Mean Well PSC-35A Bedienungsanleitung

Lesen Sie kostenlos die πŸ“– deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fΓΌr Mean Well PSC-35A (1 Seiten) in der Kategorie Nicht kategorisiert. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fΓΌr 16 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/1
 Type:
::Enclosedξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒType Switching Power Supply (Families:ξ˜ƒG3,ξ˜ƒNE,ξ˜ƒSE,ξ˜ƒPFC)ξ˜ƒ
 Introductionξ˜ƒ
Enclosedξ˜ƒtypeξ˜ƒswitchingξ˜ƒpowerξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒsupplies possessξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒa metalξ˜ƒorξ˜ƒplastic internalξ˜ƒcaseξ˜ƒforξ˜ƒcoveringξ˜ƒtheirξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ PCBξ˜ƒandξ˜ƒwillξ˜ƒbeξ˜ƒ
installed enclosedξ˜ƒinsideξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒcaseξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒendξ˜ƒsystem.ξ˜ƒMeanξ˜ƒWell’sξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒtypeξ˜ƒpowerξ˜ƒsuppliesξ˜ƒincludeξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ2 different groupsξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒ
powerξ˜ƒsupplies,ξ˜ƒwith dependingξ˜ƒbuilt‐ ξ˜ƒin fanξ˜ƒandξ˜ƒwithoutξ˜ƒbuilt‐inξ˜ƒfan,ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒonξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒtheir rated power or design concept.
 Installationξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰1 Beforeξ˜ƒanyξ˜ƒinstallation utility.ξ˜ƒorξ˜ƒmaintenanceξ˜ƒwork,ξ˜ƒpleaseξ˜ƒdisconnectξ˜ƒyourξ˜ƒsystemξ˜ƒfromξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ
Ensure inadvertently!ξ˜ƒthatξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒit can’tξ˜ƒbeξ˜ƒre‐connectedξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰2 Keepξ˜ƒenoughξ˜ƒinsulationξ˜ƒdistanceξ˜ƒbetweenξ˜ƒmountingξ˜ƒscrewsξ˜ƒandξ˜ƒinternalξ˜ƒcomponentsξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒpowerξ˜ƒsupplies.ξ˜ƒPleaseξ˜ƒ
referξ˜ƒtoξ˜ƒcaseξ˜ƒdrawingξ˜ƒon ofξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒspecifications to theξ˜ƒreceiveξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒmaximumξ˜ƒlengthξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒmountingξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒscrew.
( οΌ‰3 Mountingξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒorientations other than standard orientation or operate under high ambient temperature may
increaseξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒinternal requireξ˜ƒcomponentξ˜ƒtemperatureξ˜ƒandξ˜ƒwillξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒa de‐ratingξ˜ƒinξ˜ƒoutputξ˜ƒcurrent.ξ˜ƒPleaseξ˜ƒreferξ˜ƒtoξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰4 Fansξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ‐ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒand ventilation holes must be kept free from any obstructions. Also a 10 15 cm clearance must be kept
whenξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒadjacentξ˜ƒdeviceξ˜ƒisξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒa heat source.
( οΌ‰5 Recommendedξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒwires areξ˜ƒshownξ˜ƒasξ˜ƒbelow.ξ˜ƒ
AWGξ˜ƒ18 16 14 12 10ξ˜ƒ8ξ˜ƒ
Equipmentξ˜ƒ(Amp)ξ˜ƒ6A 10A 10 16A 16 32A 32 40Aξ˜ƒ ‐6ξ˜ƒ ‐ ‐25A 25‐ ξ˜ƒ ‐ ξ˜ƒ
Lead(mm2ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ)0.75 1.00ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ 1.5 2.5ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ4 6
Note:ξ˜ƒCurrentξ˜ƒeachξ˜ƒwireξ˜ƒcarriesξ˜ƒshouldξ˜ƒbe deξ˜ƒ ‐ratedξ˜ƒtoξ˜ƒ80%ξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒcurrentξ˜ƒ
suggestedξ˜ƒaboveξ˜ƒwhenξ˜ƒusingξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ5 orξ˜ƒmoreξ˜ƒwiresξ˜ƒconnectedξ˜ƒtoξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒunit.ξ˜ƒ
Makeξ˜ƒsureξ˜ƒthatξ˜ƒallξ˜ƒstrands strandedξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒeachξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒwireξ˜ƒenterξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒterminalξ˜ƒconnectionξ˜ƒandξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒscrewξ˜ƒterminalsξ˜ƒareξ˜ƒ
securelyξ˜ƒfixed poorξ˜ƒtoξ˜ƒpreventξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒcontact.ξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰6 Forξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒother information about the products, please refer to for details.
 Warningξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ/ Caution !!
( οΌ‰1 Riskξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒof electrical shock and energy hazard. All failure should be examined by a qualified technician. Please do
notξ˜ƒremove caseξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒpower yourself!ξ˜ƒsupplyξ˜ƒbyξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰2 Pleaseξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒdo not install power supplies in places with high moisture or nearξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒwater.ξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰3 Pleaseξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒdo not installξ˜ƒpower supplies places nearξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ inξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ withξ˜ƒhigh temperatureξ˜ƒambientξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ orξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ fireξ˜ƒsource.ξ˜ƒTheξ˜ƒ
( οΌ‰4 Outputξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒcurrent and output wattage must not exceed the rated values on specifications.
( οΌ‰5 Theξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒground(FG) must be connected to earth ground.
( οΌ‰6 Allξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒMW’s PSUs are areξ˜ƒdesignedξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒin accordanceξ˜ƒwith EMCξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒregulationsξ˜ƒandξ˜ƒtheξ˜ƒrelatedξ˜ƒtestξ˜ƒreportsξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒavailableξ˜ƒbyξ˜ƒ
request.ξ˜ƒSinceξ˜ƒtheyξ˜ƒareξ˜ƒbelongξ˜ƒtoξ˜ƒcomponentξ˜ƒpowerξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒsupplies andξ˜ƒwillξ˜ƒbeξ˜ƒinstalledξ˜ƒinsideξ˜ƒsystemξ˜ƒenclosure,ξ˜ƒ
when again.ξ˜ƒthey beξ˜ƒareξ˜ƒintegratedξ˜ƒintoξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒa system,ξ˜ƒthe theξ˜ƒEMCξ˜ƒcharacteristicsξ˜ƒofξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒendξ˜ƒsystemξ˜ƒmustξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒre‐verifiedξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ
MEANξ˜ƒWELL ENTERPRISESξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒCo.,ξ˜ƒLtd.ξ˜ƒ
No.28,ξ˜ƒWuquan Wuguξ˜ƒ3rdξ˜ƒRoad,ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒDistrict,ξ˜ƒ ξ˜ƒ
Tel:ξ˜ƒ+886‐ ‐2 2299‐6100ξ˜ƒ


Marke: Mean Well
Kategorie: Nicht kategorisiert
Modell: PSC-35A
Breite: 50.8 mm
Tiefe: 84.6 mm
Gewicht: 100 g
HΓΆhe: 24 mm
Menge pro Packung: 90 StΓΌck(e)
Ausgangsleistung: 35 W
Eingangsspannung: 90 - 264 V
Nachhaltigkeitszertifikate: RoHS

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