Lorus W820 Bedienungsanleitung
Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Lorus W820 (4 Seiten) in der Kategorie betrachten. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 21 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/4
NREW820 03-2002
1. The com pass function
a) The compass function may not work depending
on the condition of use such as sea son,
we ath e r or ob sta cl es int e rcept i n g view
of the sun or m oon.
b) For such activities as mountain clim bing
and orienteering which require very accurate
directions, be sure t o use a conventional
magnetic compass together with this watch
for saf e t y’s sa k e.
2. The signal funct ion
a) Do not use the watch as a distress signal
transmitter as it is not designed for such
purpose . The signal lig ht em itted f rom
the w at ch m ay not be perceived depend-
ing on su ch fa ct o rs a s d is t a nce to t he
targ et and a ng le of t he watch fa ce.
1 . T i m e /c a l e n d a r d i s p l a y:
•H ou r , m i n ut e s , s ec o nd s, m ont h , d a t e an d
day of t he week.
• Fully aut omatic calendar: Calendar adjusts
automatically for odd and even months including
February of leap years from the year 1994 up
to the end of 2043.
• T im e in d i c a t i on : Chang eover bet w een 12-
and 24-hour i ndications is possible.
• D a y l i g h t s a v i n g t i m e : Da yl ig h t sa ving
time can be set.
2. Com pass: Indicates 16 directions on the basis
of the dir e ctions of the sun and moon.
• Moo n p has e d is p l a y wit h t h e a g e of t he
m o o n .
3 . S t o p w a t c h : Me asu r e s u p to 1 0 ho u r s wi t h
1⁄100 second readout.
• S p l i t t i m e m e a s u r e m e n t
4. Dai l y a l a rm : The alarm can be set to ring on
a 24-hour basis.
• Ho u r l y t i m e s i g n a l : C a n b e set to ring
eve r y hou r on the hour with a sing le beep.
5 . S i g n a l f u n c t i o n : Fou r p re s et M o rse co d e
messag e s can b e sent by ill uminating l ight .
6 . Il l u m i n a t in g l i g h t : The light evenly illum i-
nates the display in the dark.
Ala r m m ark
Dat e
Mont h Day
m a rk
Hou r Minut e s
Seco nd s
Graphic displ ay
Hour l y tim e
signal mar k
( Da y lig ht
Tim e)
m a rk
The sel ection of the displ ays can be ma d e in t h e
f o ll ow ing ord e r wi t h ea ch dep r ess i on o f bu tt on
Rotat ing compass bezel
C o m p a s s
d i s p l a y
A l a r m d i s p l ay
S t o p wa t ch
d i s p l a y
S i g n a l d i s p l a y
T i m e / c a l e n d a r
d i s p l a y
* The confirmation sound beeps d ifferentl y when
the t im e/cal endar d ispla y appears, so tha t you
can easil y know the displ a y show n.
* Eve n if t h e st o pw atch displa y is chang e d o ver
to another while the measurement is in progress,
the st opwatch cont inues count ing proper l y a nd
the flashing stopwatch display indicator appears
in the display.
Mont h Day Dat e
Seco nd s
Graphic displ ay
Hour l y tim e
signal mar k
m a rk
Hou r
“DST” m ark
1. Depress button “A” to show the time/cal endar
displa y .
2. Depress button “B” for 2 to 3 seconds to show
the time/ca l endar setting display. The “DST”
ma r k starts f lashing a nd the fl ashing “ON” or
“OFF” m ark is displayed in place of t he day.
3. Selection of the dig its to be adjusted (flashing)
is ma de in the fol low ing ord e r by depr e ssi ng
but t on “C”.
4. Depress bu t ton “D” t o set t he f l ashing digit s.
One d ig it is advanced with each d epression of
button “D”. Dig its except seconds move q u ick -
ly b y keeping bu t ton “D” d epr e ssed.
5. Af t e r al l th e a d j u st m e n t s ar e co m p l e t ed , de -
press bu t ton “B” to ret u rn to the t ime/cal en-
dar displ ay.
Da ylig ht
saving tim e Hou rMinutesSeco nd s →→→
12- or 24-hour
indication DateMont hYea r ←← ←
Se cond s S et t in g
D e pr e s s b u t t o n “ D” i n a cco rd a nce w i t h a t i m e
sig nal . Th e second s are rese t t o “0 0 ” and sta r t
i m m ed i a tel y.
When the seconds count any number from “30” to
“59” and b u tt on “D” is depre ssed , one minut e i s
added and the seconds are r eset t o “00”.
How t o Set t h e D a ylig ht Sav in g Time
W it h e a ch d e p re ssi o n of bu tt on “ D”, “O N ” a nd
“OF F ” m ar k s appe a r al te r nate l y. A f te r show i n g
“ON” mark, depress button “C” to select the hour
dig it s, a nd th e n depr e ss bu t ton “ D” to se t th em
one h our a h ea d of the reg u lar tim e. “ DST” m ark
r e m ain s d isp l a ye d to ind ica t e t ha t th e da y l ig ht
saving time is shown.
N o t e s :
1. W he n se tt ing th e hou r di g it s i n t h e 1 2- hou r
indication, check that “A” (AM)/“P” (PM) mark
is properly set. In the 24-hour indication, there
is no ind ication.
2. Once the year, m onth and dat e ha ve been set,
the d a y of the w ee k is set autom a t ical l y.
3 . If t h e w a t ch i s le f t u n t ou ch ed i n th e t i m e /
calenda r set t ing display with the dig its f lash-
ing , it wil l au t om at i cal ly ret ur n t o t h e t im e/
calend ar display in 2 t o 3 minutes.
1. The compass function may not work depending
o n t h e co nd i t i on o f u s e su ch a s s ea s o n,
w e at her or o b st a cl e s int er c e pti n g vi ew of
the sun or m oon.
2. F or s u ch a ct i vit ie s as m ou n ta in cl im b i ng
and oriente e ring wh i ch re q uire very accu-
r a t e d i re ct i ons , b e su re t o u se a conve n-
tional m ag net ic compass together wit h t his
wat ch f or safety’s sake.
By sett ing the hemisph e r e and l ong itude of your
pl ace, the directions of the sun and moon, the ag e
of the moon and moon phase can be displ a yed on
the basis of the current tim e. When set according
to the directions of the sun and m oon, the rotating
com pass bezel indicates 16 directions.
Co mpas s D a t a Set t in g
•Bef ore setting the hemisphere and long itude of
you r place, check t ha t t he current time of you r
place is set correctly in the time/calendar display.
(Please note that if the “ON” mark for the daylight
saving tim e is set, the directions of the sun and
m o on are cal cu lat ed incl usive o f the one h ou r
ad vanced fr om the reg u la r t im e . If t he “ON ”
m a r k is sh o w n, t h e r efore, check that the hour
dig i t s are ad vance d one hour.)
1. Depre ss bu t ton “A” to show the compa ss dis-
pla y .
2. Depress button “B” for 2 to 3 second s to show
the compass data setting display. The hemisphere
mark starts flashing with the “LONG.” (longitude)
m a r k displayed .
3. Sel ection of the hemisphere, long itude and the
digits to be adjusted (flashing) is made in t he
foll ow ing order by depressing but t on “ C”.
Nort h e r n or Sou thern
H e m isp h ere
Ea st or west
l ong i tu de
↑ ↓
Longit u de setting
(units dig it)
Longit u de setting
(tens dig it)
4. Depress button “D” to set the hemisphere, longitude
o f yo u r pl a ce a n d t he f l a s h i ng d i g i t s. T h e
digits move quickly if the button is kept depressed.
* To set t h e l ong itud e of your pl a ce, r e f er to
“ T A B L E O F L O N G I T U D E S O F C I T I E S
5. Af t e r al l th e adj u stm e n t s ar e co m pl et ed , de -
press button “B” to return t o the com pa ss dis-
pla y .
* Fl a shing dots a ppear in the displ ay im medi-
at e l y a fter the but ton is d epresse d, to indi-
cate that the w a t ch is cal cu l ating t he direc-
tion and the ag e of the m oon.
* If the watch is left untouched in the compass
data setting display w it h the dig it s flashing,
it w il l au tom atica l l y ret u rn t o t he com pass
displ ay in 2 to 3 minu t es.
Direction of
su n/ m oon
Sun com pass
Ag e of the
m o on
C om p a ss
displa y
Rota t ing compass
bezel Moon ph a se displ ay
He m isph ere ma r k
“DST” m ark
Direction mar k
Current t ime
Moon com pa ss
Moon a g e
m a rk B
N o t e s :
1. Th e r o t ating co m pass bezel can be u se d o nl y
when you have a view of t h e sun or the m oon.
2. Unless the time/calendar and the daylight saving
time are set properly, the direct ion of the sun
or m oon and t he a ge of t h e m o on w ill not b e
displaye d cor r ect ly.
(Aft er the b attery i s repl aced with a new one,
all the data is cleared from mem ory and should
be r eset before using t he com pass f unct ion.)
3. Before using the compass, check that the proper
hem isphere is sel e ct e d .
4. In t he areas betw een the tropics of Cancer and
Capricorn, the sun may rise directly overhead,
making it difficult to find the directions. In the
ar eas be t w e en 2 8.63 of nor t h la tit ud e a nd°
28 .63 ° of sou t h l a t i t u d e , t h e m o on m ay r ise
d i rect ly over hea d, m ak ing it d i ff icul t to find
the directions. In those areas, use the compass
function tog ether with a conventional m ag net ic
com pa s s.
5 . B e f o r e u s i ng t h e m o o n or su n c om p as s, b e
su re to set the long itude of your pl ace. Other-
wise, t h e d irections a nd m oon pha se m ay no t
be d i spl a yed properly.
6. If y ou t ravel or move to a place at a dif f erent
long itude , re set t h e l ong itu d e on y o u r w atch.
Otherwise, the direct ions of the sun and moon
and the moon phase will not be displayed prop-
erl y .
1. Depress butt on “ C ” t o select t h e sun or m oon
com pa ss de pen d ing on w h et he r yo u can se e
the sun or the m oon in the sky.
2. While keeping the dial level, point the direction
mark at the 12 o’clock positionl to the direction
of the sun or m oon.
3. Turn t he r ota ting b e zel so th at t he dire c t ion
nam e on the bezel cor r esponding to t he d irec-
tion nam e shown in t h e uppermost row of the
display al igns with t he direction m ark.
4. The d irect ion nam es o n t he r ota ting com pass
bezel i ndicate t he respect iveg directions.
How t o Us e t h e R ot at in g Comp ass
B ez e l
Table of Longitu des of Cities
Throughout the World
Anchorage 150°W
Los Angeles 118°W
San Francisco 122°W
Las Vegas 115°W
Vancouver 123°W
Seattle 122°W
Denver 105°W
El Paso 106°W
Edmonton 114°W
Chicago 88°W
Houston 95°W
Dallas 97°W
New Orleans 90°W
New York 74°W
Montreal 74°W
Detroit 83°W
Miami 80°W
Boston 71°W
Santiago 71°W
Buenos Aires 58°W
Azores 25°W
London 0°W
Nam e of city Nam e of city
L on g i-
tu d e
L on g i-
tu d e
Dublin 6°W
Lisbon 9°W
Paris 2°E
Milan 9°E
Rome 12°E
Madrid 4°W
Amsterdam 5°E
Hamburg 10°E
Stockholm 18°E
Frankfurt 9°E
Vienna 16°E
Athens 24°E
Helsinki 25°E
Perth 116°E
Tokyo 140°E
Sydney 151°E
Melbourne 145°E
Wellington 175°E
Christchurch 173°E
Cape Town 18°E
Johannesburg 28°E
• The stopwatch can measure up to 10 hours in 1/
100 second s.
* Eve n i f the s t opwat ch is ch a nge d to anot h er
while the measurem ent is in progress, it con-
tinues counting properl y. After the stopwatch
is us e d, h ow e ver , be su r e to r e set i t as th e
b at t er y e ne r g y is co nsu m ed en or m o u s l y t o
shorten the b a t tery l if e.
* Whil e the stopwatch is measuring , the graphic
display t u r ns on and of f repeatedl y.
(The l ong itudes are shown in degrees by rounding
off t he minutes.)
Spl it N o.
Hou r
Stopwat ch
displa y
Minutes Second s
1/100 seconds
Current t ime
Graphic displ ay
Sto pw a t c h Op er a t ion
Depress button “A” to show the stopwatch display.
Accumulated elapsed time measurement
S t a rt S t o p R e s t ar t S t o p R e s et
A ccumul a t e repea t edl y b y
dep ressing but t o n “C”.
Split time measu rement
•“Spl it t ime ” i s the t ime tha t ha s e la p s e d f r om
the start of an activity to any g iven stage.
S t ar t S p l i t S p l i t r e l ea s e St op Reset
Ca n r epeat by dep ressi n g button “B”.
N o t e : The split num ber counts up to “99”. After
“99”, the number is displayed in two dig its
such as “00” f or 100, “01” for 101 and so
Hou r Minut e s
4. Depress button “D” to set the dig its. One dig it
is advanced with each depression of the button.
The dig its m ove quickly by keeping the button
1. Depress butt on “A ” to show the a l arm display.
2. Depress button “B” for 2 to 3 seconds to show
the alarm setting display. The al arm mark and
“ON”/“OFF” mark disappear and the hour digits
(and “A ”/“P” mark ) start f lashing.
3. D epress b u tt on “C” to sel ect t h e dig it s t o be
adj usted ( f lashing ).
“ON” m ark
“A” (AM)/“P” (PM)
m a rk Al a r m d ispla y
Current t ime
Hour l y tim e
signal mar k
Ala r m m ark
N o t e s :
1. When t he t im e f u nction is displ a yed in the 24-
hour indication, t he a l arm is also displayed in
the 2 4 - h ou r ind ica t ion.
2. W he n se tt ing th e hou r di g i t s i n t h e 1 2- hou r
indication, check that “A” (AM)/“P” (PM) m ark
is prope r l y set.
3. If t h e watch is u ntouched in the alarm se t t ing
d i spl ay wi th t h e dig it s fl ash ing , it w i ll au t o-
ma t ical l y ret u r n to t h e alarm display in 2 to 3
m i nu t e s.
Engagement/D isengagement of
the Alarm
• With each depression of button “C” in the alarm
display, the alarm is engaged and disengaged alternately.
•The al arm ring s a t th e desig na ted t im e f or 20
seconds and stop. To stop it manually, depress
butt on “A”, “B”, “C” or “D”.
Al a rm eng ag e d
Al a rm d iseng a ged
5. Af t e r al l th e a d j u st m e n t s ar e co m pl et ed , de -
press button “B” to return to the alarm display.
The al a rm mark and “ON ” m ark are a u tomati-
call y displayed .
Turning on/off of the Hourly Time Signal
and Confirmation Sound; and Alarm Test
•With each depression of button “C” in the time/
ca l e nd ar d i sp l a y, t h e h ou rl y ti m e si g n al a n d
confirmation sound for the button operation are
turned on and of f alt e r nat e l y.
H ou r ly time signal and confir m ation
sound turned off
H ou r ly t ime sig nal and confirm ation
sound turned on
•The alarm can be tested by keeping buttons “C”
and “D” depressed in the time/calendar displ ay.
* After the alarm sound is tested, be sure to check
t ur ning o n /of f o f t he h ou r l y ti m e sig na l and
conf irm ation sound , as they ar e turned on and
off a lternatel y by depressing b u t ton “C”.
Do not use the watch as a distress signal trans-
m it ter as it is not desig ne d f or such purpose.
The s i g na l l ig ht e mit ted fr o m t he w atch m a y
not be perceived depending on such fact ors a s
dist a nce t o t he ta rg e t and ang le of t he wa t ch
fa ce.
W it h a pr es s of a b u t t on, 4 p re set Mo rs e cod e
messages can be given by light automatically. Messages
can also be g iven m anu a lly b y turning on and off
the il lum ina t ing l ight .
1. Depress button “A” to show the distress sig nal
displa y .
2. Selection of the four preset m essag es and the
manual m ode is m ade in the following order by
depressing bu t ton “C”.
→ →
“ ” (Manual m ode)
(Y ES)
“N ”
(N O )
3. De p re s s b ut to n “D ” t o g i ve a d es i re d M ors e
cod e message by lig ht.
* Th e pr eset m essa g e s a re gi ven r e pea ted l y
while the but t on is k e pt depressed.
* O nce b u t t on “ D” is de p re sse d , t he p re set
messag e will be given to t he end even if the
but t on is r el ease d before it is com pl eted.
* When the manual mode is selected, the illuminating
light is turned on when button “D” is depressed,
and is turned off when it is released.
Messa ge m ark s
Signal displ ay
Curre nt
t im e
Manual m ode
m a rk
)( Messag e
D u ra t i on
ill um i-
n at i on
- – – - - – - - - – - -
Everything is
going well.
– - – – –
– - – – - - - -
– - - – – – – - – -
– – – – - – -
Mea ni ng
3.2 seconds
3.0 seconds
9.0 seconds
4.0 seconds
The display remains illumi-
nated while the button is kept
*Patt e r n of lig ht ill umination:
–Long d u ration of ill umination
-Short du r a tion of ill u mination
Pat t ern of li g ht
i l l um i na t i on
( Morse code)
Seriously in-
jured. Send
a doctor.
Mes -
s ag e
Pattern of Light Illumination
(Morse Code)
W hil e in t he ti m e / cal end ar set ti n g di s pl a y, t he
display as shown below w ill appear if both buttons
“C” and “D” are depressed at the same tim e. This
is not a mal function. Depress button “A”, “B”, “C”
or “D” to ret u rn to the tim e/calenda r display, and
then set t he time/calendar a gain.
[All t he segm ent s lig h t ing up]
(dial, hands, buttons, case, bezel, straps, etc.)
✩If your watch is a LORUS LUMIBRITE wa tch, it
has fol lowing f eatures.
LORUS LUMIBRITE watches absorb and store light
ene r g y f r o m nat u ra l and ar tif icia l lig h t s our ces
a nd e m i t l ig h t i n t h e d a r k . Th ey a r e m a d e of
environmentall y f r ie ndl y m aterial, a nd theref ore,
are harmless to human beings and the environment.
• With a full charge, LORUS LUMIBRITE watches
glow in the dark hours long er than conventional
lum inous watche s of t his t ype. If exposed to a
lig h t of more than 500 lux (i.e., the brig ht ness
of a typical office) for approximately 10 minutes,
or d irect su nlig ht f or 2 m inut es, f or ex a m p l e,
they will gl ow for 3 to 5 hours.
• Since LORUS LUMIBRITE watches emit the light
they store, the brightness will decrease gradually
over tim e. The le n g t h o f t im e t hey wil l g low
may also differ slightly depending on such factors
as the brig htness of and distance from the l ig ht
sou rce use d to charg e the wa t ch.
Marke: | Lorus |
Kategorie: | betrachten |
Modell: | W820 |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
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