Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D V1 Bedienungsanleitung

Fujifilm Digitaler Bilderrahmen FinePix REAL 3D V1

Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D V1 (44 Seiten) in der Kategorie Digitaler Bilderrahmen. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 37 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/44
Before You Begin
First Steps
Viewing Pictures
Owners Manual
Thank you for your purchase of this product. This
manual describes how to use your FUJIFILM FinePix
REAL 3D V1 digital viewer and the supplied software.
Be sure that you have read and understood its con-
tents before using the viewer.
For information on related products, visit our website at
More Menu Options
BL00969 -200 EN
For Your Safety
Read Instructions: All the safety
and operating instructions
should be read before the ap-
pliance is operated.
Retain Instructions: The safety
and operating instructions
should be retained for future
Heed Warnings: All warnings on
the appliance and in the op-
erating instructions should
be adhered to.
Follow Instructions: All oper-
ating and use instructions
should be followed.
Power Sources: This video prod-
uct should be operated only
from the type of power source
indicated on the marking label.
If you are not sure of the type
of power supply to your home,
consult your appliance dealer
or local power company. For
video products intended to
operate from battery power, or
other sources, refer to the op-
erating instructions.
Grounding or Polarization: This
video product is equipped with
a polarized alternating-current
line plug (a plug having one
blade wider than the other).
This plug will  t into the power
outlet only one way. This is a
safety feature. If you are unable
to insert the plug fully into the
outlet, try reversing the plug. If
the plug should still fail to t,
contact your electrician to re-
place your obsolete outlet. Do
not defeat the safety purpose
of the polarized plug.
Alternate Warnings: This video
product is equipped with a
three-wire grounding-type
plug, a plug having a third
(grounding) pin. This plug will
only t into a grounding-type
power outlet. This is a safety
feature. If you are unable to
insert the plug into the outlet,
contact your electrician to re-
place your obsolete outlet. Do
not defeat the safety purpose
of the grounding type plug.
Overloading: Do not overload
wall outlets and extension
cords as this can result in a risk
of re or electric shock.
Ventilation: Slots and openings
in the cabinet are provided for
ventilation, to ensure reliable
operation of the video product
and to protect it from overheat-
ing, and these openings must
not be blocked or covered.
The openings should never be
blocked by placing the video
product on a bed, sofa, rug, or
other similar surface.
This video product should not
be placed in a built-in installa-
tion such as a bookcase or rack
unless proper ventilation is pro-
vided or the manufacturer’s in-
structions have been adhered
to. This video product should
never be placed near or over a
radiator or heat register.
Attachments: Do not use attach-
ments not recommended by
the video product manufactur-
er as they may cause hazards.
Water and Moisture: Do not use
this video product near wa-
ter—for example, near a bath
tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or
laundry tub, in a wet basement,
or near a swimming pool, and
the like.
Power-Cord Protection: Power-
supply cords should be routed
so that they are not likely to be
walked on or pinched by items
placed upon or against them,
paying particular attention to
cords at plugs, convenience re-
ceptacles, and the point where
they exit from the appliance.
Accessories: Do not place this
video product on an unstable
cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or
table. The video product may
fall, causing serious injury to a
child or adult, and serious dam-
age to the appliance. Use only
with a cart, stand, tripod, brack-
et, or table recommended by
the manufacturer, or sold with
the video product. Any mount-
ing of the appliance should fol-
low the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions, and should use a
mounting accessory recom-
mended by the manufacturer.
An appliance
and cart
c o m b i n a -
tion should
be moved
with care.
Quick stops,
excessive force, and uneven
surfaces may cause the appli-
ance and cart combination to
Outdoor Antenna Grounding: If an
outside antenna or cable sys-
tem is connected to the video
product, be sure the antenna
or cable system is grounded
so as to provide some protec-
tion against voltage surges and
built-up static charges. Section
810 of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70, pro-
vides information with respect
to proper grounding of the
mast and supporting structure,
grounding of the lead-in wire
to an antenna discharge unit,
size of grounding conductors,
location of antenna discharge
unit, connection to grounding
electrodes, and requirements
for the grounding electrode.
Antenna Lead
in Wire
Power Service Grounding
Electrode System (NEC
ART 250. PART H)
Unit (NEC
Power Lines: An outside antenna
system should not be located in
the vicinity of overhead power
lines or other electric light or
power circuits, or where it can
fall into such power lines or cir-
cuits. When installing an out-
side antenna system, extreme
care should be taken to keep
from touching such power
lines or circuits as contact with
them might be fatal.
Cleaning: Unplug this video
product from the wall out-
let before cleaning. Do not
use liquid cleaners or aerosol
cleaners. Use a damp cloth for
Object and Liquid Entry: Never
push objects of any kind into
this video product through
openings as they may touch
dangerous voltage points or
short out parts that could re-
sult in a re or electric shock.
Never spill liquid of any kind on
the video product.
Lightning: For added protection
for this video product receiver
during a lightning storm, or
when it is left unattended and
unused for long periods of
time, unplug it from the wall
outlet and disconnect the an-
tenna or cable system. This will
prevent damage to the video
product due to lightning and
power-line surges.
Servicing: Do not attempt to ser-
vice this video product yourself
as opening or removing covers
may expose you to dangerous
voltage or other hazards. Refer
all servicing to quali ed service
Damage Requiring Service: Unplug
this video product from the wall
outlet and refer servicing to
quali ed service personnel un-
der the following conditions:
• When the power-supply cord
or plug is damaged.
• If liquid has been spilled, or
objects have fallen into the
video product.
• If the video product has been
exposed to rain or water.
• If the video product has been
dropped or the cabinet has
been damaged.
If the video product does not
operate normally follow the
operating instructions. Ad-
just only those controls that
are covered by the operating
instructions as an improper ad-
justment of other controls may
result in damage and will often
require extensive work by a
quali ed technician to restore
the video product to its normal
When the video product ex-
hibits a distinct change in
performance—this indicates a
need for service.
Replacement Parts: When re-
placement parts are required,
be sure the service technician
has used replacement parts
speci ed by the manufacturer
or have the same character-
istics as the original part. Un-
authorized substitutions may
result in  re, electric shock or
other hazards.
Safety Check: Upon completion
of any service or repairs to this
video product, ask the service
technician to perform safety
checks to determine that the
video product is in proper op-
erating condition.
For Your Safety
Be sure to read these notes before use
Safety Notes
Make sure that you use your viewer correctly. Read these safety notes and your Owner’s Manual carefully before use.
After reading these safety notes, store them in a safe place.
About the Icons
The icons shown below are used in this document to indicate the
severity of the injury or damage that can result if the information
indicated by the icon is ignored and the product is used incor-
rectly as a result.
This icon indicates that death or serious injury can result if the
information is ignored.
This icon indicates that personal injury or material damage can
result if the information is ignored.
The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of the
instructions which are to be observed.
Triangular icons tell you that this information requires attention
(“Impor tant”).
Circular icons with a diag onal bar tell you that the action indi-
cated is prohibited (“Prohibited”).
Filled circles with an exclamation mark indicate an action that
must be performed (“Requir ed).
Unplug from
power socket
If a problem arises, turn the device o and disconnect and unplug the AC
power adapter. Continued use of the device when it is emitting
smoke, is emitting any unusual odor, or is in any other abnormal
state can cause a re or electric shock. Contact your FUJIFILM
Do not allow water or for eign objects to enter the device. If water or
foreign objects get inside the dev ice, turn the device o and
disconnec t and unplug the AC power adapter. Continued use
of the device can cause a re or electric shock. Contact your
FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not use in
the bathroom
or shower
Do not use the devic e in the bathroom or shower. This c an cause a re
or electric shock.
Do not
Never attempt to change or take apart the de vice. (Never open the c asing.)
Do not use the device when i t has been dropped or the casing is damaged.
This can cause a re or e lec tric shock. Contact your FUJIFILM
Do not change, he at or unduly twis t or pull the connection cord and d o not
place heavy objects on the conne ction cord. These actions could dam-
age the cord and cause a  re or electr ic shock. If the cord is dam-
aged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not place the device on a n unsta ble surface. This can cause the de-
vice to f all or ti p over and cause inju ry.
Never attempt to view pictures while in m otion. Do not use the device
while you are walking or driving a vehic le. This can result in you
falling down or being involved in a tra c accident.
Do not touch any metal parts of the device during a thunde rstorm. This can
cause an electric shock due to induced current f rom the lightning
Do not use the battery e xcept as spe ci ed . Load the battery as shown
by the indicator.
Do not heat, change or take apart the batter y. Do not drop or subject the
batter y to imp acts. Do not store the battery with me tallic produc ts. Any
of these actions can cause the battery to burst or leak and cause
re or injury as a result.
Use only the A C power a dapters speci ed for use wit h this d evice . Do not use
voltage s othe r than the power supply voltage shown. The use of other
power sources c an cause a re.
If the battery leaks a nd  uid gets in contac t with your eye s, skin or clothing ,
ush the a ecte d area with clean water and seek m edica l attention or call an
emergency number right away.
When carrying the batter y, insta ll it in the remote control or keep i t in a
plastic ca se. Whe n storing the batt ery, keep it in a p lastic case. When dis-
carding , cover the bat tery terminals with insulation t ape. Contact with
other metallic obje cts or batteries co uld caus e the battery to
ignite or burs t.
Kee p memory ca rds out of the re ach of s mall children. Because memory
cards are small, they can be swallowed by children. Be sure to
store memory card s out of the reach of small children. If a child
swallows a memor y card, seek medi cal attention or call an emer-
gency number.
Do not use this device in locations a ect ed by oi l fume s, stea m, humidi ty or
dust. This can cause a  re or electric shock.
Do not leave this device in places subje ct to extrem ely high t emperatures .
Do not leave the device in locations such as a sealed vehicle or in
direct sunlight. This can cause a re.
Keep out of the reach of small children. This product could cause in-
jur y in the hands of a child.
Do not plac e heav y object s on the de vice. This can cause the heavy ob-
ject to tip over or fall and cause injur y.
Do not move the devi ce while the AC power adapte r is still connected. Do
not pull on t he connection cord to dis conne ct the AC power adap ter. This
can d amage the power cord or cables and cause a  re or electric
Do not cover or wrap the device or the AC powe r adap ter in a c loth or blan-
ket. This can caus e heat to bui ld up and distor t the casing or
caus e a  re.
When you ar e cleaning the device or you do not plan to us e the device for a n
ex tended pe riod, disconnect and unplug t he AC power adapter. Failure to
do so can cause a re or electric shock.
When a memory card is rem oved, the card could come out of the slot too
quickly. Us e your  nger to hold it and gently release the card.
Req uest regular internal testing and cleaning f or the d evice. Build-up of
dust i n the device can cause a  re or electric shock. Contact your
FUJIFILM dealer to request internal cleaning every two years.
Please note that this service is not f ree of charge.


Marke: Fujifilm
Kategorie: Digitaler Bilderrahmen
Modell: FinePix REAL 3D V1
Bildschirmauflösung: 800 x 600 Pixel
Bildschirmdiagonale: 8 Zoll
Breite: 216 mm
Tiefe: 30.9 mm
Gewicht: 630 g
Produktfarbe: Schwarz
Höhe: 162 mm
Energiequelle: AC
AC Eingangsspannung: 100 - 240 V
AC Eingangsfrequenz: 50 - 60 Hz
Fernbedienung enthalten: Ja
Stromverbrauch (Standardbetrieb): 9 W
Helligkeit: 250 cd/m²
Unterstützte Videoformate: AVI
Kompatible Speicherkarten: SD,SDHC,xD
RAM-Speicher: 512 MB
Seitenverhältnis: 4:3
Display-Auflösung: 800 x 600 Pixel

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