Lorus V421 Bedienungsanleitung
Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Lorus V421 (3 Seiten) in der Kategorie betrachten. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 7 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/3

C A LI B R E N O . O F Y O U R W A T C H
The cal ib r e num b e r of y o u r w a t ch is
inscribed on the case back of the watch.
■C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
1. T i m e : Indicated b y the hour , m inute and
se cond hands.✩
2 . R h y t h m i c m o v e m e n t o f t h e s e c o n d
h a n d ( C a l . V 4 2 1 , V 4 2 2 & V 6 2 1 ) :
The hand m oves t o the music pl aye d .
3 . Twin k l in g m e l od y fu n ct ion (C al . V 52F
& V5 2 G ): The l ig ht on the dial blinks on
and off in t ime to the m usic pl aye d .
4 . S e l e c t i o n o f t h e m u si c ( C a l . V 4 2 2 ) :
The music can be selected from two melodies.
✩S e c o n d i n d i c a t o r d i s k
Cal. V52G has a second indicator disk instead
of a second hand . It m ak es a f u l l t urn in
one minute, turning at one-second intervals.
Hour hand
C a l . V 4 2 2
Minute hand
C r o w n : Setting the time at the first
cl ick .
B u t t on A o r B : Start and stop of the music.
C a l . V 5 2 F / V 5 2 G
C r o w n : Setting the tim e at the fir st cl ick.
B u t t o n : Start of the music.
* Cal. V52G has a second indicator disk instead
of a se cond hand.
L ig h t
N o rm a l
Fir st
cl ick
• B e f o r e s e t t i n g t h e t i m e , b e s u r e t o
che c k t ha t t h e s e con d h a n d i s m ovi n g
a t o n e - s e c o n d i n t e r v a l s.
1. Pull out the crown to t he fir st cl ick. Th e
second h a n d / s e cond i n d i ca t o r d isk w i l l
st op on the spot .
* For the watches with a second hand, pull
ou t t he crow n w h en t he second h a nd is
at the 12 o’cl ock position.
2. T u r n t h e c r o w n c l o c k w i s e o r c o u n t e r -
cl ockwise to set the hour and minute hands
to the desired time.
* When setting the minute hand, first advance
it 4 t o 5 m i nu t e s a h e a d of t h e d e sir e d
tim e a nd t h e n tu r n it b a ck t o t h e e x act
m i nu t e.
3. Push the crown back into the normal position
in accord a nce w ith a time sig na l .
■D I S P L A Y A N D C R O W N / B U T T O N
C a l . V 4 2 1 / V 6 2 1
Hour hand
Se cond
Calib r e N o.
C r o w n : Setting the time at the first click.
B u t t o n : St a rt a nd stop of the music.
* The position of t he button dif fers
d e p e n d in g o n t h e m o d e l .
N o rm a l
Se cond
Bu t t on A
Bu t t on B
Crow n
Fir st
cl ick
N o rm a l
Minute hand
Hour hand
Crow n
Se cond
Crow n
Fir st cl ick
V 5 2 F - □□□□
Minute hand
Crow n
Fir st
cl ick
N o t e f o r C a l . V 4 2 1 , V 4 2 2 & V6 2 1 :
Do not set the time when the second hand is
moving to the music.

C a l . V 4 2 1 / V 6 2 1
•T o s t ar t t h e m u si c
P r e s s th e b u t t o n w i t h th e cr o w n a t t h e
norm al posit ion. Music st arts pl a ying and
the se cond hand star t s m oving t o it.
•T o s t o p t h e m u si c
Pr e ss t h e b u t t on once ag a in.
C a l . V 4 2 2
The m u sic p l a y e d dif f er s de pe nd i ng on t h e
m o de l .
C a l . V 4 2 1
•It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
•Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
•Jingle Bells
•Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
©Blackwood Music under license from ATV Music
•Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
©EMI Unart Catalog, Inc.
•Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
©Blue Seas Music Inc., JAC Music Co., Inc.,
Twentieth Century-Fox Music Corp. (20th Century Fox)
©Blackwood Music under license from ATV Music
•I Want To Hold Your Hand
©Music Corporation of America
•When You Wish Upon A Star
©Bourne Co.
•T o s t ar t t h e m u si c
Pr ess button “A” or “B” w i t h t he crown at
the nor m al posit ion. Mu sic star t s playing
and t he second hand start s m oving t o it.
* Two different melodies are played by pressing
respect i ve b uttons.
•T o s t o p t h e m u si c
Pr ess either b u t t on “ A” or “B”.
N o t e s f o r C a l . V 4 2 1 , V 4 2 2 & V 6 2 1 :
1. The duration of the music and the movement
of t h e se cond h a nd d iffer d e pend ing on
the music played.
2. The m usi c w il l stop a u t om a t i call y a t it s
end even if t he butt on is left untouched .
3. W hen t he music stops, the second hand
will return to the accurate tim e and start
imm ediately at one-second int erva l s.
C a l . V 5 2 F / V 5 2 G
•T o s t ar t t h e m u si c
P r e s s th e b u t t o n w i t h th e cr o w n a t t h e
norm al posit ion. Music st arts pl a ying and
the lig ht bl i nk s on and of f in t im e t o t he
m u si c.
* The m usic wil l st o p a u t om a t ical l y a t i t s
end. I t ca nnot be stopped m a n u a l l y b y
pressing t he bu t t on o r b y oper a t i ng t h e
cr own.
Se cond
Bu t t on A
Bu t t on B
L ig h t
C a l . V 4 2 2
•Button A : It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
Button B : Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
C a l . V 5 2 F / V 5 2 G
•It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
•Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
C a l . V 6 2 1
•It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
•When You Wish Upon A Star
©Bourne Co.
•Winnie The Pooh
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
•Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
(dial, hands, butt ons , case, bezel,
s tra p, et c .)
✩If your watch is a LORUS LUMIBRITE watch,
it has f oll owing f eatures.
LORUS LUMIBRITE watches absorb and store
lig ht ener g y from natura l and artif icia l lig ht
sources and emit lig ht in the da rk. They are
m a d e of environm ent a l l y fr i e ndl y m a t er i a l ,
and theref ore, are harmless t o hum a n being s
and t h e environm ent.
• W i t h a f u l l ch a r g e , LOR US L UM I B R I TE
watches g low in the dark hours longer than
conventional luminous watches of this type.
If exposed t o a l ig h t of m ore than 500 l u x
(i.e., the brig htness of a typical office) f or
approximately 10 minutes, or direct sunlight
for 2 m inutes, t h ey will g low for h ours.
• S i nce L O R US L U M IB R I TE w a t c h e s e m i t
t h e l i g ht t h e y s t o r e , t h e b r ig h t ne s s w i l l
decrease g r aduall y over tim e. The leng th
of time they will glow may also differ slightly
depending on such factors as the brightness
of and dist ance from the lig ht source used
to charg e t he watch.

■ B A T T E R Y C H A N G E
The miniature battery which powers your watch
shoul d l a st as individ u a l l y s pecified bel o w .
However, because it is inserted at the factory,
t h e act u a l l i f e o f t h e b a t t e r y once i n y o u r
po s s e s s i o n m a y b e l e s s t h a n t h e s p e ci f i e d
per i od.
Be sure t o replace the battery to prevent a ny
possible m alfunction as soon as it runs down.
To replace the batt ery, we recommend taking
the w a t ch to a local watch repa ir sh op.
C a u t i o n :
Leather str aps are not w ater resist ant e x cept
so indicat e d, even if the watch head is water
r e si s t a nt .
• A L L E R G I C R E A C T I O N
Because the case and band touch the skin
d i r e c t l y , i t i s i m p o r t a nt t o cl e a n t h e m
r e g u l a r l y . I f no t , sh i r t s l e e v e s m a y b e
staine d a nd those with del icate skin m ay
d e v e l o p a r a s h . P l e a s e w e a r t h e w a t ch
with some play to avoid any possible allergic
re a ct i o n. If y ou de ve l op a r a s h on you r
wrist, stop wearing and consult a physician.
• M A G N E T I S M
Y o u r w a t ch wil l not b e a f f e c t ed by m a g -
net is m g ene r a t e d b y ho u se h ol d el e c t r i c
a p p l i a nc e s.
• S H O C K S A N D V I B R A T I O N S
Your watch may be worn for normal sports
act ivit ies, b u t b e ca r ef u l not t o drop it or
hit it on h ar d s u r f a ces.
• T E M P E R A T U R E
Your watch is preadjusted so that constant
accur a c y m a y b e i n su r ed a t n or m a l t e m -
p e r a t u r e .
N o t e s :
1. The music function consumes a large amount
of e l e ctr i c i t y , a n d t h e consum e d ener g y
v a r i e s d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m u s i c pl a y e d
a nd i t s d u r a t i o n ( a n d t h e m o v e m e n t o f
the seco nd ha nd f or C a l . V421, V422 and
V6 2 1 ) .
2. [ C a l . V 4 2 1 , V 4 2 2 & V 6 2 1 ]
If t he m u sic f u n ct ion is u sed f r e q u entl y ,
the battery l ife may be l ess than 2 years.
[ C a l . V 5 2 F & V 5 2 G ]
•If the m usic function is used more t h a n
5 times a day, the batteries for the m usic
function m ay expire in l ess t han 3 years.
•W e recom m end t hat you repl ace a l l t h e
t h r e e b a t t e r ies i f any o f t h e m need s t o
b e r e p l a ced.
Do n ot e x p o s e t h e ol d ba t t e r y t o
fi r e o r r e c h a r g e i t . Ke e p i t a t a
p l a c e b e y o n d t h e r e a c h o f c h i l -
d r e n . I f a c h i l d s w a l l o w s i t ,
c o n s u l t a d o c t o r i m m e d i a t e l y .
• W A T E R R E S IS T A N T
• B A T T E R Y
N o
i n di c at i o n
(5 0 M/ 5 B A R) *
10 0 M/
10 B AR or
a b ov e
Co ndi t i on
of use
Accidenta l
contact with
water, such
as splashes
and ra i n
Sw imm-
i ng a n d
taking a
sh ower
Sk i n
di v i n g
Scub a
di v i n g
In d i ca -
tio n on
the di a l /
ca se ba ck
( )
* If you r watch is 200 M/20 BAR, 100 M/1 0
BAR or 50 M/5 BAR water resistant, it is so
indicat ed on t h e dial/case back .
•Do not press any buttons or turn the crown
w h e n t h e w a t ch is w e t.
•If th e watch is exposed to salt water , r inse
it in fresh water and then wipe it thoroughly
d r y .
W hen you r LORUS w at ch requires repair or
servicing, please see the enclosed WARRANTY/
■S E R V I C E
Cal. V52F:
2 years
Cal. V52G:
1.5 years
3 years
[For watch operation]
EVEREADY 377, 1 piece
[For music function]
EVEREADY 377, 2 pieces
1 piece Approx.
2 years
SR920W, 1 piece
Pr i nt ed i n H ong K on g
Pr i nt ed i n H ong K on g
Marke: | Lorus |
Kategorie: | betrachten |
Modell: | V421 |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
Wenn Sie Hilfe mit Lorus V421 benötigen, stellen Sie unten eine Frage und andere Benutzer werden Ihnen antworten
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