Apple AirPods 2 Bedienungsanleitung

Apple Ohrhörer AirPods 2

Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Apple AirPods 2 (16 Seiten) in der Kategorie Ohrhörer. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 32 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/16
Safety and handling
Important safety information
Handl e AirPods and case with care . They
contain sensitive electronic components,
including batteries, and can be damaged,
impair functionality, or cause injury if dropped,
burned, punctured, crushed, disassembled,
or if exposed to excessive heat or liquid or
to environments having high concentrations
of industrial chemicals, including near
evaporating liquified gasses such as helium.
Don’t use damaged AirPods or case.
Blue tooth®
To turn off Bl ue tooth on AirPod s, put th em
in th e case, close th e lid, and unplug the
Lightning to USB Cable from th e ca se.
Don’t attempt to rep la ce AirPods or case
batteries yourself—you may damage the
batteries, which could cause overheating
and injury.
Charge the case with the charging cable
and a power adapter or computer or, for the
wireless charging case, by placing the case
with status light facing up on a compatible
wireless charger. Only charge with an adapter
that is compliant with applicable countr y
regulations and international and regional
safety standards, including the International
Standard for Safety of I nformation Technology
Equipment (IEC 60950-1). Other adapters
may not meet applicable safety standards,
and charging with such adapters could pose a
risk of death or injury. Using damage d cabl es
or chargers, or charging when moisture is
present, can cause fire, electric shock, injury,
or damage to the case or other property. When
using a wireless charger, avoid placing metallic
fore ign objects on th e mat (for examp le, keys,
coins, batteries, or je welry), as th ey may
become warm or inter fere with charging.
Prolonged heat exposure
Avoid prolonged skin contact with a device,
its power adapter, the charging cable and
connector, or a wireless charger when plugged
into a power source, because it may cause
discomfort or injur y. For example, while the
case is charging using the charging cable and
a power adapter or, for the wireless charging
case, a wireless charger plugged into a power
source, don’t sit or sleep on the case, charging
cable, connector, power adapter, or wireless
charger, or place them under a blanket, pillow,
or your body. Take special care if you have a
physical condition th at affects your ability to
dete ct hea t aga inst your body.
Hearing loss
Listening to sound at high volumes may
permanently damage your hearing. Background
noise, a s we ll as continue d exposure to h ig h
volume levels, can make sounds seem quieter
than they actually are. Check the volume after
inserting AirPods in your ear and before playing
audio. For more information about hearing loss
and how to set a maximum volume limit, see
WARNING: To preven t possible
hearing damage, do not listen at
high vol ume leve ls for long periods.
Driving hazard
Use of AirPods wh ile operating a vehicle
is not recomm ende d and is illegal in som e
areas. Check and obey the applicable laws
and regulations on the use of earphones
while operating a ve hicle. B e careful and
attentive while driving. Stop listening to
you r audio d evice if yo u find it disruptive or
distracting while operating any type of vehicle
or performing any activity that requires your
full attention.
Choking hazard
AirPods and case may present a choking
hazard o r cause other injury to small childre n.
Keep them away from smal l children.
Medical device interference
AirPods and case contain components and
radios that emit electromagnetic fields.
AirPods and case also contain magnets.
These electromagnetic fields and magnets may
interfere with pacemakers, defibrillators, or
oth er medical d evices. Maintain a safe distanc e
of separation between your medical device and
AirPods an d case. Consult your p hysician and
medical device manufacturer for information
specific to your medical device. Stop using
AirPods an d case if you suspe ct they are
interfering with your pacemaker, defibrillator,
or any othe r medical device.
Skin irritation
Earphones can lead to ear infections if not
properly cleaned. Clean AirPods regularly with
a soft lint-free cl oth. D ont get m oisture in a ny
openings, or use aerosol sprays, solvents,
or ab ra sives. If a skin probl em de velops,
discontinue use. If the problem persists,
consult a physician.
Electrostatic shock
Whe n using AirPods in areas where the air is
very dry, it is e asy to build up static el ectricity
and possible fo r you r ears to receive a small
electrostatic discharge from AirPods. To
minimize the risk of electrostatic discharge,
avoid using AirPods in extre me ly dry
environments, or touch a grounded unpainted
metal ob je ct be fore inserting AirPods.
Important handling information
Discoloration of the Lightning connector
and/or of the bottom of the stem of your
AirPods after r egu lar use is normal. Dirt,
debris, an d exposure to moisture may ca use
discoloration. Before cleaning, remove
AirPods from case, and disconnect the
Lightn ing to USB Cable fr om both the case
and your computer or power adapter. Clean
the Lightning connector and the bottom of the
ste m of you r AirPods with a soft, d ry, lint-free
clo th. Do not u se liquids or cle aning p roducts.
For support and troubleshooting infor mation,
user discussion boards, and the latest
Apple software downloads, go to t.
curité et manipulation
Informations importantes relatives à la sécurité
Manipulez les AirPods et leur btier avec soin.
Ils contiennent des composants électroniques
sensibles, notamment des batteries, et
peuvent être endommagés, perturber le
bon fonctionnement d’autres appareils ou
causer des blessures sils tombent, sont
brûlé s, percés, écrasés, démontés, ou s’ils
sont exposés à une chaleur excessive, à du
liquide ou à des environnements présentant de
fortes concentrations de produits chimiques
industriels, notamment des gaz liquéfs sujets
à évaporation tels que l’hélium. Nutilisez
pas les AirPods ou leur b tier s’ils sont
Blue tooth®
Pour sactiver la fonction Bluetooth sur les
AirPods, placez-les dans le btier, fermez
ce dernier et débranchez le câble Lightning
vers USB.
N’essayez pas de remplacer la batterie
des AirPods ou du boîtier; vous risquez de
lendommager et par conquent d’entraîner
sa surchauffe ou de vous blesser.
Recharge z le boîtier à laide du câble de
recharge et d’un adaptateur secte ur ou d’un
ordinateur ou, pour le boîtier de recharge sans
fil, en plaçant celui-ci avec le voyant d’état vers
le haut sur un chargeur sans fil compatible.
Rechargez uniquement avec un adaptateur
conforme aux normes de curité gionales
et internationales en vigueur, notamment la
norme CEI 60950-1 (International Standard for
Safety of Information Technology Equipment).
Les autres adaptateurs sont susceptibles de
ne pas respecter les normes decurité en
vigueur. Par conquent, charger votre appareil
avec de tels adaptateurs pourrait présenter un
risque de décès ou de blessures. Lutilisation
de câbles ou de chargeurs endommagés, ou la
charge dans un environnement humide, peut
provoquer un feu, occ asionner des décharges
électriques, entraîner des blessures ou
endommager le boîtier ou d’autres biens.
Lorsque vous utilisez un chargeur sans
fil, évitez de placer des objets étrangers
métalliques sur la station (par exemple, des
clé s, des pièces, des batteries ou des bijoux),
car ces derniers pourraient chauffer ou
interférer avec le rechargement.
Exposition prolone à la chaleur
Ne laissez pas votre peau en contact prolongé
avec un appareil, son adaptateur secteur,
le câble de recharge et le connecteur ou un
chargeur sans fil lorsquils sont branchés
sur une source d’alimentation, car cela
peut entraîner une gêne ou une blessure.
Par exemple, pendant que le boîtier se
recharge sur une prise de courant via le
ble de recharge et un adaptateur secteur
ou, pour le btier de recharge sans fil, via
un chargeur sans fil branché sur une source
d’alimentation, ne vous asseyez pas ou ne


Marke: Apple
Kategorie: Ohrhörer
Modell: AirPods 2

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