Yamaha NTX500 Bedienungsanleitung

Yamaha Gitarre NTX500

Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Yamaha NTX500 (5 Seiten) in der Kategorie Gitarre. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 5 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

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Thank you for choosing a Yamaha electric-acoustic guitar.
In order to make the most of the advanced features and performance provided by your
guitar, please read this manual carefully before using the instrument.
Note that this manual covers only the electronic parts of this product. For information on
the other non-electronic parts, refer to the separate Acoustic Guitar Owner’s Manual.
Electric Acoustic Guitar
System73 Owner’s Manual
Please keep this manual in a safe and handy place for future reference.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of serious injury
or even death from electrical shock, short-circuiting, damages, fire or other hazards. These
precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:
Do not open
This instrument contains no user-serviceable parts. Do not open the instrument or attempt to
disassemble or modify the internal components in any way. If it should appear to be malfunction-
ing, discontinue use immediately and have it inspected by qualified Yamaha service personnel.
Water warning
Do not expose the instrument to rain, use it near water or in damp or wet conditions, place it on any
containers (such as vases, bottles, or glasses) containing liquids that might spill into any openings. If
any liquid such as water seeps into the instrument, turn off the power immediately and have the instru-
ment inspected by qualified Yamaha service personnel.
If you notice any abnormality
When one of the following problems occur, immediately turn off the power and remove all batteries
from the instrument, then have the instrument inspected by Yamaha service personnel.
- It emits unusual smells or smoke.
- Some object has been dropped into the instrument.
- There is a sudden loss of sound during use of the instrument.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of physical injury to
you or others, or damage to the instrument or other property. These precautions include, but are
not limited to, the following:
Before connecting the instrument to other electronic components, turn off the power for all components.
Before turning the power on or off for all components, set all volume levels to minimum.
Be sure to set the volumes of all components at their minimum levels and gradually raise the
volume controls while playing the instrument to set the desired listening level.
Do not place the instrument in an unstable position where it might accidentally fall over.
Handling caution
Do not rest your weight on, or place heavy objects on the instrument, and do not use exces-
sive force on the buttons, switches or connectors.
Do not use the instrument/device or headphones for a long period of time at a high or uncom-
fortable volume level, since this can cause permanent hearing loss. If you experience any
hearing loss or ringing in the ears, consult a physician.
* Yamaha cannot be held responsible for damage caused by improper use or modifications
to the instrument, or data that is lost or destroyed.
* Information on the battery can be found in the section at the end of this sheet.
* Please read the instruction manual for the external audio device such as a guitar ampli-
fier, etc., prior to use.
Battery Holder
Control Section
Output Jack
(with power switch function)
Pickup Section
The built-in preamplifier is automatically turned ON when a guitar cable is
connected to the output jack. The tuner can be turned on or off anytime.
VOL Control
Controls the volume. Turning the knob fully counterclockwise sets the volume to zero.
BATT. (Battery Check) Indicator
This indicator will light when the battery needs to be replaced. Please replace the bat-
tery as soon as possible when the BATT. indicator lights.
*The battery check indicator may light momentarily when the TUNER switch is
3-Band Equalizer
The knob positions in the figure show the flat level setting. Turn clockwise to boost, or
counter clockwise to cut.
LOW : Boosts or cuts the level of the low frequencies.
MID : Boosts or cuts the level of the middle frequencies. The AMF control r adjusts
the center frequency of the band affected by this control.
HIGH : Boosts or cuts the level of the high frequencies.
AMF (Adjustable Mid Frequency) Control
Sets the center frequency of the band of frequencies affected by the MID equalizer
control. The range is from 80 Hz to 5 kHz.
Tuner Display
Displays tuner information.
TUNER Switch
Switches the tuner ON/OFF.
System: System73 Pickup: Bar Sensor (Piezo type) Preamplifier Controls:
Vol., 3-Band EQ (HIGH, MID, LOW), AMF control, TUNER Output Jack: Combination end
pin/power switch Output Impedance:
1kΩ Batteries: Size AA alkaline battery (LR6)
x2 Battery Life: Approx. 180 hours (Without tuner and using alkaline batteries. May differ
due to operating conditions.) Tuner: Chromatic type (12 semi-tones), A4=440Hz, Accuracy
range +/ 3 cents Accessories: Neck adjustment hex-wrench x1
Press and hold the TUNER switch until the display lights to switch the tuner
power ON.
w Tune the guitar string until the note name of the desired pitch appears in the display.
e The string is in tune when only the lamp lights in the center of the display.
r Press the TUNER switch again to switch the tuner power OFF. Also, if the note name is not
shown in the display for more than 1 minute, the power will automatically switch OFF.
( display goes off)
*Thenotenameand displaysmayhavedifcultykeepingupwithirregular
Pitch is low g g
g In Tune f f
f Pitch is high
Release Lever
Battery Holder
battery x2
As battery power becomes low, the battery check indicator will light. Replace the batteries
as soon as possible.
q Press the release lever on the battery case in the di-
rection indicated by the arrow in the illustration in
order to unlock it, and then slide out the battery holder.
w Remove the old batteries from the battery holder, and
insert the two new size AA alkaline batteries. Make
sure that the poles on the batteries are properly posi-
tioned as shown in the diagram inside of the holder.
e Slide the battery holder back into the battery case and
press rmly so that the battery holder locks in place.
ZX40690 版次 R0
警告 この表示内容を無視した取り扱いをすると、
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of serious
injury or even death from electrical shock, short-circuiting, damages, fire or other
hazards. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:
Follow the precautions below. Failure to do so might result in explosion, fire, overheating
or battery fluid leakage.
- Do not tamper with or disassemble batteries.
- Do not dispose of batteries in fire.
- Do not attempt to recharge batteries that are not designed to be charged.
- Keep the batteries separate from metallic objects such as necklaces, hairpins, coins,
and keys.
- Use the specified battery type only.
- Use new batteries, all of which are the same type, same model, and made by the same
- Always make sure all batteries are inserted in conformity with the +/- polarity markings.
- When the batteries run out, or if the instrument is not to be used for a long time,
remove the batteries from the instrument.
Do not carry or store batteries with other metal objects such as necklaces, hairpins,
metal coins, or keys.
If the batteries do leak, avoid contact with the leaked fluid. If the battery fluid should come
in contact with your eyes, mouth, or skin, wash immediately with water and consult a doc-
tor. Battery fluid is corrosive and may possibly cause loss of sight or chemical burns.
Make sure to discard used batteries according to local regulations.
Attenersi sempre alle precauzioni di base indicate di seguito per evitare il rischio
di lesioni gravi o addirittura di morte conseguente a scosse elettriche, cortocircuiti,
danni, incendi o altri pericoli. Tali precauzioni includono, fra le altre, quelle indica-
te di seguito:
Attenersi alle precauzioni indicate di seguito. In caso contrario, si potrebbero causare
esplosioni, incendi, surriscaldamento o fuoriuscite di liquido dalle batterie.
- Non manomettere né disassemblare le batterie.
- Non smaltire le batterie nel fuoco.
- Non ricaricare batterie non ricaricabili.
Tenere le batterie lontane da oggetti metallici come collane, fermacapelli, monete e chiavi.
- Utilizzare solo il tipo di batterie specificato.
- Utilizzare batterie nuove, tutte dello stesso tipo, modello e produttore.
- Assicurarsi che tutte le batterie siano inserite nel rispetto delle indicazioni di polarità +/-.
- In caso di esaurimento delle batterie o se si prevede di non utilizzare lo strumento per
molto tempo, rimuovere le batterie dallo strumento.
Conservare le batterie lontano dalla portata dei bambini, che potrebbero ingerirle acci-
In caso di fuoriuscite, evitare il contatto con il liquido delle batterie. Se il liquido delle
batterie viene a contatto con gli occhi, la bocca o la cute, lavare immediatamente con
acqua e rivolgersi a un medico. Il liquido delle batterie è corrosivo e potrebbe causare la
perdita della vista o ustioni chimiche.
Smaltire le batterie esauste in conformità alle normative locali.
電池はすべて+ / -の極性表
Veillez à toujours observer les précautions élémentaires énumérées ci-après pour
éviter de graves blessures, voire la mort, en raison d'une électrocution, d'un court-
circuit, de dégâts, d'un incendie ou de tout autre risque. La liste de ces précautions
n'est pas exhaustive :
Veillez à respecter les précautions détaillées ci-après. Le non respect de ces instruc-
tions risque de provoquer une explosion, un incendie ou une fuite du liquide des piles.
- N'altérez pas les piles et n'essayez pas de les démonter.
- Ne jetez pas les piles au feu.
- Ne tentez pas de recharger une pile non rechargeable.
- Gardez les piles éloignées des objets métalliques tels que les colliers, les épingles à
cheveux, les pièces de monnaie ou les clés.
- Utilisez uniquement le type de pile spécifié.
- Veillez à utiliser des piles neuves, de type et de modèle identiques, issues du même
- Prenez soin de respecter la polarité (+/-) lors de la mise en place des piles.
- Lorsque les piles sont épuisées ou en cas de non-utilisation de l'instrument pendant
une durée prolongée, retirez les piles de l'instrument.
Conservez les piles hors de portée des enfants car ceux-ci risquent de les avaler.
En cas de fuite du liquide des piles, évitez tout contact avec ce liquide. En cas de contact
avec les yeux, la bouche ou la peau, rincez immédiatement à l'eau claire et consultez un
médecin. Le liquide présent dans la pile est corrosif et peut provoquer la cécité ou des
brûlures chimiques.
Veiller à éliminer les piles usagées selon les réglementations locales.
Beachten Sie stets die nachstehend aufgelisteten Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, umgliche
schwere Verletzungen oder sogar tödliche Unfälle infolge eines elektrischen Schlags, von
Kurzschlüssen, Feuer oder anderen Gefahren zu vermeiden. Zu diesen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen
gehören die folgenden Punkte, die jedoch keine abschließende Aufzählung darstellen:
Beachten Sie die folgenden Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Bei Missachtung der Maßnahmen
könnte es zu einer Explosion oder einem Brand kommen oder Batterieflüssigkeit auslaufen.
- Manipulieren Sie Batterien nicht und nehmen Sie sie nicht auseinander.
- Werfen Sie Batterien nicht ins Feuer.
- Versuchen Sie niemals, Batterien aufzuladen, die nicht zum mehrfachen Gebrauch
und Nachladen vorgesehen sind.
- Bewahren Sie die Batterien nicht zusammen mit metallischen Gegenständen wie
Halsketten, Haarnadeln, Münzen und Schlüsseln auf.
- Verwenden Sie ausschließlich den angegebenen Batterietyp.
- Verwenden Sie neue Batterien, die alle vom gleichen Typ, Modell und Hersteller sind.
- Vergewissern Sie sich stets, dass alle Batterien gemäß den Polaritätskennzeichnun-
gen (+/-) eingelegt sind.
- Wenn die Batterien leer sind oder Sie das Instrument längere Zeit nicht nutzen wer-
den, entnehmen Sie die Batterien aus dem Instrument.
Halten Sie Batterien von kleinen Kindern fern, die sie versehentlich verschlucken könnten.
Wenn die Batterien leck sind, vermeiden Sie jede Berührung mit der ausgetretenen Flüs-
sigkeit. Wenn die Batterieflüssigkeit mit Augen, Mund oder Haut in Kontakt kommt, bitte
sofort mit Wasser auswaschen und einen Arzt aufsuchen. Batterieflüssigkeit ist ätzend und
kann zum Verlust des Augenlichts oder zu chemischen Verbrennungen führen.
Achten Sie darauf, dass gebrauchte Batterien den geltenden Bestimmungen gemäß
entsorgt werden.
Во избежание получения серьезных травм вплоть до наступления смерти от удара
электрическим током, а также во избежание короткого замыкания, повреждения
оборудования, пожара и других инцидентов, всегда соблюдайте основные правила
безопасности, перечисленные далее. Они включают принятие следующих мер (не
ограничиваясь ими):
Выполняйте указанные ниже меры предосторожности. Несоблюдение этих мер может
привести к взрыву, возгоранию, перегреву или вытеканию электролита из батарей.
- Не портите умышленно и не разбирайте батареи.
- Не бросайте батареи в огонь.
- Не пытайтесь перезаряжать батареи, не предназначенные для перезарядки.
- Хранитебатареиотдельноотметаллическихпредметов,такихкакожерелья,заколки, монеты
и ключи.
- Используйте только батареи указанного типа.
- При применении новых батарей устанавливайте батареи одинакового типа и одинаковой
модели, изготовленные одним производителем.
- Обязательно устанавливайте батареи согласно маркировке, соблюдая полярность.
- При разрядке батарей или если инструмент не будет использоваться в течение
длительного времени, выньте их из инструмента во избежание вытекания электролита.
Храните батареи в недоступном для детей месте.
Если батареи все же протекли, избегайте контакта с вытекшим электролитом. В случае
попадания электролита в глаза, рот или на кожу, немедленно смойте электролит водой и
обратитесь к врачу. Электролит, используемый в батареях, – это агрессивное вещество,
способное вызвать потерю зрения или химические ожоги.
Утилизацию использованных батарей необходимо выполнять в соответствии с
действующим местным законодательством.
Siga siempre las precauciones básicas detalladas a continuación para prevenir la
posibilidad de lesiones graves, o incluso la muerte, por descargas eléctricas, corto-
circuitos, daños, incendios u otros peligros. Estas precauciones incluyen, aunque
no de forma exclusiva, las siguientes:
Tenga en cuenta las advertencias que se indican a continuación. Si no fuera así, podría
producirse una explosión, un incendio, un recalentamiento o fugas.
- No manipule ni desmonte las pilas.
- No tire pilas al fuego.
- No intente recargar pilas que no sean recargables.
- Mantenga las pilas separadas de objetos metálicos como collares, horquillas, mone-
das y llaves.
- Utilice el tipo de pila especificado.
- Utilice pilas nuevas, todas del mismo tipo, del mismo modelo y del mismo fabricante.
- Asegúrese siempre de que todas las pilas estén colocadas conforme a las marcas de
polaridad +/-.
- Cuando se agoten las pilas o no se vaya a utilizar el instrumento durante mucho
tiempo, quite las pilas del instrumento.
No deje las pilas cerca de niños pequeños que puedan tragarlas accidentalmente.
Si las pilas tienen alguna fuga, evite el contacto con el fluido derramado. Si el fluido de
la pila entra en contacto con los ojos, la boca o la piel, lávese inmediatamente con agua
y consulte a un médico. El fluido de las pilas es corrosivo y puede causar pérdida de
visión o quemaduras químicas.
Asegúrese de desechar las pilas usadas de acuerdo con la normativa local.
Sempre observe as precauções básicas descritas a seguir para evitar a possibilidade
de sérios ferimentos ou mesmo a morte decorrentes de um choque elétrico, curto-
circuito, danos, incêndio ou outros perigos. Estas precauções incluem, entre outros:
Siga as precauções abaixo. Deixar de fazer isso pode provocar uma explosão, incêndio,
sobreaquecimento ou vazamento do fluido das pilhas.
- Não modifique nem desmonte pilhas.
- Não elimine pilhas ao fogo.
- Não tente recarregar pilhas que não foram projetadas para serem carregadas.
- Mantenha as pilhas separadas de objetos metálicos como colares, grampos de
cabelo, moedas e chaves.
- Use apenas o tipo de pilha especificado.
- Use pilhas novas, todas do mesmo tipo, mesmo modelo, e feitas pelo mesmo fabri-
- Certifique-se sempre de instalar todas as pilhas em conformidade com as marcações
de polaridade +/–.
- Quando as pilhas se esgotarem, ou se você não for usar o produto durante um longo
período de tempo, retire as pilhas do instrumento.
Não transporte nem guarde as pilhas com objetos metálicos como colares, grampos de
cabelo, moedas ou chaves.
Se as pilhas vazarem, evite o contato com o fluido vazado. Se o fluido de uma pilha entrar
em contato com seus olhos, boca ou pele, lave a parte afetada imediatamente com água
e procure um médico. O fluido das pilhas é corrosivo e pode provocar a perda da visão ou
queimaduras químicas.
Certifique-se de eliminar pilhas usadas de acordo com os regulamentos locais.


Marke: Yamaha
Kategorie: Gitarre
Modell: NTX500

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