Clas Ohlson SK-038BT Bedienungsanleitung
Clas Ohlson
Lesen Sie kostenlos die đ deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĂŒr Clas Ohlson SK-038BT (11 Seiten) in der Kategorie Tastaturen. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĂŒr 24 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
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GREAT BRITAIN âą customer service
tel: 020 8247 9300 10 â 13 Market Place, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1JZe-mail internet postal
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Ver. 20171106
Mini Bluetooth Keyboard 18-8401 Model SK-038BT
38-6372 SK-038BT
Please read theîentire instruction manual before using theîproduct and then save
it for future reference. We reserve theîright for any errors in text or images and any
necessary changes made to technicalîdata. In theîevent of technical problems or
other queries, please contact our Customer Services.
âą Do not subject theîkeyboard to knocks andîblows.
âą Do not place theîkeyboard where there is aîrisk that it may fall into water or
other liquids.
âą Do not plug in or unplug theîUSB cable with wetîhands.
âą Do not place theîkeyboard close to aîstrong heat source or expose it to
direct sunlight for prolonged periods.
âą Never attempt to tamper with, repair or modify theîkeyboard in anyîway.
Theîbuilt-in battery cannot be replaced.
âą Use only theîincluded USB cable for charging theîkeyboard.
Buttons and functions
Establishing aîBluetooth connection with aîcomputer,
tablet or mobileîphone
wonât turnîon.
Theîbattery in theîkeyboard might be discharged, charge
âą Make sure that aîBluetooth connection has been
properly established. Referîto theîEstablishing
aîBluetooth connection... sectionîabove.
âą Make sure that no other wireless devices are
interfering with theîwireless keyboard connection.
âą If theîdevice that you are attempting to connect
theîkeyboard to is already connected to another
Bluetooth device, this may impair or prevent
theîkeyboard from pairing with theîdevice.
Disconnect theîother (disrupting) wireless device.
Certain special
character keys
do notîwork.
âą If any of theîkeys do not seem to work when using
theîkeyboard, it could mean that theîsettings in your
smartphone or tablet are not correctlyîset. Checkîthat
theîlanguage setting is correct,îe.g. English UK.
âą Theîkeyboard language settings can be found under
Settings/My Device/Language and input language.
Clickîon theîcog symbol to theîright of Samsung
Keyboard/Input language.
âą Keyboard language settings are listed under Settings/
General/Keyboard/Keyboard/. Theîcurrent language
setting will be displayed. Clickîon theîdesired
language to change.
Responsible disposal
1. Micro-USB charger port connection
2. [ OFF/ON ] Power switch
3. LED indicator. Shines red while theîbattery is charging and goes out when
theîbattery is fully charged.
4. LED indicator. Flashes blue when theîkeyboard is detectable for other
Bluetooth devices.
5. LED indicator. Shines blue when theî[ Caps Lock ] button is pressed.
Operating instructions
1. Connect theîUSB cable to aîcomputer or other USB charging device.
Theîred LED indicator (3) will come on to show that charging is in progress.
Note: Theîkeyboard should be charged for at least 4 hours before it is used
for theîïŹrst time and even when it is used again after aîlong period of disuse.
2. When theîLED indicator goes out, theîkeyboard is fully charged.
1. Set the [ OFF/ON ] switch (2) on theîkeyboard
to theî position.ON
5. Aîpassword will now appear on
your device. Writeîtheîpassword on
theîkeyboard and press [ ENTER ].
Theîtwo devices will now connect (pair)
with eachîother.
2. TheîLED Bluetooth connection indicator (4)
ïŹashes blue to indicate that theîkeyboard is
detectable for other devices (hold down [ Fn ]
and [ F1 ] simultaneously for one second if
theîLED indicator does not ïŹash to indicate that
theîkeyboard is detectable).
6. Theîdevices are now paired.
3. Activate Bluetooth on theîdevice you intend to connect to theîkeyboard.
Referîto theîinstruction manual of your device for further clariïŹcation if you
are unsure.
4. Theîkeyboard will now appear on your device as âBluetoothîv3.0 Keyboardâ,
âą Theîkeyboard can only be paired with one device at aîtime.
âą If, for example, you have theîkeyboard paired with your iPad and then decide
to pair it with your mobile phone or computer instead, you canât just reactivate
theîprevious connection to yourîiPad. Youîwill have to delete theîkeyboard
(Bluetoothîv3.0 Keyboard) from theîlist of Bluetooth devices connected to
your iPad and then carry out aînew Bluetooth device search to re-establish
âą Theîkeyboard will automatically go into sleep mode after 8 min of inactivity in
order to save battery life. Theîkeyboard will reactivate as soon as any key is
pressed. It will then take about 10 sec* before theîconnection is re-established
between theîkeyboard and your device.
Note: Longer periods of inactivity may also cause your deviceâs Bluetooth
function to go into sleep mode. It can then take about 20â120 sec* before
theîconnection is re-established between theîkeyboard and your device.
*Time varies between different Bluetooth chips.
Care and maintenance
Wipe theîkeyboard clean with aîdry cloth as and when required.
This symbol indicates that this product should not be disposed
of with general household waste. This applies throughout
theîentire EU. In order to prevent any harm to theîenvironment or
health hazards caused by incorrect waste disposal, theîproduct
must be handed in for recycling so that theîmaterial can be
disposed of in aîresponsible manner. When recycling your
product, take it to your local collection facility or contact
theîplace of purchase. They will ensure that theîproduct is
disposed of in anîenvironmentally sound manner.
Bluetooth 3.0
Size 31îĂî11.3îĂî0.7îcm

SVERIGE âą kundtjĂ€nst tel. 0247/445 00 0247/445 09 Clas Ohlson AB, 793 85 INSJĂNfax e-post internet brev
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Bluetooth-minitangentbord 18-8401 Modell SK-038BT
38-6372 SK-038BT
LÀs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före anvÀndning och spara den sedan
för framtidaîbruk. Viîreserverar oss förîev. text- och bildfel samt Ă€ndringar av
tekniskaîdata. Vidîtekniska problem eller andra frĂ„gor, kontakta vĂ„r kundtjĂ€nst.
⹠UtsÀtt inte tangentbordet för slag och stötar.
âą Placera inte tangentbordet sĂ„ att det kan falla ner iîvatten eller annan vĂ€tska.
⹠Koppla inte i eller ur USB-kabeln om du Àr fuktig om hÀnderna.
⹠Placera inte tangentbordet nÀra en stark vÀrmekÀlla, lÀgg det inte heller
iîihĂ„llande solsken under enîlĂ€ngre period.
âą Försök inte ta isĂ€r, reparera eller modiïŹera tangentbordet pĂ„ nĂ„gotîsĂ€tt.
Tangentbordets fabriksmonterade batteri gĂ„r inte att bytaîut.
⹠AnvÀnd endast medföljande USB-kabel vid laddning.
Knappar och funktioner
Bluetooth-anslutning till dator, surfplatta
gÄr inte att
Tangentbordets batteri kan vara urladdat, ladda batteriet.
⹠FörsÀkra dig om att Bluetooth-anslutningen Àr korrekt
utförd. Seîbruksanvisningenîovan.
⹠Kontrollera att ingen annan trÄdlös utrustning stör
tangentbordets anslutning.
⹠Om den enhet som du försöker ansluta tangentbordet
till redan Àr ansluten till nÄgon annan Bluetooth-enhet
kan detta störa eller omöjliggöra att tangentbordet kan
anslutas. Koppla frĂ„nîev. annan trĂ„dlös utrustning.
, Ă, Ă, Ă, Ă
fungerarîinte. âą Om knapparna Ă
, Ă, Ă, Ă, Ă inte fungerar nĂ€r
tangentbordet anvĂ€nds till enîsurfplatta eller telefon
beror det pÄ att tangentbordssprÄket inte Àr korrekt
instĂ€llt iîsurfplattan eller telefonen.
⹠InstÀllningar för tangentbordssprÄk ligger under
InstÀllningar/(Min enhet)/SprÄk och inmatning/.
Klicka pÄ kugghjulet till höger om Samsung
⹠InstÀllningar för tangentbordssprÄk ligger under
Detîaktuella sprĂ„ketîvisas. KlickaîpĂ„ sprĂ„ket för
OvanstĂ„ende instĂ€llning av Ă
, Ă, Ă, Ă och Ă kan ocksĂ„
utföras pÄ andra modeller av surfplattor och telefoner.
Vanligtvis ligger denna funktion under âSprĂ„k och inmatningâ
iîenhetens instĂ€llningar.
1. Micro-USB-anslutning för laddkabel
2. [ OFF/ON ] Av/pÄ
3. LED-indikator. Lyserîmed rött sken nĂ€r laddning pĂ„gĂ„r, slocknar nĂ€r batteriet
Ă€r fulladdat.
4. LED-indikator. Blinkar med blÄtt sken nÀr tangentbordet Àr upptÀckbart för
andra Bluetooth-enheter.
5. LED-indikator. Lyserîmed blĂ„tt sken nĂ€r [ Caps Lock ] Ă€r intryckt.
1. Anslut den medföljande USB-kabeln till dator (eller annan USB-laddare).
Denîröda LED-indikatorn (3) tĂ€nds, vilket indikerar att laddningîpĂ„gĂ„r.
Obs! Laddaîupp tangentbordets batteri helt innan det ska anvĂ€ndas första
gÄngen och nÀr det börjar anvÀndas igen efter att ha legat oanvÀnt under
enîlĂ€ngre period.
2. NÀr LED-indikatorn slocknar Àr tangentbordet fulladdat.
1. StĂ€ll [ OFF/ON ] (2) pĂ„ tangentbordet iîlĂ€ge ON.
5. Ettîlösenord visas pĂ„ dinîenhet.
Skrivîlösenordet pĂ„ tangentbordet,
avsluta med [ ENTER ]. Enheterna
ansluter till varandra.
2. LED-indikatorn för Bluetooth-anslutning
(4) blinkar med blÄtt sken vilket indikerar
att tangentbordet Àr upptÀckbart för andra
enheter (hÄll in [ Fn ] och [ F1 ] samtidigt
iîenîsekund om LED-indikatorn inte blinkar
för att göra tangentbordet upptÀckbart).
6. Enheterna Àr nu hopparade.
3. Aktivera Bluetooth pÄ den enhet som du avser att ansluta till tangentbordet.
Seîbruksanvisningen för din enhet om du Ă€r osĂ€ker.
4. NĂ€r tangentbordet visas pĂ„ din enhet, det heter âBluetoothîv3.0 Keyboardâ,
sĂ„ vĂ€ljer duîdet.
âą Tangentbordet kan endast vara anslutet till enîenhet iîtaget.
âą Om duît.ex. haft tangentbordet anslutet till din iPad och sedan vĂ€ljer
att ansluta det till enîmobiltelefon eller dator sĂ„ kan du inte automatiskt
Ă„teransluta till din iPadîigen. DuîmĂ„ste ta bort tangentbordet (Bluetoothîv3.0
keyboard) frĂ„n anslutna Bluetooth-enheter iîdin iPad, göra enîny sökning
efter Bluetooth-enheter och sedan ansluta tangentbordet pĂ„înytt.
⹠Tangentbordet gÄr automatiskt ner i vilolÀge efter 8 min inaktivitet för att
spara batteriet. NĂ€r valfri tangent trycks in aktiveras tangentbordet igen.
Det tar dÄ ca 10 sek* innan kontakten mellan tangentbordet och din enhet
har ÄterupprÀttats.
Obs! Vid lÀngre inaktivitet kan Àven Bluetooth-funktionen i din enhet gÄ
ner i vilolĂ€ge. Detta gör att det kan ta 20â120 sek* innan kontakten mellan
tangentbordet och din enhet har ÄterupprÀttats.
*Tiden varierar mellan olika Bluetooth-chip.
Skötsel och underhÄll
Torka av tangentbordet med enîtorr trasa vidîbehov.
Denna symbol innebÀr att produkten inte fÄr kastas tillsammans
med annat hushÄllsavfall. Detta gÀller inom hela EU. För att
förebygga eventuell skada pÄ miljö och hÀlsa, orsakad av
felaktig avfallshantering, ska produkten lÀmnas till Ätervinning
sÄ att materialet kan tas omhand pÄ ett ansvarsfullt sÀtt.
NÀr du lÀmnar produkten till Ätervinning, anvÀnd dig av de
returhanteringssystem som ïŹnns dĂ€r du beïŹnner dig eller
kontakta inköpsstÀllet. De kan se till att produkten tas om
hand pÄ ett för miljön tillfredstÀllande sÀtt.
Bluetooth 3.0
MĂ„tt 31îĂî11,3îĂî0,7 cm
Marke: | Clas Ohlson |
Kategorie: | Tastaturen |
Modell: | SK-038BT |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
Wenn Sie Hilfe mit Clas Ohlson SK-038BT benötigen, stellen Sie unten eine Frage und andere Benutzer werden Ihnen antworten
Bedienungsanleitung Tastaturen Clas Ohlson

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