Lorus N945 Bedienungsanleitung
Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Lorus N945 (4 Seiten) in der Kategorie betrachten. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 17 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/4

Se l e c t io n of th e m od e i s m a d e b y t u r n i ng t h e
crown a t norm a l posi t i o n cl ock w i se or cou nt e r -
clock wise as f ollows:
Before setting the time, date and al arm, be sure to
use the “ Ø ” m ode t o put all the hands ot her→ ←
than the dual time hand in the 12 o’clock position.
• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
“ Ø→ ← ”.
I f th e ha n d s do not r e t u r n t o th e 12 o ’cl o ck
posit ion, reset th em to the 12 o’cl ock posit ion,
fol l ow ing t he pr ocedu r e b el o w.
Cal. N945
■C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
1 . T i m e : Indicat ed by the h our, m inute and 24-
hou r ha nds.
2 . D a t e : Ind ica ted by th e d at e indicat or (t ail of
th e ce nter ha nd).
3. A l a r m : The alarm is set on a 24-hour basis and
ring s at the desig na t ed tim e f or 15 second s.
4 . S t o p wa t c h : It can m easu re up t o 12 hours in
1/1 0 seconds.
5 . T i m e r : Up t o 6 0 m inutes can be set in one-
m inu t e increm ent s.
6 . Du a l t i m e : The time of a dif ferent time zone
ca n b e displ a y e d on a 2 4-h o u r ba s is w ith t h e
du al time hand .
7 . T a c h ym e t e r : Some mod els are provided wit h
a t achymet er with a g rad uat ed d ia l .
Stopw a t ch
1/1 0 se cond ha nd
St op w at ch /t i m er
second h and
(t ip of t he cent er ha nd)
Hour hand
24-h ou r h and
Da te num er al s
Da te ind icat or
(t ail of th e cente r h and)
Minu t e h and
Norm al positi on
Fir st cl ick
Second cl ick
Cr ow n
Dual t im e ha nd
Mod e indicator
TIME m od e
(A l a rm dise ng a g ed)
TIME m od e
(A l arm eng ag ed)
AL AR M m ode
“→ Ø ← ” m od e
TIMER m od e
Mod e indicator
Second cl ick
Cr ow n
Fir st cl ick
Hour hand
24-h ou r h and
Minu t e h and
Second cl ick
Cr ow n
Mod e indicator
• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
“TI ME” or “TI ME ”.
1. Pul l ou t the cr ow n to th e se cond click.
The minute hand may stop on the spot or advance
to the nex t m inu te m ark er and st op.
2 . D e p r e s s bu t t o n “ A” or “ B ” to s e t t h e ho u r ,
minute and 24- hour hands to t he desired time.
The time can be set in one-minute increments.
* For bot h butt ons, the hand s a dvance quickly
if the respective but tons are kept depressed.
3. Pu sh the crow n back in to t he norm al position
in accord ance wit h a tim e sig nal.
N o t e s :
1. When sett ing the hour hand, check that the 24-
hou r hand is set pr operl y.
2. As t h e h our a nd m inut e hand s m o ve , t h e 2 4 -
hou r ha nd al so moves corr espond ing l y.
3. When the 24-hour hand turns clockwise or counter-
clockw ise pa st “ 0” posit ion, the da te indicat or
ad va nces or m oves b ack, respect ive l y.
Da te ind icat or
Fir st cl ick
Cr ow n
Da te num er al s
Mod e indicator
The dat e is indicated by the date indicator (tail of
th e ce nter ha nd).
• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
“TI ME” or “TI ME ”.
1. Pul l ou t th e cr own to the first cl ick.
2. D epr e ss butt on “A ” or “B ” t o set the d esi red
da t e.
* F or b o t h b u t t o ns , t h e d a t e ind ica t o r m o ve s
q u ick l y if th e r e sp e ct ive b u t t o n s ar e k e pt
de pr esse d.
3. Push the crown back in t o the normal position.
N o t e s :
1. W hi l e th e crow n i s kept a t t he first click , t he
hou r , m inu t e and 2 4-hour hands st op moving ,
and w he n t h e cr o w n is push e d i n, t h e h a nd s
move t o indicat e t he cu rr ent t im e proper l y.
2. If the date has cha ng ed t o the nex t w hil e dat e
set t in g is b e i n g m a d e, t h e h o u r an d m i nu t e
ha nd s wi l l tu rn past t he 12 o’cl ock ma r ker as
soon a s t he cr o w n i s push ed in, bu t t h e d a t e
indicator w il l not adva nce t o t he nex t .
1. Pul l ou t th e cr own to the first cl ick.
* If t he stopwat ch or t im e r is count ing , it w ill
au t om a t ica l l y b e reset .
2. De p r e ss b ut to n “ A ” or “ B” t o r e set t h e s t o p-
w a t c h 1 / 1 0 s e co n d h a n d a n d t h e ti p of t h e
cent er ha nd to t he 12 o’cl ock position.
* The stopwatch 1/10 second hand and the center
h a nd m o ve cor resp o n d i n g l y and ca nno t b e
set inde pe ndent l y .
* For b ot h b u ttons, the ha nds m ove quickl y if
th e r espect ive but t ons a re k ept d epressed.
3. Pul l ou t the cr ow n to th e se cond click.
4. Depr e s s b u t ton “ A ” o r “B ” to re s e t th e ho u r
a nd m inu t e ha nd s t o the 1 2 o’cl ock posi t io n
and the 2 4- hou r ha nd t o “ 0” posit ion.
* As t he m inute ha nd m oves, th e hour and 24-
hou r ha nd s m ove corre spondi ng l y .
* When finally put t ing t he m i nute ha nd t o t he
12 o’clock position, be sure to turn it clockwise
by de pr essing b utton “A ”.
* For b ot h b u ttons, the ha nds m ove quickl y if
th e r espect ive but t ons a re k ept d epressed.
5. Push the crown back in t o the normal position.
■D I SP L A Y, M OD ES , AN D C R OW N &

• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
“TI ME” or “TI ME ”.
Minu t e h and
Fir st cl ick
Cr ow n
Dual t im e ha nd
Mod e indicator
1. Pu l l out t he crow n t o t he first cl ick.
2. Turn the crown clockwise or count ercl ockwise
t o set the d ua l t i m e ha nd t o the t im e of th e
de sir ed t im e zone .
* When setting the dual time hand, first advance
it one h ou r a h ea d of the d e s i r e d ti m e a nd
then t ur n it ba ck to t he ex act h our.
3. Push the crown back in to the normal position.
N o t e s :
1. T h e m in u t e ha nd a l so s e r ves to ind i c a t e th e
minute s of the d ual t im e .
2. W h en se tting th e du al t im e w it h t he cr ow n at
the first click, do not depress button“A” or “B”
as t he dat e i ndi cat or wil l m ove.
3. W hen tu r ning t h e cro w n t o set the d u al t im e
ha nd , t he ho u r a nd minu t e ha nd s may m ov e
sl i g h t l y . H o w e ve r , th i s w i l l not a f f e c t ti m e
accur a cy.
4. W h il e t h e crown is k ept a t t he first click , t he
hou r , m inu t e and 2 4-hour hands st op moving ,
and w he n t h e cr o w n is push e d i n, t h e h a nd s
automatically m ove to indicate the current time
prope r l y.
24-h ou r h and
Hour hand
Minu t e h and
Second cl ick
Cr ow n
Mod e indicator
A l a r m s e t t i n g
• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
“ SET”.
1. Pu l l out t he crown t o t he second cl ick .
2 . D e pr e s s bu t t o n “A ” or “ B ” t o s e t t he ho u r ,
minute and 24-hour hands to the desired alarm
t im e .
* F or both b utt ons, the hand s m ove q uick l y if
th e r espect ive but t ons a re k ept d epressed.
3. Push the crown back in to the normal position.
N o t e s :
1. W hen setting the hour hand, check that the 24-
hou r hand is set pr operl y.
2. A s th e al a rm hand s move, th e du al t im e hand
moves correspondingly, retaining the time difference
between the current time and dual time. Therefore,
the a l a r m ca n al so b e se t on the b a si s o f t he
dual time display by turning the al arm hands to
se t t he d ua l t i m e ha n d t o th e d e sir e d al a rm
t im e .
3. W hil e t h e a l arm hand s a re m oving t o ind ica t e
th e alar m time previously set , d o not d epre ss
any one of t he bu t t ons as the ha nd s wi l l st op
m ovin g a nd the a l a r m wi l l b e set t o t h e tim e
th at t he ha nd s ind ica t e.
A l a r m e n g a g e m e n t / d i s e n g a g e m e n t
• To eng ag e the al arm , t ur n the cr own to se t the
mod e indicat or t o “TIME ”.
* The alarm rings at the desig nated time for 15
seconds. To stop it manually, depress button
“A ” or “B”, or tur n th e cr ow n to cha ng e th e
mode over t o a not he r.
* T h e a l a r m ca n b e t es t ed b y k e ep i n g b o t h
but t ons “A” a nd “ B ” d e p ressed at t he sa m e
tim e w ith the mode indicator at “TIME ”.
• To diseng ag e t h e al a r m , t u r n t h e cro wn t o se t
the mode indicator to any mode other than “TIME ”.
T i m e r se t t i n g
• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
Second cl ick
Tim er se cond ha nd
Tim er m inut e ha nd
1/1 0 se cond ha nd
Cr ow n
Mod e indicator
1. Pu l l out t he crown t o t he second cl ick .
The timer minute hand indicates the time previously
2. Dep r ess b u t t o n “ A ” or “ B” to set t h e des ir e d
am ount of tim e.
* F or both b utt ons, the hand m oves q uick l y if
th e r espect ive but t ons a re k ept d epressed.
3. Push the crown back in to the normal position.
N o t e s :
1. If “0 ” minut es a re set for th e t im er , it w il l not
st art .
2. Once the tim er is set, the set tim e can be used
repea ted l y u nl ess it is newl y set .
T i m e r op e r a t i on
• W h i l e in t h e “ T I M ER ” m o d e , d epr e s s bu t t on
“B” t o r eg ister th e t im e previou sl y set .
• After the t im er is set newly, it is not necessary
to foll ow t he above step.
Depress t he bu t tons in t he f ol l ow ing ord er .
A A A Ti m e- u p
Star t Stop R es tar t Warning
beep sounds
Restart and stop of the timer
can be repeated by depressing
bu t t on “A”.
* If button “B” is depressed after the set time is up
or wh il e th e time r is stopped, th e timer is reset
to the set t im e ag ain.
• W hen 6 m inu t es or m ore ar e set for the t im er,
t h e 1/ 1 0 se c o nd h a nd m ove s b a ck an d for t h
every second while the second hand stops at “0”
posit ion.
• W h en t he r em a ini ng t im e is 5 m inut es or l ess,
the 1 /1 0 second h a nd t u rns a fu l l circl e ever y
se cond , and t h e se c o n d ha nd t u r ns c o u n t e r -
clock wise at one -second inte rval s.
[Swing movement of the 1/10 second hand]
N o t e s :
1. When the rema ining tim e is 3, 2 and 1 second,
a warning b eep sounds, and when t he set t im e
is up, it b eeps for 2 seconds.
2. Even if t he m ode is chang ed fr om “TIMER” t o
anot her, t he t im er cont inues cou nting and the
wa rning beep sound s in the m anner d escribed
ab ove.
3. W hil e t h e tim er i s us e d , t h e d ua l tim e ha n d
moves correspondingl y wit h the hour hand but
does not ind ica t e t he rem aining t im e.

• Tu rn t h e cr ow n t o se t th e m od e i nd ic a t or t o
“ CH R ON O .”.
The hour, minute, stopwatch second and stopwatch
1/10 seco nd hand s re t u rn t o “ 0 ” posi t io n, and
t h e st opw a t ch 12-h o u r h a n d r e t u r ns t o “ 0 ” or
“12” depending on which position it started from.
Stopw at ch 1/1 0 second ha nd
Stopw atch second ha nd
Stopw atch 12-hou r ha nd
Hour hand
Minu t e h and
Cr ow n
Mod e indicator
* The stopw at ch can m easure up to 12 hours in
1/1 0 seconds.
* Even if the m ode is chang ed from “CH RONO.”
to a not her w hil e th e st opw atch is measur ing ,
it cont inues counting . How ever , if “ → ←Ø ”
mode is sel ected and t he crown is pu lled out,
t he m ea surem ent is ca nc el ed and t h e ha nd s
w i l l b e r eset t o “ 0 ” posit i o n , a n d wh en t h e
spl it tim e is m easur ed, it wil l b e relea sed by
cha ng ing t he m od e.
• Before using the stopwatch, be sure to reset the
stopwat ch 1 2- hou r ha nd t o “ 0” or “1 2” posit ion
and the oth er ha nds to “0” posit ion.
When the stopwatch is measuring , depress button
“A” t o st op t he m ea surement and th en depr ess
bu t t on“ B” once.
Star t Stop R es et
S p l i t t i m e m e a s u r e m e n t
Star t Spl it Split Stop R es et
re l ease
M e a s u r e m e n t b e t we e n
t wo c o m p e t i t o r s
Fini sh ( Fi rst r unner )
Fini sh ( Second ru nner)
Star t Spl it Stop Sp l it R eset
re l ease
A c c u m u l a t e d e l a p se d t i m e
m e a s u r e m e n t
Can r epeat b y d e-
pressing b utton “B”.
[ M ov e m e n t of t he h a n d s d u r i n g
m e a s u r e m e n t ]
W h e n m or e t ha n 1 0 minu t es h a v e e l ap s e d a ft er
the stopwatch is started, the second hand stops at
“ 0 ” p o s i t i on , and t h e 1/ 1 0 se c o n d h a nd m o v e s
b a ck an d f o r t h e v e r y se c o n d st a r t i ng f r om “ 0 ”
position, to indicate that the stopwatch is measuring.
* In that case, the hands will indicate the measured
ti m e im m edi ate l y if t h e spl it t im e is m e asure d
or t he st opw a tch is stopped .
• Even when more than 10 m inut es have elapsed,
the 1/10 second hand and second hand are moving
normally to show the elapsed time in the following
cas es.
•W h e n th e m od e i s ch a n g ed fr o m anot h e r to
th e stopwat ch mode.
•When split time is released or measurem ent is
restarted. In each case, the hands move normally
for a ppr ox im at e l y 10 m inut es.
• Whil e the tim er warning sound beeps, the st op-
wat ch h ands s top moving . H ow e ver, the stop-
w a t ch con t i n u e s corr e ct mea su r e m ent . Sp l it
t i m e m e a su r e m ent a nd st op of the st opw at ch
ar e a l so possibl e .
• W hil e t h e ha n d s a r e mov i ng a u tom a t i cal l y in
the following cases, the stopwatch button operation
can b e m a de cor re ctly.
•Af ter the stopwat ch i s re set;
•After the mode is changed over to the stopwatch
mode f rom anoth er ; and
•Af ter th e split ti m e is released .
• When measurement exceeds 12 hours, the hands
st op at “0 ” posit ion. If t he spl it tim e is be ing
measured and the measurement exceeds 12 hours,
th e hand s w il l be re set t o “0” position.
(For t he m od el s with tach ym e ter scale)
• Use t he t ach ym ete r w ith the stopwat ch.
Stopw a tch oper ation ( St anda r d m e asure m ent)
To st art : Press “ A”.
To st op : Press “ A”.
To re set : Press “ B”.
T o me a sure t he hour l y av e r a ge spe e d of a
v e h i c l e
• Use the stopwatch to determine how many seconds
it takes to g o one kil ometer (or one m ile). The
t a c h y m e t e r s ca l e i nd i ca t e d b y t h e st op w at ch
second h and g ives the averag e spe ed per hou r.
Ex . 1 )
If it tak es 40 seconds t o g o one kil om eter (or one
m il e), t he st opwat ch seco nd h a nd ind ica t e s “9 0”
on t he t a c h y m e t er sca l e . Th i s m e ans t ha t th e
averag e spe ed of t he vehicle is 90 kilomet er s (or
mil es) pe r h ou r.
Ex . 2 )
If the measuring distance is extended to 2 kilometers
(or m il es) or shortened to 0.5 kil om et ers (miles),
m ultipl y t h e fi g u r e on t h e ta ch ym eter scale by 2
or 0 .5, r espect ivel y.
N o t e : The tachymeter is also useful in calculating
machine production am ount per hou r in a
fact ory .
S t an d a r d m e a s u r e m e n t
Star t Stop R estar t Stop Re se t
Accu m u l ate repe ate dl y b y
de pr essing b utton “A ”.
Marke: | Lorus |
Kategorie: | betrachten |
Modell: | N945 |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
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