Hotpoint LSFA+ 935 Bedienungsanleitung

Lesen Sie kostenlos die šŸ“– deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĆ¼r Hotpoint LSFA+ 935 (80 Seiten) in der Kategorie SpĆ¼lmaschine. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĆ¼r 23 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/80
Operating instructions
LSFA+ 935
English, 1
Deutsch, 14 Norsk, 27
Dansk, 39 Suomi, 67Svenska, 53
Product Fiche, 2
Precautions and advice, 3
General safety
Saving energy and respecting the environment
Installation et Assistance, 4-5
Positioning and levelling
Connecting the water and electricity supplies
Advice regarding the first wash cycle
Technical data
Ecodesign Regulation
Description of the appliance, 6
Overall view
Control panel
Loading the racks, 7
Lower rack
Cutlery basket
Upper rack
Adjusting the height of the upper rack
Start-up and use, 8
Starting the dishwasher
Measuring out the detergent
Wash cycles, 9
Table of wash cycles
Wash options, 10
Rinse aid and refined salt, 11
Measuring out the rinse aid
Measuring out the refined salt
Care and maintenance, 12
Shutting off the water and electricity supplies
Cleaning the dishwasher
Preventing unpleasant odours
Cleaning the sprayer arms
Cleaning the water inlet filter
Cleaning the filters
Leaving the machine unused for extended periods
Troubleshooting, 13
Product Fiche
Model LSFA+ 935
Rated capacity in standard place settings (1) 10
Energy efī‚æciency class on a scale from A+++ (low consumption) to D (high consumption) A+
Energy consumption per year in kWh (2) 237.0
Energy consumption of the standard cleaning cycle in kWh 0.81
Power consumption of the off-mode in W 1.3
Power consumption of the left-on mode in W 3.0
Water consumption per year in litres (3) 2520.0
Drying efī‚æcacy class on a scale from G (low efī‚æcacy) to A (high efī‚æcacy) A
Programme time for standard cleaning cycle in minutes 180
The duration of the left-on mode in minutes 10
Noise in dB(A) Re 1pW 44
Built-in model No
1) The information on the label and ī‚æche relates to the standard cleaning cycle, this programme is suitable to clean normally
soiled tableware and it is the most efī‚æcient programme in terms of combined energy and water consumption. The standard
cleaning cycle corresponds to the Eco cycle.
2) Based on 280 standard cleaning cycles using cold water ī‚æll and the consumption of the low power modes. Actual energy
consumption depends on how the appliance is used.
3) Based on 280 standard cleaning cycles. Actual water consumption depends on how the appliance is used.
Product Fiche
* Only available in selected models.
Precautions and advice
This appliance was designed and manufactured
in compliance with international safety standards
The following information has been provided for
safety reasons and should therefore be read
Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future
reference. If the appliance is sold, given away or
moved, please ensure the manual is kept with the
Please read these instructions carefully: they contain
important information on installation, use and safety.
This appliance is designed for domestic use or
similar applications, for example:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other work
- farmhouses;
- use by guests in hotels, motels and other residential
- bed & breakfasts.
General safety
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒapplianceī€ƒshouldī€ƒnotī€ƒbeī€ƒoperatedī€ƒbyī€ƒpeopleī€ƒ
(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capacities, or by inexperienced
people who are not familiar with the product,
unless supervision or instructions on how to
use it are provided by someone who assumes
responsibility for their safety.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Anī€ƒadultī€ƒmustī€ƒsuperviseī€ƒchildrenī€ƒatī€ƒallī€ƒtimesī€ƒtoī€ƒ
prevent them from playing with the appliance.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒ applianceī€ƒ wasī€ƒ designedī€ƒ forī€ƒ domesticī€ƒ
use inside the home and is not intended for
commercial or industrial use.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒ applianceī€ƒ mustī€ƒ beī€ƒ usedī€ƒ byī€ƒ adultsī€ƒ onlyī€ƒ toī€ƒ
wash domestic crockery in accordance with the
instructions in this manual.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒ applianceī€ƒ mustī€ƒ notī€ƒ beī€ƒ installedī€ƒ outdoors,ī€ƒ
even in covered areas. It is extremely dangerous
to leave the machine exposed to rain and storms.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒnotī€ƒtouchī€ƒtheī€ƒapplianceī€ƒwhenī€ƒbarefoot.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Whenī€ƒunpluggingī€ƒtheī€ƒapplianceī€ƒalwaysī€ƒpullī€ƒtheī€ƒ
plug from the mains socket. Do not pull on the
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒwaterī€ƒsupplyī€ƒtapī€ƒmustī€ƒbeī€ƒ shutī€ƒoffī€ƒandī€ƒ theī€ƒ
plug should be removed from the electrical socket
before cleaning or maintaining the appliance.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Ifī€ƒtheī€ƒapplianceī€ƒbreaksī€ƒdown,ī€ƒdoī€ƒnotī€ƒunderī€ƒanyī€ƒ
circumstances touch the internal parts in an
attempt to perform the repair work yourself.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Doī€ƒ notī€ƒ leanī€ƒ orī€ƒ sitī€ƒ onī€ƒ theī€ƒ openī€ƒ doorī€ƒ ofī€ƒ theī€ƒ
appliance: this may cause the appliance to
a dangerous obstacle.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Keepī€ƒ detergentī€ƒ andī€ƒ rinseī€ƒ aidī€ƒ outī€ƒ ofī€ƒ reachī€ƒ ofī€ƒ
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒpackagingī€ƒmaterialī€ƒshouldī€ƒnotī€ƒbeī€ƒusedī€ƒasī€ƒaī€ƒ
toy for children.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Disposalī€ƒ ofī€ƒ packagingī€ƒ material:ī€ƒ observeī€ƒ localī€ƒ
legislation so that the packaging may be reused.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Theī€ƒ Europeanī€ƒ Directiveī€ƒ 2012/19/EUī€ƒ relatingī€ƒ
toī€ƒ Wasteī€ƒ Electricalī€ƒ andī€ƒ Electronicī€ƒ Equipmentī€ƒ
(WEEE) states that household appliances should
not be disposed of using the normal solid urban
waste cycle. Exhausted appliances should be
collected separately in order to optimise the re-
using and recycling rate of the materials inside the
machine, while preventing potential damage to
the environment and public health. The crossed-
out dustbin symbol is marked on all products to
remind the owners of their obligations regarding
separated waste collection.
For further information relating to the correct
disposal of household appliances, owners may
contact the relevant public authority or the local
appliance dealer.
Saving energy and respecting the
Saving water and energy
ā€¢ī€ƒ Onlyī€ƒbeginī€ƒaī€ƒwashī€ƒcycleī€ƒwhenī€ƒtheī€ƒdishwasherī€ƒisī€ƒ
prevent unpleasant odours using the Soak cycle
ā€¢ī€ƒ Selectī€ƒaī€ƒwashī€ƒcycleī€ƒthatī€ƒisī€ƒsuitedī€ƒtoī€ƒtheī€ƒtypeī€ƒofī€ƒ
crockery and to the soil level of the crockery using
the Table of wash cycles:
- for dishes with a normal soil level use the Eco
washī€ƒ cycle,ī€ƒ whichī€ƒ ensuresī€ƒ lowī€ƒ energy/waterī€ƒ
consumption levels.
- If the load is smaller than usual activate the Half
Load option*
(see Start-up and use).
ā€¢ī€ƒ Ifī€ƒyourī€ƒelectricityī€ƒsupplyī€ƒcontractī€ƒgivesī€ƒdetailsī€ƒofī€ƒ
electricity-saving time bands, run wash cycles
when electricity prices are lower. The Delayed
Start button *
(see Start-up and use)
helps you
organise the wash cycles accordingly.
Phosphate-free and chlorine-free detergents
containing enzymes
ā€¢ī€ƒ Weī€ƒstronglyī€ƒrecommendī€ƒthatī€ƒyouī€ƒuseī€ƒdetergentsī€ƒ
that do not contain phosphates or chlorine, as
these products are harmful to the environment.
ā€¢ī€ƒ Enzymesī€ƒprovideī€ƒaī€ƒparticularlyī€ƒeffectiveī€ƒactionī€ƒatī€ƒ
with low-temperature wash cycles in order to
ā€¢ī€ƒī€ƒToī€ƒavoidī€ƒwastingī€ƒ detergent,ī€ƒuseī€ƒtheī€ƒ productī€ƒinī€ƒ
recommendations, the hardness of the water,
theī€ƒ soilī€ƒ levelī€ƒ andī€ƒ theī€ƒ quantityī€ƒ ofī€ƒ crockeryī€ƒ toī€ƒ
be washed. Even if they are biodegradable,
detergents contain substances which may alter
the balance of nature.


Marke: Hotpoint
Kategorie: SpĆ¼lmaschine
Modell: LSFA+ 935

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