Uni-T UT202A Bedienungsanleitung

Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Uni-T UT202A (2 Seiten) in der Kategorie Messgeräte. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 2 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/2
T O t cov s f t on his pera ing Manual er in orma ion
sa and cau ions lea read he relevanfety t . P se t t
in orma ion care ull and observe allf t f y t he
Warnings and Notes strictly.
To av c c s s y, d oid ele tri hock or per onal injur rea
t Safety Inf t carefully before usinghe orma ion
the Meter.
Model UT202A is 2000-count stable, safe and
reliable digital clamp multimeter(hereafter
referred to as "the Meter"). It is designed with
large-scale integrated circuits and A/D
converter as the core as well as the overload
protection and novel structure, which make
it a superb tool for electricians.
T t AC/ V t , AC he Me er can measure DC ol age
Current, Resistance, Diodes, and Continuity.
Unpacking Inspection
Open the package case and take out the Meter.
Che the following item efull for anck s car y y
missing or damaged part:
Item Description Qty
1 English Operating Manual 1 piece
2 Test Lead 1 pair
In the ent ou find an mis ing damaged ev y y s or
part please contact your dealer immediately.
Safety Information
Thi eter co pl ies w ith the standards M m
IEC61010 Pollu ion Degree ervol ag: t 2, Ov t e
Category (CATII 600V, CAT III 300V) and Double
CA v PORT LE TII: Local le el, appliance, AB
E P MEN T c s tr s t QUI et ., with maller an ien
overvoltages than CATIII.
CAT III: Distribution level, installation, with fixed
smaller transient overvoltages than CAT IV
Use t Met on eci in th op ting he er ly as sp fied is era
manual herwise he pro ec ion provided, ot t t t by
the Meter may be impaired.
In t s , a W ti es c t s hi manual arning iden ondi ion
and ac ions ha pose hazards he use t t t to t r, or
may damage the Meter or the equipment under
A user Note identifies the information that
should pay attention to.
To t s l avoid possible elec ric shock or per ona
injur and avoid pos ible damagey, to s to the
Meter or to the equipment under test, adhere to
the following rules:
.esac eht tcepsni reteM eht gnisu erofeB
Do no use he Me er damaged or t t t if it is the
case (or part of the case) is removed. Look for
c ks s . P a t to the rac or mi sing pla icst ay tten ion
insulation around the connectors.
I ns t t e s f d pect he st lead or damage
insula ion or me al Check he est exposed t . t t t
lead or on inui Repla damaged ess f c t ty. ce t t
leads with identical model nu ber ele tri m or c cal
specifications before using the Meter.
t y t t t v t , Do no appl more han he ra ed ol age
as marked on the Meter, between the terminals
or be ween any erminal and grounding t t . the If
value be mea ured un nown to s is k , use the
W t t , hen measuremen has been comple ed
disconnect the onne tion between the te c c st
lead and the ir uit unde te t, re ove ths c c r s m e
te y f t t t s of sting leads awa rom he inpu erminal
the Meter and turn the Meter power off.
T t y s h s c in he ro ar witc hould be pla ed
t t t y c v of he righ posi ion and no an hangeo er
range shall be made when measuremen t is
conducted to prevent damage of the Meter.
Do t t t t n no carry ou he measuremen whe
the Meter’s back case and battery compartment
are not closed to avoid electric shock.
Do not input higher than 600V between the
Me erminal and he grounding avoiter’s t s t to d
electric shock and damages to the Meter.
W t t k at effe ive hen he Me er is wor ing an ct
v t ov V V AC, ol age er 60 in DC or 30 rms in
special care should be taken for there is danger
of electric shock.
Use s, c d the proper terminal fun tion, an
range for your measurements.
Do t s t t t an no use or ore he Me er in
en ironmen high emperature humidiv t of t , ty,
explosives, inflammables and rong magne st tic
f . T f of t t y ield he per ormance he Me er ma
deteriorate after dampened.
W us t te k y r hen ing he st leads, eep ou
fingers behind the finger guards.
Disconnect e circuit power and discharg
all high-vol age capaci ors be ore in t t f t est g
resistance, continuity and diode.
Replace the battery as soon as the battery
indicator appears. With a low battery, the
Meter ight odu false readings that ca m pr ce n
lead to electric shock and personal injury.
W s vic t ter, use y hen er ing he Me onl use
the replacement parts with the same model
or identical electrical specifications.
The internal circuit of the Meter shall not be
altered at will to avoid damage of the Meter and
any accident.
So th t t be ft clo and mild de ergen should
used to clean the fa of the ete whe sur ce M r n
servi ing No abra and ol en houldc . sive s v t s be
us to v t t s face of t t f m ed pre en he ur he Me er ro
corrosion, damage and accident.
The Meter is suitable for indoor use.
Turn the Meter off when it is not in use and
t t t b wh t us g r a l g time. ake ou he attery en no in fo on
Constantly check the battery as it may leak
when ha been ing or ome ime repla it s us f s t , ce
t t as as k A he bat ery soon lea ing appears.
leaking battery will damage the Meter.
International Electrical Symbols
AC (Alternating Current)
DC (Direct Current)
AC or DC
Double Insulated
Warning. Refer to the Operating Manual
Low Battery Indication
Continuity Test
Conforms to Standards of European Union
The Meter Structure (See Figure 1)
Figure 1
1. Input Terminals
2. LCD Display
3. Functional Buttons
4. Rotary Switch
5. Trigger: press the lever to open the
transformer jaws. When the pressure on the
lever is released, the jaws will close.
6. Hand Guards: to protect user’s hand from
touching the dangerous area.
7. Transformer Jaws: designed to pick up the
AC current flowing through the conductor.
It could transfer current to voltage. The
tested conductor must vertically go through
the jaw center.
maximum measurement position and reduce the
range step by step until a satisfactory reading is
Functional Buttons and Auto Power Off
Press to enter and hold mode. Press HOLD exit
and hold button while tu ning on th HOLD r e
Meter, auto power off will be canceled.
2. MAX
P to st t t of ress MAX ar recording and upda ing
maximum values.
Under ranging, resistance Ω
mea uremen mode de aul press t is f t, s SELECT
to s ct t ty s t e ele con inui mea uremen mode or diod
measurement mode.
4. Auto Power Off
To preserve battery life, the Meter automatically
goe in sleep” mode you do no press ans to a if t y
button for around 10 minutes. The Meter can be
activated by pressing any effective button (refer
to T Eff t of F t Bu , he ec iveness unc ional ttons)
then return to the display for the fun tio c n
selected previously.
5. Buzzer
The buzzer sounds every time a effective button
is pressed down. r o When the mete will aut
power in minu he buzzer beeps iv off 1 te t f e
times. Before power off there will be a long time
buzzer beeps.
6. The Effectiveness of Functional Buttons
No er un ional bu on can be edt ev y f ct tt s us on
ev y t y s t sit . B t e er ro ar wi ch po ions elow abl
des ribe which unc ional bu ons can bec f t tt used
on which rotary switch positions
Rotary Functional Buttons
A 20A N/A
A 200A N/A
A 600A N/A
Display Symbols (See Figure 2)
Number Description
1 Indicator for AC voltage or current
2 Indicator for DC voltage
3 The battery is low.
Warning: To avoid false readings, which
could lead to possible electric shock or
personal injury, replace the battery as soon as
the battery indicator appears.
4 The Meter is in the auto range mode in
which the Meter automatically selects
the range with the best resolution.
5 Test of diode
6 The continuity buzzer is on
7 Maximum reading displayed
8 Data hold is active
9 Amperes (amps). The unit of current.
10 Ω: Ohm. The unit of resistance.
kΩ:Kilohm. 1000 ohms
MΩ:Megohm. 1,000,000 ohms
11 V: Volts. The unit of voltage.
mV: Millivolt. 0.001 volts
12 Indicates negative reading
Figure 2
Measurement Operation
A. Measuring DC Voltage (See Figure 3)
To avoid harm to you or damage to the Meter
from eletric hoc do not attempt to mea ur s k, s e
voltages higher than 600V AC/DC.
To m re v c as easu DC oltage, onnect the Meter
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
2. Set the rotary switch to .
3. Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.
Figure 3
W v t s t s n hen DC ol age mea uremen ha bee
comple ed sconnec he nne ion be eet , di t t co ct tw n
the testing leads and the ci uit unde te an rc r st d
remove testing leads from the input terminals.
B. Measuring AC Voltage (See Figure 4)
To avoid harm to you or damage to the Meter
from eletric hoc do not attempt to mea ur s k, s e
voltages higher than 600V AC/DC.
To AC t , c t t t as measure vol age onnec he Me er
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
2. Set the rotary switch to .
3. Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.
Figure 4
When AC oltage easu ent has bee v m re m n
comple ed sconnec he nne ion be eet , di t t co ct tw n
the testing leads and the ci uit unde te an rc r st d
remove testing leads from the input terminals.
C. Measuring Resistance (See Figure 5)
To av to t t to the oid damage he Me er or
devic d test, d c nect it po and es un er is on circu wer
discharge all the high-voltage capacitors before
measuring resistance.
To t , t t t as measure resis ance connec he Me er
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
2. Set the rotary switch to ; resistance
measurement (Ω) is default or press
button to select measurement SELECT Ω
3. Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.
t te f m Separating he objects being sted ro
t c c t s c t a e he ir ui when mea uring an ob ain mor
accurate result.
Figure 5
When r m rem n esistance easu ent has bee
comple ed sconnec he nne ion be eet , di t t co ct tw n
the testing leads and the ci uit unde te an rc r st d
remove testing leads from the input terminals.
~ END ~
This operating manual is subject to change without notice.
To te t t of a c the st he diode ou cir uit, connect
Meter as follows:
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
2. Set the rotary switch to and press
button to select measurement SELECT
3. For forward voltage drop readings on any
semiconductor component, place the red
test lead on the component’s anode and
place the black test lead on the component’s
t te f m Separating he objects being sted ro
t c c t s c t a e he ir ui when mea uring an ob ain mor
accurate result.
W te s c t , hen diode sting ha been omple ed
disconnect the onnection between the testin c g
lead and he cir ui under and remos t c t te st ve
testing leads from the input terminals.
E. Testing for Continuity (See Figure 7)
To av to t t to the oid damage he Me er or
devic d test, d c nect it po and es un er is on circu wer
discharge all the high-voltage capacitors before
measuring continuity.
To t t f t ty, t t t as es or con inui connec he Me er
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
Figure 6
Figure 7
2. Set the rotary switch to and press
button to select measurement SELECT
3. The buzzer sounds if the resistance of a
circuit under test is less than 10Ω.
4. The buzzer may or may not sounds if the
resistance of a ci uit under test is more than rc
When co tinuit te ting ha been ted n y s s co lemp ,
disconne the conne tion between the testinct c g
lead and he ir ui under and remos t c c t te st ve
testing leads from the input terminals.
F. Measuring AC Current (See Figure 8)
To avoid electric shock, never measure current
while the lead are in er ed in he inpu te st s s t to t t
t s c te te ed erminal and dis onnect st leads and st
circuit connection.
Never emp an in- ircui urren measurement att t c t c t
where he open-circui vol age be ween t t t t the
circuit and the ground is greater than 600V
User oper fun tion, and ange fo th pr c r r e
otherwise it will casue deviation. The Meter
can only measure one conductor at a time,
to meausre more than one condutor at a
time will cause deviation.
When current measurement has been
completed,disconnect the connection between
the conductor under test and the jaw, and
remove the conductor away from the
transformer jaw of the Meter.
Figure 8
General Specifications
● Display: 3 1/2 digits LCD display, Maximum
display 1999
Auto Polarity Display
● Overloading: Display OL –OLor
● Low Battery Indication: Display
Measurement Speed: Updates 3 times/second.
● Measuremnet Deviation: When the
conductor being meaured is not placed in a
correct position during AC current
measurement, it will cause ±3% reading
● Drop Test: 1 meter drop test passed
● Max. Jaw Opening: 28mm diameter
● Max. Tested Current Conductor:
26mm diameter.
● Power: 9V battery
● Sleep Mode (can be disabled)
● Dimensions: 76mm x 208mm x 30mm.
Weight: Approximate 260g (battery included)
The Meter is suitable for indoor use.
Altitude: Operating: 2000m
Storage: 10000m
● Safety/ Compliances: IEC 61010 CATII
600V, CATIII 300V and Double Insulation
● Pollution degree: 2
Temperature and humidity:
Operating: 0~30 (≤75%R.H);
30 ~40 (≤70%R.H);
40 ~50 (≤45%R.H);
Storage: -20~+60 (≤75%R.H)
Accuracy Specifications
Accura (a% reading digi s) guarancy: ± + b t , tee
for 1 year.
Operating temperature: 23 ±5
Relative humidity: ≤75%R.H
Temperature coefficient: 0.1×(specified
accuracy) /1
A. AC Voltage: Auto Ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
2.000V 1mV
20.00V 10mV ±(1.2%+5)
200.0V 100mV
600V 1V ±(1.5%+5)
● Overload protection:600V rms
● Input impedance: 10MΩ // <100pF
● Displays RMS value of sine wave (mean
value response).
● Frequency response: 40Hz~400Hz.
B. DC Voltage: Auto Ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
200.0mV 0.1mV ±(0.8%+3)
2.000V 1mV
20.00V 10mV ±(0.8%+1)
200.0V 100mV
600V 1V ±(1%+3)
● Input impedance: 10
● Overload protection: 600V rms
C. Resistance: Auto Ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
200.0Ω 100mΩ ±(1.2%+2)
2.000kΩ 1Ω
20.00kΩ 1 ±(1%+2)
200.0kΩ 100Ω
2.000MΩ 1 ±(1.2%+2)
20.00MΩ 10kΩ ±(1.5%+2)
Overload protection: 600Vp
D. Continuity
Range Resolution Accuracy
Around <10Ω,the
buzzer beeps.
● Overload Protection: 600Vp
● Open circuit voltage approximate 0.45V.
The buzzer may or may not beeps when the
resistance of a circuit under test is more
than 10Ω.
E. Diode
Range Resolution Accuracy
Display approximate
forward voltage drop
● Overload Protection: 600Vp
● Open circuit voltage approximate 1.48V.
F. AC Current: Auto Ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
20.00A 0.01A ±(2.0%+5)
200.0A 0.1A ±(1.5%+5)
600A 1A ±(2.0%+8)
Overload protection: 600A rms
● Frequency Response: 50Hz~60Hz
● Displays RMS value of sine wave (mean
value response).
To adjust reading in accordance with
RMS value.
T s se v s sic t ce hi ction pro ide ba main enan
info ation incl ding batte placerm u ry re ment
Do no emp repair or ser ice your Me t att t to v ter
unle you are qualified to do and havss so e
t t c t , f ce t d he relevan alibra ion per orman est, an
service information.
To el t sh to the avoid ec rical ock or damage
Meter, do not get water inside the case.
A. General Service
● Periodically wipe the case with a damp cloth
and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or
To clean the terminals with cotton bar with
detergent, as dirt or moisture in the
terminals can affect readings.
Turn the Meter power off when it is not in
Take out the battery when it is not using for
a long time.
● Do not use or store the Meter in a place
of humidity, high temperature, explosive,
inflammable and strong magnetic field.
To measure current, do the following:
1. Set the rotary switch to 20A ,200 A or
600 A .
2. Press the trigger to open the t nsfo er jaws.ra rm
3. Center the conductor within the transformer
jaw, then release the Meter slowly until the
trasnformer jaw is completely closed, Make
sure the conductor to be tested is placed
at the center of the transformer jaw,
D. Testing Diodes (See Figure 6)
To av to t t to the oid damage he Me er or
devic d test, d c nect it po and es un er is on circu wer
discharge all the high-voltage capacitors before
testing diodes.
repla he ba ery soon as he ba erce t tt as t tt y
indicator “ ” appears.
Make ure he rans ormer jaw and he s t t f t tets
leads are disconec ed rom he cir ui bein t f t c t g
tested before opening the case bottom.
To replace the battery:.
1. Turn the Meter off and remove all the
connections from the input terminals.
2. Turn the Meter’s case top down.
3. Remove the screw from the battery
compartment, and separate the battery
compartment from the case bottom.
4. Remove the old battery from the battery
5. Rejoin the case bottom and the battery
compartment, and reinstall the screw.
Figure 9
B. Replacing the Battery (See Figure 9)
To av f , d oid alse readings which could lea
to s t s y, pos ible elec ric shock or per onal injur
MAY.2018 REV. 4


Marke: Uni-T
Kategorie: Messgeräte
Modell: UT202A

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