Juki DLD-5430N Bedienungsanleitung
Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Juki DLD-5430N (72 Seiten) in der Kategorie Nähmaschine. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 47 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/72

NOTE : Read safety instructions carefully and understand them before using.
Retain this Instruction Manual for future reference.
Lesen Sie die Sicherheitsanweisungen aufmerksam durch, um sich mit ihnen vertraut zu
machen, bevor Sie diese Maschine in Betrieb nehmen. Bewahren Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung
für spätere Bezugnahme auf.
NOTE : Avant d’utiliser la machine, lire attentivement toutes les consignes de sécurité.
Conserver ce manuel pour pouvior le consulter en cas de besoin.
NOTA : Antes de comenzar a usar esta máquina lea con detención hasta comprender todas las
instrucciones de sequridad. Conserve este Manual de instrucciones a mano para futuras consultas.
NOTA : Leggere attentamente e compredere tutte le istruzioni per la sicurezza prima di inziare l’ uso
di questa macchina. Conservare questo Manuale d’Instruzioni per pronto riferimento.

For the sewing machine, automatic machine and ancillary devices (hereinafter collectively referred to as
"machine"), it is inevitable to conduct sewing work near moving parts of the machine. This means that there
is always a possibility of unintentionally coming in contact with the moving parts. Operators who actually
operate the machine and maintenance personnel who are involved in maintenance and repair of the machine
are strongly recommended to carefully read to fully understand the following SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
before using/maintaining the machine. The content of the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS includes items which
are not contained in the speci¿cations of your product.
The risk indications are classi¿ed into the following three different categories to help understand the meaning
of the labels. Be sure to fully understand the following description and strictly observe the instructions.
Warning label
❶ a r a a e TKere iV WKe SRVVibiliW\ WK W VligKW WR VeriRXV MX in \ Rr GeaWK P \ be F XV G
a r a a e TKere iV WKe SRVVibiliW\ WK W inMX \ P \ be F XV G b\ WRXFKing PRYing SarW
❷ TR S IR P V er r eZ N Z WK V I W\ Xing ZRr i a e g arG
TR S IR P V Z N Z WK V I W\ FRY er r e ing ZRr i a e er
TR S IR P V Z N Z WK V I W\ S R G Y F er r e ing ZRr i a e rRWeFWi n e i e
❸ %e VX FKre WR WX WK IR rn e SRZer OFF be re Farr\ing RXW Pa ineKeaG WK reaGing
G R R G Fnee le FKanging b bbin FKanging r Riling an leaning
Ganger label
T i i a i en e anger r K V inG F W Rn iV giY ZKere WKere iV an iPP GiaWe G RI GeaWK Rr VerRXV MX in \ iI WKe SerVRn in FKarge Rr an\ WKirG
S W\ P G V WK P R V G WK G V WX W R W R P W WK P ar iVKan le e aFKine r GRe nRW aYRi e angerRXV i a i n ZK RSen era ing r ain aining e aFKine
T i i a iK V inG F W Rn iV giYen ZKere WKere iV a SRWenWialiW\ IRr GeaWK Rr VeriRXV inMXr \ iI WKe SerVRn in FKarge Rr an\ WKirG
SarW\ i a e i P VKanGleV WKe P FKine Rr GR V n aRW YR G WKe GangerRXV i a iV WX W Rn ZKen RSeraWing Rr PainWaining WKe PaFKine
T i i a iK V inG F W Rn iV giYen ZKere WKere iV G P G a anger RI e iXP WR r PinRr inMX \ iI WKe SerVRn in FKarge R \ G S r an WKir ar
W\ i aP VKanGleV WKe P FKine R V G G V W R W R P Wr GRe nRW aYRi WKe angerRXV iWXa i n ZKen RSera ing r ain aining WKe P aFKine
I e e i nW PV reTXiring VS Fial aWWenW R
PiFWRrial Z G F W Rarning in i a i n
T r n aKere iV a riVN RI MX in \ iI FR W FW
ing a PRY V R ing eFWi n
PiFWRrial Zarning
inG F W Ri a i n
% Z WK W G WK V Ze a are a KRl ing e e ing
P W R FaFKine GXring RSera i n an
KXr W \RXr KanGV
T al Kere iV a riVN RI eleFWriF VKRFN iI
FR FWn aW FWing a K KYR W Vig l age e i nR
T Kere iV a riVN RI enWanglePenW in
WK W We bel reVXl ing in inMXr\
T n aKere iV a riVN RI a bXrn iI FR W FW
ing a K WX V R igKWePSera re eFWi n
T r Kere iV a riVN RI MX in \ iI \RX
WRXFK WK F e bXWWRn arrier
% Z WK W \ G Fe a are a e e e¿FienF\ an
be ireF GaXVe b l\ RRNing G FWl \ aW WKe
laVer beaP
InG F W Ri a i n label
T i i a eKe FR FWrre GireFW Rn iV inG F W G
T n aKere iV a riVN RI FR W FW beWZeen
\RX K G G WK V Z P r ea an e e ing a
C i RnneFW Rn RI a earWK Fable iV
inG F Wi a eG
W R Y V I E[Slana i n RI riVN le el
E i i rial i a i n [SlanaW Rn RI S FWR Zarning inG F W R V anG Zarning labelV

WK W V F \ WR WK W R W F S WR WX WKen i i ne eVVar RSen e FRn r l bR[ FRn aining eleFWri al arWV be VXre rn e SRZer
RII anG Z W IR P V R IR ai r ¿Ye inXWe r PRre be re RSening WK FRY R G WR S Y W G We er in r er re en aFFi en leaGing WR
ele al FWriF VKRFN
A i aFF GenW PeanV WR F XVe
S \ R G WK RerVRnal inMXr r ea r
G P WR Sa age rRS W\er
% V F S F Ra i re aXWi n
r i r i e rie %e VXre WR reaG WKe inVW XFW Rn PanXal anG RWKer e[SlanaWR \ GRFXPenWV VXSSlieG Z WK aFF VVR V RI
WK P IR WK P IX \ N S WK XFW R P X G WK WR \e aFKine be re XVing e aFKine Care ll ee e inVWr i n an al an e e[Slana r GRFX
P WV W K G IR I F en a an r TXiFN re eren e
TK W W WK V V R F V W W G WK F W R V \RX Se FRn en RI i eFWi n in lXGe i ePV ZKiFK are nRW FRn aine in e VSe i¿Fa i n RI r rRGXFW
a %e VXre WR Zear V I W\ R V WR S G W F G \ G N e g ggle rRWeFW againVW FF a i en aXVe b nee le brea age
TKRV XV XVe ZKR e a K W S F K Y WRear a er a e e WK P IW W W Re aFKine a er FRnVXl a i n Z WK P G F Fi a e i al VSe ialiVW
Sa e e i e I W\ G Y F V anG Zarning labelV
a a a e e i l %e VXre WR RSeraWe WKe P FKine aIWer YeriI\ing WK W V I W\ G Y Fe(V) iV FR FWrre \ inVWalleG in SlaFe anG
ZR XV RIrNV nR P \r all in R G WR S Y Wr er re en aFFi aGenW F eG b\ laFN WK G Y F V e e i e( )
II \ WK V I W\ G Y F V V PRY WR S F W G Y I\ WK W W R P \ R G WR an RI e a e e i e i re eG be VXre re la e i an eri a i ZRrNV n r all in r er
S Y W G W WK W Fre en aFFi en a an reVXlW S \ R G in erVRnal inMXr r eaWK
a i r i %e VXre WR NeeS WKe Zarning labelV aGKereG Rn WKe P FKine Flearl\YVible in R Ger WR SreYenW aFF GenW
WK W F W S \ R G I \a an reVXl in erVRnal inMXr r eaWK I an RI a n WKe labelV K V VWaineG Rr FRPe X VWXFN be VXre WR
FKange iW Z WK Z R i a ne ne
A a i i a i nSSliF W Rn anG PRG ¿F W R
a a i e a NeYer XVe WKe P FKine IRr an\ aSSliF W Rn RWKer WKan iWV inWenG G Rne anG in an\ Panner RWKer WKan WK W
S G WK XFW R P X R G WR S Y W G W WK W F W SreVFribe in e inVWr i n an al in r er re en aFFi en a an reVXl in erVRnal inMXr \ Rr
G - . V R VSR V W\ IR G P V R S \ R G WK W I WKeaWK U I aVVXPe n re n ibili r a age r erVRnal inMXr r ea reVXl ing rRP e XV RIe
WK P IR \ F W R WK WK W G G R e aFKine r an aSSli a i n RWKer an e in en e ne
FK FF VX VR NeYer PRGi aI\ anG alWer WKe Pine in R Gr er WR S reYenW a i a GenW WK W Fan re lW in Ser nal inMXr \ Rr
G - . V R VSR V W\ IR G P V R S \ R G WKeaWK U I aVVXPe n re n ibili r a age r erVRnal inMXr r ea reVXl r aWing I RP WKe P
FK FKine ZKi a i e K V been PRG ¿ G Rr alWereG
E a i GXF W Rn anG Wraining
In R G WR S Y W G W W I X I P W\ Z WK WK P WK P K V WR Gr er re en aFFi en reVXl ing rRP n a iliari i e aFKine e aFKine a be XVe
R \ \ WK WR K V W W G \ WKnl b e RSera r ZKR a been raineGeGXFa e b e ePSlR\er Z WK WR WK P i reVSeFW e aFKine RSer
a i a i a e e a n iW Rn anG KRZ WR RSeraWe WKe P FKine Z WK V I W\ WR aFTXire aG TX We N RZleGge anG RSeraW Rn VNill TR
en re er VX WKe abRYe WKe ePSlR\ K V WRa eVW VKabli an eGXF RSa i nW R Wraining Slan IR WKr e eraWR V Gr an eGX
F W WK P IR Ka eWrain e be re anG
I e i a ine a W PV IRr ZK FK WKe er SRZ WR WKe P FK K V WR be WXrneG RII
TX WKrning e SRZer RII: TX WK WK PRY WK S X I WK Wrning e SRZer VZiWFK RII en re ing e SRZer l g rRP e RXWle
T i K V a lieSS V WR WKe IRll ingRZ
e r ali ail %e VXre WR iPP GiaWel\ WXrn WKe er SRZ RII iI an\ abnR P W\ Rr I Xre i r in V G R IRXn WK F Ve a e RI SRZer
I X R G WR S G W WK W F W S \ R Gail re in r er rRWeFW againVW FF a i en a an reVXl in erVRnal inMXr r eaWK
TR S G W W I W rRWeFW againVW FF a i en reVXl ing rRP XSW abr VWar RI WK P WR F \ WK IRe aFKine be VXre arr RXW e llRZ
ing a rning FRSeraW R Vi n IWer WX WKe SRZer RII Rr raWKe PaFKine inFRrSR Wing a F PRWRlXWFK r S W in ar iFXlar
be i nVXre WR Farr\ RXW WKe IRll ing RZ RSeraW R V aIWer WXrning WK G Y I\ WK W WK Pe SRZer RII an eri ing a e aFKine
FR [ G S V G r e aPSle WKrea ing WKe arWV VXFK a WKe nee le lRRSer G K Y VSrea er eWF ZKiFK a e WR WK be reaG
e G Rr FKanging WKe bRbbin
FRr e[ R FRPSR W S WV WK P aPSle FKanging r aGMXVWing all nen ar RI e aFKine
FR [ S R F WK P R Y WK P r e aPSle ZKen inVSeFWing re airing r leaning e aFKine r lea ing e aFKine
l l l %e VXre WR rePRYe WKe er SRZ S Xg b\ KR Ging WKe S Xg n in n in V ReFWiVWeaG WK RI e FRr e iG V FW R R Gr er WR S re
Y W F VKRFN WK N R ¿ G Wen eleFWri al ear lea age r re aFFi en
ene a e r %e VXre WR WXrn WKe er SRZ RII ZK Yer WKe P FKine iV leIW XnaWWenG G beWZeen ZR NV
a ail r i l %e VXre WR WXrn WKe er SRZ RII in WKe F Ve RI SRZer I Xre in R Ger WR SreYenW aFF GenW reVX Wing RI breaN
age RI eleFW WVriF FRPSRal nen
Marke: | Juki |
Kategorie: | Nähmaschine |
Modell: | DLD-5430N |
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Bedienungsanleitung Nähmaschine Juki

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