containe r lid until it click s .
22 Inse rt th e dus t containe r back into th e cle ane r by
pre s sing it dow n until it click s
Filte rs sh ould be re place d at le ast tw ice a ye ar or w h e n
th e y be com e vis ibly s oile d.
Alw ays ope rate th e cle ane r w ith filte rs installe d to avoid
re duce d s uction.
D isconne ct from e le ctrical outle t be fore ch anging th e filte rs .
Me nalux brande d filte rs are strongly re com m e nde d
by Z anussi. Th ose h igh q uality filte rs w ill e nsure a
long life tim e of your Z anus si vacuum cle ane r. For
m ore inform ation about Me nalux products, ple ase
visit our w e bsite : w w w .m e .
1. Suction inle t
2. Ele ctronic filte r
3. O n/off sw itch
4. Cable re w ind button
5. W h e e l
6. D us t containe r
7. D us t containe r h andle
8. D us t containe r ope n
9 . Carrying h andle
10. H ose
11. Te le s copic tube *
12. Me tal tube s (x2) *
13. D ual purpose floor
nozzle *
14. Floor nozzle *
15. Cre vice nozzle
16. U ph ols te ry nozzle *
17. Turbo nozzle *
18. Cartridge filte r
19 . Prote ctor m e s h
20. Ve rtical park ing
21. H orizontal park ing
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l
Z anus s i supply a range of cle ane rs w ith diffe re nt acce s sorie s , all of w h ich are cove re d in th is m anual. Ple as e re fe r to your
spe cific m ode l and its acce s s orie s .
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l
* Nur be s tim m te Mode lle
* Alle e n be paalde m ode lle n
* Suivant le s m odèle s
* Solo pe r alcuni m ode lli
* Sólo algunos m ode los
* Ape nas para alguns m ode los
* Yalnýzca be lirli m ode lle rde
* Μ όνο ορισµέ να µοντέ λα.
* Только для отд ельных моделей
* В залежності від мо делі
* Sam o odre đe ni m ode li
* Pouze u něk te rých m ode lů
* Само за ня кои модели
* Tylk o nie k tóre m ode le
* D is ponibil num ai pe ntru une le m ode le
* Le n nie k toré m ode ly
* Sam o ne k ate ri m ode li
* Sam o ne k ate ri m ode li
* Ainult te atud m ude lid
* Tik ai note ik tie m m ode ļie m
* Tink a tik k ai k urie m s m ode liam s
* Csak e gye s típus ok e s e tén
22 Re m ove th e dust containe r by pus h ing th e ope n buttons
on th e tw o s ide s of th e dus t containe r h andle .
23 Re m ove th e conte nts of th e dus t containe r by pus h ing
th e orange - coloure d ope ning button.
24 Re m ove th e prote ctor m e s h .
27 Re m ove th e cartridge filte r by turning it counte r-
clock w is e .
25 Sh ak e th e dirt from th e filte r and th e m e s h into a b in.
28 If ne ce s s ary th e filte r and m e s h can be rins e d, w ith cold
w ate r, unde r a tap.
29 Air dry th e m for approxim ate ly 24 h ours , to e nsure it is
com ple te ly dry be fore re -us ing. Avoid dire ct s unligh t
and e xtre m e drying circum s tance s (e .q . h air-drye r).
27 Inse rt th e cartridge filte r back to th e dus t containe r and
turn it clock w is e until th e cartridge filte r lock s com ple te ly.
24 Inse rt th e prote ctor m e s h into its place by pus h ing it
onto th e cartridge filte r.
26 Clos e th e dus t containe r lid until it click s .
22 Inse rt th e dus t containe r back into th e cle ane r by
pre s sing it dow n until it click s .
Cartridge filte r re fe re nce num be r: F110
30 O pe n th e filte r grill.
31 Re m ove th e e xh aus t filte r.
32 Rins e it unde r tap w ate r and dry it com ple te ly.
31 Put th e filte r b ack into th e cle ane r.
30 Clos e th e filte r grill.
Exh aust filte r re fe re nce num b e r: Me nalux F110
If you do not find Me nalux at your s tore , ple as e call
your local cus tom e r s e rvice .
33 To conne ct th e h ose into th e suction inle t pus h it until it
click s.
To dis conne ct th e h ose from th e s uction inle t pus h th e
button at th e e nd of th e h ose .
●Atte m pt to re cycle pack aging m ate rial and old
appliance s .
●Th e cardboard pack aging can be place d in th e w as te
pape r colle ction.
●D e pos it th e plas tic bag m ade of polye th yle ne (PE) at th e
PE colle ction point for re cycling.
●D e pos it th e polys tyre ne foam at th e PS colle ction point
for re cycling.
●Th e plas tic com pone nts all carry a m ate rial
ide ntification m ark ing s o th at, lik e th e oth e r m ate rials ,
th e y can re cycle d at th e e nd of th e life of th e appliance .
●Ple as e inq uire w ith your local auth ority.
●Th e cle ane r stops autom atically if a block age occurs in
th e nozzle /tube /h ose or if th e filte rs are block e d w ith dirt.
●D isconne ct from m ains and allow th e cle ane r to cool for
20-30 m inute s. Re m ove block age and/or cle an filte rs .
●Re s tart th e cle ane r.
Th e sym bol on th e product or on its pack aging
indicate s th at th is product m ay not be tre ate d as
h ouse h old w aste . Inste ad it sh all be h ande d ove r to th e
applicable colle ction point for th e re cycling of e le ctrical
and e le ctronic e q uipm e nt. By e nsuring th is product is
dis pose d of corre ctly, you w ill h e lp pre ve nt pote ntial
ne gative conse q ue nce s for th e e nvironm e nt and h um an
h e alth , w h ich could oth e rw ise be caus e d by inappropriate
w aste h andling of th is product. For m ore de taile d
inform ation about re cycling of th is product, ple ase contact
your local city office , your h ouse h old w aste disposal
se rvice or th e sh op w h e re you purch ase d th e product.
Marke: | Zanussi |
Kategorie: | Staubsauger |
Modell: | ZAN1650 |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
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Bedienungsanleitung Staubsauger Zanussi
15 Oktober 2024
21 September 2024
2 September 2024
30 August 2024
12 August 2024
30 Juli 2024
24 Juli 2024
23 Juli 2024
11 Juli 2024
11 Juli 2024
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- Staubsauger Fagor
- Staubsauger Gaggenau
- Staubsauger Gorenje
- Staubsauger Jata
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- Staubsauger Koenic
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- Staubsauger First Austria
- Staubsauger H.Koenig
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- Staubsauger BEKO
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- Staubsauger Eldom
- Staubsauger Eta
- Staubsauger Grundig
- Staubsauger Heinner
- Staubsauger Hotpoint
- Staubsauger Ideen Welt
- Staubsauger Inventum
- Staubsauger Maestro
- Staubsauger Micromaxx
- Staubsauger Moulinex
- Staubsauger Palson
- Staubsauger Prime3
- Staubsauger Primo
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- Staubsauger Solac
- Staubsauger Tomado
- Staubsauger Dometic
- Staubsauger Eureka
- Staubsauger AEG-Electrolux
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- Staubsauger EZVIZ
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- Staubsauger Würth
- Staubsauger DCG
- Staubsauger Kärcher
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- Staubsauger OneConcept
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- Staubsauger Rotho
- Staubsauger Dedra
- Staubsauger DURO
- Staubsauger Graphite
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- Staubsauger Honda
- Staubsauger TP-Link
- Staubsauger Cleanmaxx
- Staubsauger Dirt Devil
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- Staubsauger Lux
- Staubsauger Nilfisk
- Staubsauger Shark
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- Staubsauger Maxxmee
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- Staubsauger Kranzle
- Staubsauger Nilfisk ALTO
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- Staubsauger Broan
- Staubsauger Elba
- Staubsauger MPM
- Staubsauger Thomas
- Staubsauger Huvema
- Staubsauger Robust
- Staubsauger ROWI
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- Staubsauger Yato
- Staubsauger Imetec
- Staubsauger Logik
- Staubsauger Team
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- Staubsauger Veripart
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- Staubsauger Argos
- Staubsauger Vacmaster
- Staubsauger JML
- Staubsauger Powerstar
- Staubsauger Rainbow
- Staubsauger Watshome
- Staubsauger Bluesky
- Staubsauger Proline
- Staubsauger Dimplex
- Staubsauger Overmax
- Staubsauger Morrison
- Staubsauger Hayward
- Staubsauger Starmix
- Staubsauger Vileda
- Staubsauger Gre
- Staubsauger Bavaria
- Staubsauger Milwaukee
- Staubsauger Toolcraft
- Staubsauger Westinghouse
- Staubsauger Holland Electro
- Staubsauger Waves
- Staubsauger GoldStar
- Staubsauger Vivax
- Staubsauger Arnica
- Staubsauger Bissell
- Staubsauger EWT
- Staubsauger Fein
- Staubsauger ILIFE
- Staubsauger IRobot
- Staubsauger Neato
- Staubsauger OBH Nordica
- Staubsauger Bestway
- Staubsauger Intex
- Staubsauger Profilo
- Staubsauger Sauber
- Staubsauger AL-KO
- Staubsauger Tornado
- Staubsauger V-TAC
- Staubsauger Vax
- Staubsauger Volta
- Staubsauger Vorwerk
- Staubsauger ZACO
- Staubsauger Zelmer
- Staubsauger Limit
- Staubsauger EGO
- Staubsauger Gardena
- Staubsauger Kogan
- Staubsauger Innoliving
- Staubsauger Eufy
- Staubsauger ECOVACS
- Staubsauger EVOLVEO
- Staubsauger Doffler
- Staubsauger Lund
- Staubsauger Grixx
- Staubsauger Craftsman
- Staubsauger Powerplus
- Staubsauger SPC
- Staubsauger SereneLife
- Staubsauger Vitek
- Staubsauger Alpha Tools
- Staubsauger Sogo
- Staubsauger Auto Joe
- Staubsauger Hozelock
- Staubsauger Kent
- Staubsauger Mellerware
- Staubsauger Ozito
- Staubsauger Ursus Trotter
- Staubsauger Nintendo
- Staubsauger Starlyf
- Staubsauger Sun Joe
- Staubsauger Swan
- Staubsauger Orbegozo
- Staubsauger Dreame
- Staubsauger Texas
- Staubsauger Izzy
- Staubsauger Saturn
- Staubsauger Viper
- Staubsauger Ridgid
- Staubsauger Porter-Cable
- Staubsauger Neato Robotics
- Staubsauger Levoit
- Staubsauger Zoef Robot
- Staubsauger Roborock
- Staubsauger VARO
- Staubsauger Tesvor
- Staubsauger AirRobo
- Staubsauger Defy
- Staubsauger Dibea
- Staubsauger DS
- Staubsauger Duro Pro
- Staubsauger Duronic
- Staubsauger Easy Home - Aldi
- Staubsauger Enkho
- Staubsauger Envirotect
- Staubsauger EST
- Staubsauger Felisatti
- Staubsauger Gamma
- Staubsauger Ghibli
- Staubsauger Global
- Staubsauger Global Tronics
- Staubsauger Goon
- Staubsauger HammerSmith
- Staubsauger Hoberg
- Staubsauger Hobot
- Staubsauger Home Comfort
- Staubsauger Infinity
- Staubsauger Jocel
- Staubsauger Kambrook
- Staubsauger Kenmore
- Staubsauger Kokido
- Staubsauger Kompernass - Lidl
- Staubsauger Kraftronic
- Staubsauger Lavorwash
- Staubsauger Lidl
- Staubsauger Mamibot
- Staubsauger Maxcom
- Staubsauger Maxxworld
- Staubsauger Moneual
- Staubsauger Numatic
- Staubsauger Oase
- Staubsauger Obi
- Staubsauger One Concept
- Staubsauger Onson
- Staubsauger Protool
- Staubsauger Rexair
- Staubsauger Robomop
- Staubsauger Robot
- Staubsauger Roidmi
- Staubsauger Rovus
- Staubsauger Royal
- Staubsauger Sebo
- Staubsauger Sinji
- Staubsauger Spit
- Staubsauger Sunny
- Staubsauger Taski
- Staubsauger Tesco
- Staubsauger Grunkel
- Staubsauger Tower
- Staubsauger Turbotronic
- Staubsauger Ulsonix
- Staubsauger Velda
- Staubsauger Weasy
- Staubsauger Xsquo
- Staubsauger Zepter
- Staubsauger WAGAN
- Staubsauger Oreck
- Staubsauger Aroma
- Staubsauger ProTeam
- Staubsauger Avanti
- Staubsauger Kunft
- Staubsauger Becken
- Staubsauger Nevir
- Staubsauger Hutt
- Staubsauger Winia
- Staubsauger Girmi
- Staubsauger Zeegma
- Staubsauger Lenoxx
- Staubsauger Heissner
- Staubsauger Pure Clean
- Staubsauger Meister Craft
- Staubsauger JCB
- Staubsauger Clarke
- Staubsauger Flama
- Staubsauger Beam
- Staubsauger Airflo
- Staubsauger Malmbergs
- Staubsauger Fantom
- Staubsauger Ubbink
- Staubsauger Canvac
- Staubsauger Gtech
- Staubsauger Truper
- Staubsauger Sanitaire
- Staubsauger Hamron
- Staubsauger Husky
- Staubsauger Monzana
- Staubsauger E.ziclean
- Staubsauger Simplicity
- Staubsauger Minuteman
- Staubsauger Leman
- Staubsauger JASHEN
- Staubsauger Di4
- Staubsauger Redline
- Staubsauger Somela
- Staubsauger Full Boar
- Staubsauger Khind
- Staubsauger Riccar
- Staubsauger Pontec
- Staubsauger Koblenz
- Staubsauger Hiberg
- Staubsauger JIMMY
- Staubsauger G-Technology
- Staubsauger Kobold
- Staubsauger Stilevs
- Staubsauger Tineco
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Neueste Bedienungsanleitung für -Kategorien-
16 Oktober 2024
16 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024
15 Oktober 2024