Philips SpeedPro Max FC6827 Bedienungsanleitung

Philips Staubsauger SpeedPro Max FC6827

Lesen Sie kostenlos die đź“– deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĂĽr Philips SpeedPro Max FC6827 (10 Seiten) in der Kategorie Staubsauger. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĂĽr 34 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

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Important safety information
Read this important information carefully before you use the appliance and
its accessories and save it for future reference. The accessories supplied
may vary for dierent products.
-Never vacuum up water or any other liquid. Never vacuum up ammable
substances and do not vacuum up ashes until they are cold.
-Never immerse the appliance or the adapter in water or any other liquid,
nor rinse it under the tap.
-Check if the voltage indicated on the adapter corresponds to the local
mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
-Do not open the appliance to replace the rechargeable battery.
-Always check the appliance before you use it. Do not use the appliance
or the adapter if it is damaged. Always replace a damaged part with one
of the original type.
-The adapter contains a transformer. Do not cut o the adapter to replace
it with another plug, as this causes a hazardous situation.
-This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children)
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
-Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
-Keep the appliance and its cord out of the reach of children.
-The plug must be removed from the socket-outlet before cleaning or
maintaining the appliance.
-Unplug the adapter if you are not going to use the appliance for
some time.
-Do not let the motorized brush move over the mains cords of other
appliances or other cables as this may cause a hazard.
-Keep loose clothing, hair and body parts away from the motorized
-Do not cover or block the ventilation openings when the appliance is
-To prevent damage, do not use the appliance if the lter is not present in
the dust container.
-Do not block the appliance inlet when operating.
-Do not store the appliance at a temperature above 60°C or below -10°C.
-Do not use the appliance in a room with a temperature above 45°C.
-Do not incinerate, disassemble or expose the appliance to temperatures
above 60°C. The rechargeable battery may explode if overheated.
-Only charge the appliance with the adapter supplied. Only use 18V
adapter ZD12D250050 or 25V adapter ZD12D300050.
-During charging, the adapter becomes warm to the touch. This is normal.
-Do not plug in, unplug or operate the appliance with wet hands.
-Do not remove the adapter from the wall socket by pulling at the cord
(Fig. 1). Always unplug the appliance by rst detaching the magnetic
connector from the magnetic charging disk (Fig. 2).
-Always switch o the appliance after use and before you charge it.
-Never block the exhaust air openings during vacuuming.
-Do not clean the dust container or the dust container lid in the
dishwasher. They are not dishwasher-proof.
-Always use the vacuum cleaner with the lter unit assembled.
-If you clean the washable sponge lter with water, make sure it is
completely dry before you put it back into the lter holder and dust
container. Do not dry the sponge lter in direct sunlight, on the radiator
or in the tumble dryer. Do not clean the lter holder with water. This part
is not washable.
-Make sure that the appliance is installed with the wall xture mounted to
the wall according to the instructions in the user manual.
-Be careful when you drill holes in the wall to attach the wall xture, to
avoid the risk of electric shock.
-If you use the appliance to vacuum ne sand, lime, cement dust and
similar substances, the pores of the lter will become blocked. Clean the
lter regularly.
Electromagnetic elds (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and
regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic elds.
Ordering accessories
To buy accessories or spare parts, visit or go
to your Philips dealer. You can also contact the Philips Consumer Care
Center in your country (see the international warranty leaet for contact
Warranty and support
If you need information or support, please visit
or read the international warranty leaet.
-Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the
end of its life, but hand it in at an ocial collection point for recycling.
By doing this, you help to preserve the environment.
-This product contains a built-in rechargeable battery which shall not be
disposed of with normal household waste. Please take your product to
an ocial collection point or a Philips service center to have a
professional remove the rechargeable battery.
-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and
electronic products and rechargeable batteries. Correct disposal helps
prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.
Removing the rechargeable battery
Only remove the rechargeable battery when you discard the product.
Before you remove the battery, make sure that the product is
disconnected from the wall socket and that the battery is
completely empty.
Take any necessary safety precautions when you handle tools to
open the product and when you dispose of the rechargeable battery.
To remove the rechargeable battery, follow the instructions below.
1Let the appliance run until it stops.
2Remove the dust container from the appliance (Fig. 3).
3Undo the three screws that x the battery holder to the housing of the
appliance (Fig. 4).
4Pull the battery holder out of the appliance (Fig. 5).
This chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounter
with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the
information below, visit for a list of frequently
asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Center in your country.
Problem Possible cause Solution
The appliance does
not work when I
push the button.
When the battery is
empty, '00' ashes
on the display.
To charge the battery,
connect the appliance to the
charging base or attach the
handheld vacuum cleaner
directly to the magnet on the
charging base.
You have to push the
slider forward to
switch on the
Push the slider forward to
setting 1 to switch on. Increase
the suction power further by
pushing the slider to setting 2
or select the turbo setting to
clean very dirty patches at the
highest suction power.
The appliance has
a lower suction
power than usual.
The lter and the
cyclone are dirty.
Clean the lter and the
cyclone. The lter light lights
up after several hours of use
to indicate that you have to
wash the sponge lter. Make
sure that you wash the
sponge lter at least once a
month if you use the
appliance regularly.
You have not
attached the dust
container lid properly
to the dust container.
You have not
attached the dust
container to the
appliance properly.
In both cases, there
will be a loss of
suction power.
Make sure that you attach the
dust container lid to the dust
container and the dust
container to the appliance
Dust escapes from
the appliance.
The lter is dirty. Clean the lter.
The lter is not
present in the
Make sure that the lter is in
the appliance and assembled
Something blocks
the cyclone.
Check the cyclone for objects
stuck in it and remove any
object that blocks the cyclone.
If dust falls out of the
dust container, the
dust container lid is
probably not
attached properly to
the dust container.
Empty the dust container and
attach the dust container lid
The appliance does
not move smoothly
across the oor
when cleaning a
You selected a too
high suction power.
Reduce the suction power by
choosing setting 1.
-Pastikan bahawa voltan yang dinyatakan pada penyesuai adalah
berpadanan dengan voltan sesalur kuasa tempatan anda sebelum anda
menyambungkan perkakas ini.
-Jangan buka perkakas tersebut untuk menggantikan bateri boleh
cas semula.
-Pastikan anda memeriksa perkakas setiap kali sebelum anda
menggunakannya. Jangan gunakan perkakas atau penyesuai sekiranya rosak.
Bahagian yang rosak hendaklah digantikan dengan jenis yang asli sahaja.
-Penyesuai mengandungi pengubah. Jangan potong penyesuai untuk
menggantikannya dengan plag lain, kerana ini membawa kepada situasi
-Perkakas ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh orang (termasuk
kanak-kanak) yang kurang upaya dari segi zikal, deria atau mental, atau
kurang berpengalaman dan pengetahuan, kecuali mereka telah diberi
pengawasan atau arahan berkenaan dengan penggunaan perkakas ini
oleh orang yang bertanggungjawab atas keselamatan mereka.
-Kanak-kanak hendaklah diawasi untuk memastikan bahawa mereka
tidak bermain dengan perkakas ini.
-Jauhkan perkakas dan kordnya dari capaian kanak-kanak.
-Cabut palam daripada soket sesalur sebelum membersihkan atau
menyelenggarakan perkakas.
-Hanya cas perkakas dengan penyesuai yang dibekalkan. Hanya gunakan
penyesuai 18V ZD12D250050 atau penyesuai 25V ZD12D300050.
-Semasa mengecas, penyesuai menjadi panas untuk disentuh.
Ini perkara biasa.
-Jangan pasang palam, cabut palam atau kendalikan perkakas dengan
tangan yang basah.
-Jangan cabut palam perkakas dengan menarik kord (Raj. 1). Sentiasa
tanggalkan palam dengan menanggalkan cakera pengecasan daripada
perkakas (Raj. 2).
-Sentiasa matikan perkakas selepas menggunakannya dan apabila anda
-Jangan sekali-kali menghalang bukaan udara ekzos semasa memvakum.
-Jangan bersihkan baldi habuk atau penutup baldi habuk dalam mesin
basuh pinggan mangkuk. Baldi habuk tidak kalis mesin basuh pinggan.
-Selalu gunakan pembersih vakum dengan unit turas yang dipasang.
-Jika anda membersihkan penuras span boleh dibasuh dengan air,
pastikan ianya benar-benar kering sebelum anda meletakkannya semula
ke dalam pemegang penapis dan baldi habuk. Jangan mengeringkan
penuras span di bawah cahaya matahari, pada radiator atau dalam
mesin pengering. Gantikan penuras span boleh dicuci jika tidak lagi
dibersihkan dengan betul atau jika rosak. Jangan bersihkan pemegang
penuras dengan air. Bahagian ini tidak boleh dicuci.
-Pastikan bahawa perkakas ini dipasang dengan lekapan dinding
dilekapkan pada dinding mengikut arahan dalam manual pengguna.
-Untuk mengelak risiko kejutan elektrik, berhati-hatilah semasa
menggerudi lubang pada dinding untuk memasang lekapan dinding ini.
Medan elektromagnet (EMF)
Perkakas Philips ini mematuhi semua piawaian dan peraturan yang
berkaitan dengan pendedahan kepada medan elektromagnet.
Memesan aksesori
Untuk membeli aksesori atau alat ganti, lawati
service atau pergi ke penjual Philips anda. Anda juga boleh menghubungi
Pusat Penjagaan Pengguna Philips di negara anda (lihat risalah jaminan
seluruh dunia untuk maklumat perhubungan).
Jaminan dan sokongan
Jika anda memerlukan maklumat atau sokongan, sila lawati atau baca risalah jaminan antarabangsa.
Mengitar semula
-Jangan buang produk bersama sampah rumah biasa di akhir hayatnya,
sebaliknya bawanya ke pusat pungutan rasmi untuk dikitar semula. Dengan
berbuat demikian, anda membantu untuk memelihara persekitaran.
-Produk ini mengandungi bateri boleh cas semula bina dalam yang tidak
harus dibuang bersama sampah rumah biasa. Kami menasihatkan anda
untuk membawa produk anda ke pusat pungutan rasmi atau pusat
khidmat Philips supaya bateri boleh cas semula itu dikeluarkan oleh
seorang profesional.
-Ikuti peraturan negara anda bagi pemungutan produk elektrik dan
elektronik serta bateri kitar semula secara berasingan. Pembuangan
secara betul membantu mengelakkan akibat negatif bagi kesihatan
manusia dan persekitaran.
Mengeluarkan bateri boleh cas semula
Hanya keluarkan bateri boleh cas semula apabila anda membuang
produk ini. Sebelum anda mengeluarkan bateri, pastikan produk
dicabut daripada soket dinding dan bateri kosong sepenuhnya.
Lakukan sebarang langkah berjaga-jaga yang perlu apabila anda
mengendalikan alat untuk membuka produk dan apabila anda
membuang bateri boleh cas semula.
Untuk mengeluarkan bateri boleh cas semula, ikut arahan di bawah.
1Biarkan perkakas berjalan sehingga ia berhenti.
Problem Possible cause Solution
The brush does not
turn anymore.
The brush
encounters too much
Clean the brush with a pair of
scissors or by hand.
The brush may stop
turning when it
encounters too much
resistance from
high-pile carpet.
Switch o the appliance and
then switch it back on again.
You have not
installed the roller
brush in the nozzle
properly after
Follow the instructions in the
cleaning chapter of the user
manual to slide the roller
brush into the nozzle
properly and secure it inside
the nozzle by snapping home
the locking lever.
The LEDs in the
nozzle do not
come on.
You have not
attached the nozzle
to the appliance or
handheld properly.
Attach the nozzle to the
appliance or handheld
The appliance is
not charging.
The magnetic
connector is not not
connected correctly
to the charging disk
or the adapter is not
inserted into the wall
socket properly.
Make sure that the magnetic
connector is connected
properly to the charging disk
and that the adapter is
inserted into the wall socket
You have not
connected the
correct adapter and
Make sure that you use the
correct adapter and cord.
If you have checked the above
and the appliance still does
not charge, take it to a Philips
service center or contact the
Consumer Care Center.
FC6827, FC6823,
FC6814, FC6813:
The mini turbo
brush does not
function properly.
The roller brush is
Remove hairs from the brush
with a pair of scissors (see
user manual).
The roller brush is
blocked by fabric or
surfaces during
Keep the mini turbo brush
aligned with the surface and
do not push the turbo brush
into soft surfaces.
The mini turbo brush
is not fully closed.
Make sure that the top and
bottom parts of the mini turbo
brush are properly connected
and there is no gap between
the two parts. Check if the
locking ring is in closed
position (see user manual).
Error codes
Error code Meaning
E4 The roller brush has become blocked and cannot turn
freely. Switch o the appliance and check the roller brush
for obstructions.
E6 No current passes through the adapter.Check if the
adapter is inserted into the wall socket properly. If the
adapter is inserted properly and the charging disk
(magnet) is attached properly and the appliance does not
start to charge, the adapter may be defective. In that case,
please contact the Consumer Care Center or take the
appliance to an authorized Philips service center.
E7 You use the wrong adapter. Connect the correct adapter.
If the correct adapter does not work, please contact the
Consumer Care Center or take the appliance to an
authorized Philips service center.
SE Please take the appliance to an authorized Philips service
Bahasa Melayu
Maklumat keselamatan penting
Baca maklumat penting ini dengan teliti sebelum anda menggunakan
perkakas dan aksesorinya dan simpan untuk rujukan pada masa hadapan.
Aksesori yang dibekalkan mungkin berbeza-beza untuk berlainan produk.
-Jangan memvakum air atau sebarang cecair lain. Jangan sekali-kali sedut
bahan mudah bakar dan jangan sedut abu selagi abu itu belum sejuk.
-Jangan sekali-kali merendam perkakas atau penyesuai dalam air atau
sebarang cecair lain, atau membilasnya di bawah paip.


Marke: Philips
Kategorie: Staubsauger
Modell: SpeedPro Max FC6827
Gewicht: 2730 g
AC-Netzadapter: Ja
Produktfarbe: Blau
Akku-/Batterietechnologie: Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Energiequelle: Akku
Geräuschpegel: 84 dB
Anzahl: 1
Akku-/Batteriespannung: 25.2 V
Maximaler Luftstrom: 1000 l/min
Ladezeit: 5 h
Reinigungsart: Trocken
Staubbehälter Typ: Beutellos
Staubkapazität: 0.6 l
Abnehmbarer Handstaubsauger: Ja
Schmutzaufnahmekapazität (Trockenanwendung): 0.6 l
Maximale Eingangsleistung: - W
Laufzeit: 65 min
Staubsauger-Stabmontage: Ja
Waschbarer Filter: Ja
Wandmontage: Ja
Vakuum-Luftfilterung: Zyklonal
Luftstrom: 1000 l/min
Befestigungswinkel enthalten: Ja
Turbo-BĂĽrste: Ja

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Bedienungsanleitung Staubsauger Philips

Bedienungsanleitung Staubsauger

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