Kicker ZK 500 Bedienungsanleitung
ZK 500
Lesen Sie kostenlos die đź“– deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĂĽr Kicker ZK 500 (4 Seiten) in der Kategorie Hi-Fi-Anlage. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĂĽr 41 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/4

©2007 Stillwater Designs

Docking uneYourZDevice
1. Choo dock se ht e a a td pter hat est b fits ne your Zu
d v c h b oe i e. See t e ta le bel w.
2 t e a a t t e. Attach h d pter o h ZK500’s a docking b y.
3. Connec v c h ’t your Zune de i e to t e ZK500 s dock
connec ot r.
4. Pl g t eu h power c oa t e Dble into h C input n t e h
b h .ack of t e ZK500
5. Pl g t e 2u h -prong electrical pl gu into a s urge
p o c c c .r te te eled tri al tlet ou
Th ck o e Ki er zKICK ZK500 Stere System for Zune is designe li in wit ned for v ’ loud h your Zu de i ev c in
t e e n e ih hom enviro ment. Th ZK500 is ll eat fu y f ured with dual full-range 5” (`127mm) K cker drivers and
3/4” ( k dom by po h d20 silmm) e tweeters ri d ven a wer li ier witful a mp f igital signal processing. The 6”
(15 mm) qu ub oof2 s are passiv e radiator (s w er) on t e h back of t eh ZK500 balan es nic h ot e s c output,
a t e n l wdding h pu chy o -fre resqu cy en ponse t t i s w n t e a e rhat pu K cker ub oofers o h m p. Th otar ntry co ol
an in rare all si strea line ntrd f d remote o wmple, m d co ol of your ZK500 Stere ste 00 o Sy m. The ZK5 can be
u x v c ose wit and h y e isting ne Zu de i e. In additi n t e a e, h ZK500 asts bo wid range nne of co ctivit tiy op ons
in ing site stere ts an an stere iliar includ a compo vi ed o output, o RCA outpu , d 1/8” o aux y put for
in rating iti nal es wit 00 Sterecorpo add o d v caudio/vi eo de i h your ZK5 o System.
Congratulations on your
KICKER purchase
P lease record your purchase
in ati an ee salesform o nd k p your
recei ali ati warrantpt for v d on of y.
Au ho ckt rized Ki er Dealer:
Pu chr ase Date:
Model Number:
Figure 2
Display 5” (127mm)
3/4” (20mm)
Silk Dome
IR Remote
Video Out
1/8” Stereo
Auxiliary Input
Stereo RCA
L R DC Power
22 Volts
Figure 3
I ImportantSafety nstructions
R o h o hea an lld d fo w all t e instr tiuc ns liste ind t is man al ll sa et an en ati nsu . Fo o w all f y d procedural recomm d o to prevent
d m a age to your self, your Kicker product, or your portable entertainm v cent de ie.
Th hou d d xpo o qu ude ZK500 s l n to b ue se near water or n w e in an enviro ment here s ture li i sd is possible. This incl es but
is o n t e l e txc usiv o areas ere hw splashing ri ing, d pp , , leaks s e s tpills an, d xpo ure o rain an c occur. L d coiqui ntainers dshoul
n to be placed on or t e S e S s l n t near h ZK500 Stereo ystem. Th ZK500 Stereo ystem hou d o be cleane wit lid h quid
cleaners se. U o dnly a ry c o c ZK5 . O y u ZK5 opl to h t lean ht e 00 nl se ht e 00 in areas ate with a ed qu en entilati wing v o n allo
at least all si es 00 set 00 4” of s a e np c o d of t eh ZK5 . Do n to ht e ZK5 on s r a e r t any u f c o cover h ce ZK500 wit anh y obje t
t l i e e t e l w t r t e S e s l n t e e s r ehat cou d mp d h airf o o and f om h ZK500 Stereo ystem. Th ZK500 hou d o b plac d y near an ou c
of h . Th bueat is in es clud t n t is o limited o ov , , d t st es radiators, heating elements electronic heat csour es, an areas hw ere
e e s e D n t t e e r e a e txcessiv olar heat an c b generated. o o install h ZK500 near any flam o plac any flamm ble obj cts near he
d v ce i e. The po ouwer tlet use wer 00 essi le at all ti es larid to provi ed po hto t e ZK5 should be acc b m . The po z oed 2-pr ng
ele tric cal pl gu has wi ade bla an narrd ed ow bla atd he t h d d o c vshould fit into t e correspon ing wi e an narrd w re ei ing
co o nnec oti ns of your electrical outlet. D n to forc he t e pl g t e t e l gu into h outlet. If h p u pr i e t eov d d h wit h unit es do n to fit,
co h cco d hou d y nsu lt wit an c c d h c cele tri ian to upgra e t e ele tri al outlet a rdingly. The power cor s ld be situate in a wa that
p o c r te ts it from being pin wal tri erched, ked on, pped ov , or a i r t e r t ecc dentall lley pu d f om h electrical tlet ou o h electrical
input on t e D n t r n t e h ZK500. o o u h ca t r g sble h ou h doorway or un e t l a t ederneath obj cts hat cou d d mage h wire or tear
t eh insulating material rr nl se usoun t eding h wire. O y u ht e manufa t s s l t e ec urer upplied power upp y h wit h ZK500. W
recommend using ua s rge pr t r n n l t eotec o /power co ditioner and u p ugging h ZK500 during an ele tri al st y c c o mr s or
sit ati se ati in ele tri steu ons at ht could cau voltage fluctu ons h t e c cal ysm.
Figure 1
The Zune Device should be mounted on the docking bay before
connecting any power cables to the Kicker Stereo System.
ZK500DockAd vapter ZuneDe iceModel
1. A Zune 30 Gb Digital Media Player
2 B .Zune 80 Gb Digital Media Player
3. C Zune 4, 8 Gb Digital Media Player
V isit to boulearn more a t
S n rou dgate p oduc joyts designed for en ing your Zune
d v c h v o m de i e in t e mobile en ir n ent. Soun gate
products off of op fo coer wi range ad e ti nsor nne tingc
your Zune de i e tv c o your fa t r sc o y car stereo ystem.
Skid Resistant/Non-Marking Feet
Serial Number:_________________________
Note: The ZK500 is compatib le with Zune Firmware Versi an Be ing neon 1.4 d beyond. fore dock your Zu de i e t t ev c o h ZK500 Stereo
S t t e s n ryste atem, upd o h latest ne Zu firmware by y cing you Zune de i e t r s e r t ev c o you Zune oftware and ch cking fo h most recent ates upd .
Note: To prevent vibration during playback, use the
enclosed vibration isotation pad as shown in Fig. 2.

Using Remotethe Control
The Infrare te ntr ena les ntr ned Remo Co o lb you to co ol your Zu de i e a t e Sv c and ccess h ZK500 ystem
M v o h u o enu from a con enient locati n. With t e fu y fll eat red remote contr l it is easy to access all of your
Zune de i ev c ’s r i e musi anc d/o v d o content.
4 5
Using ystemtheSMenuRotaryControl
The ZK500 Stereo m’Syste s r l otar ntry co o pr i e a e e Sov des an intuitiv user interf c . Th yste enm M u
options listed on t e h LCD display belo w are va ailable for a djustm h oent by t e r tary contro ol. The r tary
control kn a s n t n t e t s r t r g t e sob d is use as pu h-butto o power o h ZK500 and o c oll h ou h h menu
a n t e D svailable o h LC creen. Turning h ot e r tary contro ol knob all ws you t a t e t eo djust h parameters of h
sele te enc d m u.
Af upp y o C pu , ter pl t eugging h power s l int t e Dh in t o bn t e h ack of t eh ZK500 t eh unit will be in
“ p y h cStan asdby” mode, dis la ed by t e LCD s reen on h yt e S ste enm M u. Turn ht e po by puwer on shing
t e r l nh otar ntry co o butto on e t e n t t e i l gc . When h power is o , bo h h “K ck ” er o o and “Vol” will b de isplay de
o h yn t e S ste enm M u.
Volume: By def u h o a lt, t e ZK500 will be in ntr volume co l mode and “Vol” will be dis lap y hed on t e LCD
screen. Turn h ot e r tary k vo up o do . Th y conob o djut a st ht e lume r wn e r otar ntro l will ati all ua tom c y
revert ntr ter rt ti eri an er en to volume co o fl mode a a sho me p od if y oth m us ha ev been selected.
To s rc o h h hll t rough t e ot er men si se tar ntrus, mply u h ot e r y co o l as a pu . E bush-button ach single tton
pu h , ous will take you from one men neu to t eh xt r t rotating h gh Treb> >Aux-IBass n>Vo ck o l and ba t t eh
“Treb” treble control.
Treble: To adjust h t e treble on t e h ZK500 se, u t e r l a s n t s r t r g t eh otar ntry co o as pu h-butto o c oll h ou h h
m u hen s until t e “Treb” men is is lau d p y h ced on t e LCD s reen. Turn h ot e r tary contro ol knob clockwise t
in rease trec b b .le and counter wise-clock to reduce tre le
Bass: To adju h-bu o oust ht e bass level on t e h ZK500, use h ot e r tary contro l as a pus tto n t s r t rc oll h gh
t e sh menu until Bass en ht e “ ” m u is is la d p y h ced on t e LCD s reen. Turn h ot e r tary control knob
c c c .lockwise to in rease bass an nterd cou lockwise to ducre e bass
Auxiliary Input: To enab h hle t e aux y puiliar in t on t e ZK500 an ternal, xe de iv ce e must b pl t eugge intd o h
1/8” o ux y pu h-bu d stere a iliar in t o bn t e h ack of t eh unit. Use h ot e r tary contro l as a pus tto n an s rc oll
t r g t e sh ou h h menu until is is la “Aux-In” d p yed. Turn ht e r l otar ntry co o cl t t e aockwise o enable h uxiliary
in en iliar is ena le ste en will is laput. Wh h t e aux y b d, t e sh y m m u d p y “ON”. Turn h o ot e r tar ntry co l counter-
c b h lockwise to disa le t e aux y puiliar in t t e i e e t e a t and return o Zune d v c mod . When h ux y puiliar in is
d b h y pisa led, t e s ste en willm m u dis lay “--”.
Standby: In “Stan 00 will were wn nedby” mode, t eh ZK5 be po d do , but your docked Zu de i ev c will
continu e to charge o c u h h h .as l ng as a power sour e is pl gge intd o t e DC puin t on t e back of t e ZK500
To enter h o o ostandby mode si ressmply p and hold t e r tar ntry co l butt n until nit ht e u ut rns off and
“ p yStan isdby” dis la ed.
Speaker Design
Woofer Size, in (mm)
Tweeter Si ze, in (mm)
Tweeter Design
P vassi e Ra r ediato Siz , in (mm)
RMS Power, Watts @ 1% Total ar ni rti H mo c Disto on
Effe ectiv Frequency Range, Hz
Po uppwer S ly, Volts (Ampere)
H heig t, in (mm)
W di th, in (mm)
Depth, in (mm)
W h )eig t, lb (kg
2 - Way
5 (127)
3/4 (20)
Silk Dome
6 X 6 (15 X 152 2)
2 X 20
5 k0 - 20
22 (2 7. )
8.5 (216)
19.2 (488)
8.4 (214)
9.2 (4.2)
Bass Vol A x-Iu n
S dbtan y
C vonnectingExternalDe ices
To conne anc t xe ternal is la 00 is ena le ne vi ed o d p y to t eh ZK5 , ma e s t e i ek ure h v d o output b d on your Zu
d v c b h de i e. Ena ling t e vi eo out on your Zune de i e a av c m y require firmware upgra twared e. Check for sof
updates from of d t eh help menu of your Zune s tware with your de i ev c connecte to your computer’s USB
port. To ena leb h dt e vi eo ou , o Zutput n t e h ne de i ev c ’s main men sele settings is lau, c t>d p y>tv out. Turn
t e t t t n t a i e ah v ou setting o o . Connec standar sited RCA compo v d o c ble fr t e i eom h composite v d o
ou pu o o put t o bn t e h ack of t eh ZK500 t t eh RCA vi edin t on your e xternal vi ed o display. See Figure 3.
Th ouis is a pass- ht r gh connection. If there an le wit ternal is la are y prob m sh your e x vi ed o d p y, refer ot
t e e i eh Zune d v c man al instr ti ns age witu or t e h uc o pack d h your e i e e B xternal v d o display. Th 4 and 8 G
Zune digital me n t t t i e t r g t edia la p yers will o ou pu v d o h ou h h ZK500.
To conne an asc t xe ternal 00 ena le wit tar ntr v c haudio de i e to t e ZK5 , b Aux-In mode h t e rh o y co o l
p v c b c v v c h h hre iously des ri ed. Conne t your line le el de i e to t e 1/8” stere ino put on t e back of t e ZK500
wit Seeh t e l eh inc ud d a auxiliary c ble. Fig is ist rte erure h 2. If t e sound d o d, you may be ov d v hri ing t e
a tux y puiliar in . Tr t t e e e i e t e s n n ly urning wn do h xternal d v c until h ou d is o onger ist d orted.
Use the push-button selector
to turn on the ZK500 and
make menu selections.
Turn the rotary control to
adjust system menu
System Menu
Skip Forward
Hold down to Fast Forward
Skip Backward
Hold down to Rewind
Volume Up
Mute ZK500 Output.
Figure 4
Navigate to next Zune
Device menu directory
Navigate to previous Zune
device menu directory
Navigate within ZK500 System
Menu. Treble>Bass>Aux-in
Make selections and enter sub-
directories within Zune device
Navigate toward Zune
device root directory
Hold down to enter
ZK500 System Menu
Increase values within
ZK500 System Menu
Navigate upward through
Zune device menu directory
Press up arrow while in Aux-In
Menu to enable Aux-Input
Figure 5
Volume Down
Reduce values within
ZK500 System Menu
Navigate downward through
Zune device menu directory
Press down arrow while in Aux-In
Menu to disable Aux-Input
Hold down to turn the
ZK500 on/off
Use enter button to exit the
ZK500 System Menu.
Marke: | Kicker |
Kategorie: | Hi-Fi-Anlage |
Modell: | ZK 500 |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
Wenn Sie Hilfe mit Kicker ZK 500 benötigen, stellen Sie unten eine Frage und andere Benutzer werden Ihnen antworten
Bedienungsanleitung Hi-Fi-Anlage Kicker

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