Hisense HL24K16PL Bedienungsanleitung

Hisense televisie HL24K16PL

Lesen Sie kostenlos die đź“– deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĂĽr Hisense HL24K16PL (33 Seiten) in der Kategorie televisie. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĂĽr 11 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/33
User’s manual
Please read this manual carefully before
operating your TV set and retain it for further reference.
Model Number:
Part Number:
Ver -2 2010
1. HI N Au ralia w l provi rts a labour you the Customer as t SE SE st il de pa nd to se
out rei he n.
2. N hi in the warr ty, limi any yot ng an ts rights ou ha may ve under t tr e he ad
pra ices act or any ot r Co onwealth or State L islation. Such ri ts ct he mm eg gh
cannot cha ed by t conditions in this wa anty. S ject to t be ng he rr ub he
co ns be ow is anted senditio l th appliance is warr by Hi nse and/or its Ag ts to en
be free fr defe in mate a rk nship r a om cts rials nd wo ma fo period o 12 m thf on s
on D int rated ls d t on non co in i dels fr DV eg mode an 36 mon hs mb at on mo om
t date of r ase (the “Warr y riod”) he pu ch ant pe
3. This warr ty - an :
a. covers pro cts purc s as W, factured for use in Ma land du ha ed NE manu in
Austra and Tasmania; lia
b. co enc fr t da purc se as st t Cust rs mm es om he te of ha li ed on he ome
c. pr ides for the la r and replacem rts necessary in in y r ov bou ent pa to ma ta ou
pro ct in go o r i co ition as specified in this wa andu od pe at ng nd rr ty r, howeve
if repair is needed because of oduct fail e du n al us , pr ur ring orm age
His se has t i to re or r ace t defe ive product or rt en he opt on pair epl he ct pa
of he od ct od ct pa of nd t pr u with a pr u or rt the product of like ki and qua ty li
an pa bed a replaceme nt rt may w or r onditio d of ke kind and ne ec ne li
qu puality and may co le than t original product st ss he rchased and no
charges or ref s l be bas e r lacement pro ct st und wil made ed on th ep du co
d. ies oappl nly o the orig al t in rchaser and c ot be r sferr ; pu ann t an ed
e. rs prod t for commercial purp es r a riod of ys Cove uc os fo pe 90 da
EG signa and/or advertis usage. ge ing
4. Pr uct Id tificat n od en io
a. His se reserves ght reject claims r y servic or rk where en the ri to fo an es wo
t stom req sting such work services fr sense /or its he Cu er ue or om Hi and
ag duents can t prono ce for verification the se al number and the proof of ri
pu perchase as r o ginal purchase invri oice.
b. The warr ty lan wi l voi if any al Nu er sti er provided to be be ded Seri mb ck
plac on the eq pm is da ged i d or remov . ed ui ent ma , mod fie ed
c. event th a re e r r a e a inst a wa a w re In the at qu st fo ep ir is mad ga rr nty he
t Se al N r i er is n att h to the product or the customer he ri umbe st ck ot ac ed
c not produce for ve fica n the origi l voice, the pairer ll an ri tio na in re wi not
af epa on an om hafect any r irs t product he d the Cust er w l be cil rg a ed
service call- t fe ou e.
5. W t is covha er by is ed th warr ty an
a. The uipme is co red r f lty work ip rts t t ve eq nt ve fo au mansh on pa ha ha
fa r normal use which are contained within the produc iled unde t.
b. s se d/or its Agents will c e if there are y fects in the Hi en an de id an de
mate nd marial a /or work nship
c. This warr ty is only a licable or r rs declared e pment carried an pp f epai on qui
ou th nd smat wi in Mainland Australia a Ta nia
6. W t is n Co r by is rr ty ( l ed):- ha ot ve ed th wa an exc ud
a. y a or ilur an dam ge fa e:
i. of e i e dqu pm nt ue the product i inadeq t y rviced to to be ng ua el se
m ufa re s re end ions; an ctu r’ comm at
ii. resulting from envir mental conditi s incl ing not ted to on on ud and limi
dir dus rodents, insects, rus c sion, salt bu t p, of any rt t, t, t, orro il -u pa
o the product incl i its part or f ud ng s;
i . re lting fr e e ive use “fair r a tear”; ii su om xc ss wea nd
iv. r lting from p r insta ation i l i and n limit to esu oo ll nc ud ng ot ed
positi ing d ex rn ly fi ed equipm t such as plumbing aon an te al tt en nd
drainage, ca g, tenn or due to Incompat i ty of connected blin an ae ib li
equi t; pmen
v. to the prod used by overhe ing as a r ult i or uct ca at es of sit ng
p iti i the equipment, where there is not pr sion r os on ng of ovi fo
adequate ventilat n or a dust ree v en io f en ironm t;
vi. used if y r lia h been dism tle r a ed or rviced ca ou app nce as an d, ep ir se
by meon by any pers other han soon t e t rised au ho His se; en
v . to a product or comp nts, caus by w sur s spikes, ii one ed po er ge or
i luding a nc nd not mited t mli o, ains r a telec ications powe nd ommun
co ctions, to other s cified s rces, i orrect er nne or un pe ou nc pow
cu en vo uarr t, ltage fluct tion, amperage fluct tion, rust or corrosion; ua
vi due to a opp pro c co i h a er jec which ii. dr ed du t; llis on wit noth ob t, use of
is t sign g gence, id or deli rate misuse, the , no de ed, ne li acc ent be ft
abuse, vanda sm, , f rthq ke, elect cal rms or y li flood ire, ea ua ri sto an
other ac G y relat events t of od or an war ed ;
b. sts of a endan d testi w re no mech i orco tt ce an ng he an cal elect cal ri
f lur is entified; ai e id
c. initial setup and in allati o t pr uct; st on f he od
d. Normal inte n costs and costs in rred rou t inst lation ma na ce cu th gh he al
of em eq pe em it s sted as rli u ng iri riodic replac en t;
e. pr ucts with remov or alter se al nu r od ed ed ri mbe s;
f. nsumables such t mited bulbs/glob batte e re te co as but no li to es, ri s, mo
g. r l a reinsta ati of intern mpone not perfor by a emova nd ll on an al co nt med
fa tho se cenctory au rised rvice tre;
h. m ic cos et or ructur it ; st al ems
i. y ilures d to the in rfer ce from or to her pr ucts a /or An fa ue te en ot od nd
s rces; ou
j. In i o e pr uct to re or o ut ma or c i ia; ab lity f th od ad utp da ged op ed med
7. The Warr y C ses if: - ant ea
a. The product c ses to rry t original man acturer’s serial mber ea ca he uf nu
or ld au io is so at an ct n;
b. The product is r ted; en
c. Da ge to the pro ct s o rr as st in point 6b. ma du ha ccu ed li ed
d. ure to pay monies i on invoic a result nFail ow ng es as of no rr y wa ant
wor requ ntk been carried ou at t t he es of the end user as per poit 15.
8. her re pr loa en he Neit Hisense nor its presentatives ovide n e ipmqu t under t
term o this r ty. s f war an
9. y u ut rised access to t inter l hardware of t product will void An na ho he na he
thi wa ants rr y.
10. R acement items are “Like r ke” and not “ w r old” and epl fo li is ne fo does
not indicate in y way at a faulty pr t will be r laced with a new an th oduc ep
part or it. “ r ke” y either a alun Like fo li ma be qu ity cked (QC) che
r rbished or r o itioned it the me or later efu ec nd un of sa
batch of del/ ze/spe ica ons mo si cif ti
11. y resi outs e of the service cove area of y r a st If ou de id rage ou ne re
aut s rvice ag this warranty es not er the costs of hori ed se ent, do cov
tr s rtation or travel expenses to d fr yan po an om ou mer ho .
12. Hisense acc ts liability for items t t are lost, a d, or sto n as ep no ha dam ge le
a r lt freigh tran rt or rage. If y are re ir trans rt the esu of t, spo sto ou qu ed to po
a liance to an t rpp au ho is rvice c re, y mu e ure t it ed se ent ou st ns hat is
se pa ndcurely cked a insured.
13. On P lic Holidays or other periods en re lar business a ub wh gu nd
w esale operati are t pora ly e r rer ava ability and hol ons em ri ceas d, epai il
warr ty resp se ti s may ext d ond t st ard respon an on me en bey he and se
ti s d to the ava ab ity of re irers a rts. me ue il il pa nd pa
14. Sp ial nditions re ti to Plasma TV’s, LCD TV’s, Panels, Pr ection ec Co la ng oj
Television a Projectiond ns Eq pment ui
a. All D and Plas Panels exhibit me br h dark or rtia y lit LC ma so ig t, pa ll
pix s, a normal limit i of se te nol ies, a the el at on the ch og nd
ma factu g proce es volved a e usua not tic le w n nu rin ss in nd ar lly no eab he
vi ng no ma een de ec lsewi r l rsc images and f tive pixe are t a rr y no wa ant
iss unless they ex ed the manufa re s sp ifications for pi l ue ce ctu r’ ec xe
de he acfects. Where t re are no m ufan turer specifications, Hisense
co mo xe favers the screen provided for 12 or re pi ls that are ili to ng
b. ge rete i or rn-in c be a probl r all osp r based Ima nt on bu an em fo ph ho
displays. In extr case r t phosphor burn can oc r if eme s, pe manen cu
st et ft scill/rep itive ima are leges on t he reen for ext d peri s of ende od
ti Such mage to t re covered by e w r y. me. da he sc en is not th ar ant
Please en re t t the prec tions in any ume ati supp ed with su ha au doc nt on li
y r product are follow in or r to avoid pe a t ma to your ou ed de rm nen da ge
c. Where a product is po tionsi ed higher t 1.2m from lowest mount han the
po nt, al ei ng un ed he af mou tsi is w l/c li mo t or w re termarket n and/or
st he th as edands are used, or w re e unit h not been install by a
pr essional in a er, an extra service charge wi apply to unfix and of st ll ll
refix his pr c t odu t.
15. y r perfor on a product der rr ty ere no lt can An epair med un the wa an wh fau
be foun or it is d ed by Hi s or an t ris Hisense d, the em eem sen e, au ho ed
a to be n fa ty der gent, ot ul un this wa anty, or t rrr he epa or f lt is not ir au
covered er the warr ty, a No Fault und f is y le by t und an Fo ee pa ab he
warr y l r of a minimum $1 inc GS ant ho de of 25 T.
16. y r s or services r uir t t are outsi of the rms and An epair eq ed ha de te
conditions of t rranty can be car o at t request of the he wa ried ut he
customer or e to site a ndance e fault is t cover u r du tte wer no ed nde
warr ty as t pr uct t installed or setup c ctly; a cred an he od no been orre it
ca ma be equrd y r ir ried p or the co ncto mme em t ch rvices.en of su se
Congratulations on your purchase, This Document sets out terms
and conditions of your product warranty. Please Keep it with your
proof of purchase information in a safe place for future reference
should you require service to your product.
NAME OF PURCHASER _______________________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________________________
CITY ______________________________ STATE _______ POSTCODE ________
PHONE (_____)_____________________
MOBILE (_____)_____________________
FAX (_____)_____________________
The Undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Hisense
warranty service provided. I have read and understand the
conditions and terms of the warranty in its entirety.
CITY _______________________ STATE _______ POSTCODE ________
INVOICE NO. _______________________________________
MODEL NO. _______________________________________
DATE OF PURCHASE _________/___________/__________
SIGNATURE _________________________________________________
In order to register your warranty, please fill out and return with a copy of your invoice to:
Hisense Warranty Registration
PO BOX 2268 Seaford Victoria 3198 Australia
Please retain this portion for your records
Before making a claim, please make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of the warranty
• Check and ensure the installation of all power cables to the power point are secure and power is turned on, all cables
leads and connectors are connected properly and that all switches are turned on and functioning
• Check that there is power at the power point by using a small appliance
• Check that all settings are set according to the instruction manual
• Please keep this certificate in a safe place together with your product receipt. Should you need to make a claim, the
responsibility of proof of ownership of the equipment is on you. If a claim is made that is found not to be covered un-
der this warranty, or no faulty hardware components are found, you will be charged at Hisense or Hisense Authorised
Service Center's standard service charge plus an administration fee.
Service Procedure
Please have your original invoice, model, and serial number ready. To receive service, you are required to:
• Call 1800 447 367. Service claims may be made between 9:00am and 5:00pm AEST
weekdays excluding public holidays where a call representative will log your claim for processing.
• You will be provided a JOB NUMBER
• You are required to fax or email your original invoice prior to a replacement been shipped
• Normally under 2 hours of logging and receiving your proof of purchase for your claim, an Authorised
Service Agent will contact you to proceed with claim.
Hisense Australia will provide its nearest service centre for repairs or replacement under warranty. You will need to ensure that you have already called
Hisense Warranty Centre and have received a JOB NUMBER.
* Excludes DVD Drive related faults a separate service stated below which Hisense Australia provides
Hisense Australia will provide a replacement removable DVD Drive, should you be experiencing DVD related faults, via courier which can easily be
replaced by following the instructions for replacement within this manual.
*The faulty DVD drive must be returned to Hisense Australia or you may be liable for the cost of the part and freight
Hisense Australia will provide its nearest service centre for repairs under warranty. You will need to ensure that you have
already called Hisense Warranty Centre and received a JOB NUMBER.
*Non Combination Models only


Marke: Hisense
Kategorie: televisie
Modell: HL24K16PL

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Bedienungsanleitung televisie Hisense

Bedienungsanleitung televisie

Neueste Bedienungsanleitung fĂĽr -Kategorien-