Haier HW80-BD12756NZP Bedienungsanleitung

Haier Waschmaschine HW80-BD12756NZP

Lesen Sie kostenlos die đź“– deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĂĽr Haier HW80-BD12756NZP (24 Seiten) in der Kategorie Waschmaschine. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĂĽr 3 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/24
AIERAP PL IA N CES (I ND I A) PV T. LTD. (h e re in a fte r re fe rr ed to as “th e c om pan y ”) h ere b y offe rs th e f ol lo wi n g w a rr an t y t o t he o ri gi n a l dom e s t ic p ur c ha s e r c om me n c in g from th e d a te o f th e p u rc h a s e. T he c om pan y wi ll, fr ee of c h a rg e re pa ir o r r ep l a c e a n y d e fe c t iv e p a rt or
part s wh i c h p ro v e t o b e d ef e c ti v e i n wo rk m a n s h ip a n d /o r m a te ri a ls an d n o t d ue to a b n o rm a l o r i m p ro p e r u s a g e a t i ts s o le d i s c re ti o n .
Custom er Name ................................................................Addres s..............................................................................
Serial No........................................................Date o f purc hase.........................................Model No..............................
Dealer Seal ................................................................................................................................................................
) This warr an t y will a ut om at ically ter m i na t e on t he expiry of thew ar ra nt y per iod f r om t he dat e ..esahcrup fo 2) The Company is n ot liab l e f or an y de lay in serv i ci ng due t o reas onsbeyondthe controloft h eCom p any
or any o f its aut hor is e d servi c e cen t res.3) Par t s replaced o r rep aired under t his war r an t y ar e wa r r an ted t h rou gh out theremainin g of theoriginal
warranty per i od .
4) I t is entire ly left t o Compa ny’s discretion t o r epair/ r ep lace partsat t he siteof installationo rat theauthorised servic e cen tre of t he Com pa ny.
5) This w arr an t y sh all be s t r ictly limited t o the r ep airs or r e placem ent o f de fectiv e part s speci f ied i n t h e warranty . T hisw ar rant y shall not c over any cons equent i al or res ulting liability.
6) This w arr an t y shall not i n an y case ext en d towar ds payment of an y m on etary conside ra t ion
whatsoeve r or r ep lacem en t or r et ur n o f t he p ro duct .
7) The Company m a y rep a ir/supply par t s f r e e o f cos t during t he wa rr ant y per iod . This warran ty does notcover any Exc ise du t y, Cent r al o r Salestax, o ct r oi and other local t a x es or levies on t he c om pone nt s/p art.
8) The parts shal l be r ep laced by f unct ionally oper at ing equivalent mat eria l on l y and no t w it h brand ne w onesand ar e likelytobedif f eren t fro m t he on e or ig inally f itt ed. Th e parts thu s r em oved shal l be take n
back by t he co mpan y .
9) The Company r eser v e s t h e right t o r et a in a ny par t o r com pon ent re pl ace d at its sole discr e tion dur i ng the warra nt y per iod .10) I n no ev en t th e Com pany o r its aut hor ise d s er v ic e c en tre be lia ble f or a ny con sequ ential damages or r es u lting liability , dam a ge or los s ar isi ng dir ectly or indirect ly out of a n y defect in
the pr oduc t .
11) Th is war r anty is not v alid in case of t he following event s:
If t he Product has bee n Ins talled/ Se rv i ced / R ep ai r ed/ O pened o r tamper ed by any un autho rised personn el.b) I f de f ect s arise/caused b y acc idents, alterat ion, m is use, n egl ect, sub stitut ion of o ri ginal com pon ents wi t h sp ur iou s / non - g enuine com pone n ts, at tacked by househo ld pest /
rodents, fi r e, f lo od, eart hqu ake, light ning and /o r any ot her ac t of G od/natur a l calamities.
c) T he pr od uct is shift ed outside I ndia.12) For any ser vice und er t h i s war r anty beyo nd city/ t o wn/municipal limits f r om t he Compa n y/author ised ser vice cen t r e , a f ixed charge of Rs. 50 will be collect ed fro m t h e c ustom er in
addition to t he act ual t o a nd fr o c ha rges by t he shortest r ou t e.
13) A ny chan ge of locat ion or chan g e in th e owne r sh i p dur ing the war r anty per iod must be intimat ed in wr iting to t he Com pany.
14) T he C om pa ny’s employee s or it s aut ho rised r ep re se nt at iv es have no au t hor ity to var y th e ter m s o f t his w arr an t y .15) Th is W a rrant y is e ffec t ed in New Delhi and claims , if an y, sh a ll be made on ly bef ore th e cou rts having jurisdiction in New Delhi and no clai m sh all b e m ad e aga inst t h e com pa ny out sid e
New Delhi not w it hst and ing that t he Appl iance m ay have bee n sold or del ivere d elsewhe re.
Custom er Name ................................................................Addres s...............................................................................................
Serial No..........................................................Date o f purc has e.........................................Mo del No...........................................
Dealer Seal ...................................................................................................................................................................................
P.Li m i te d, Bu il di n g N 0 -1 , O k h l a I n d us tr i al E s t ate ,Ph a se ll l, Ne w D el h i -1 1 002 0
Ph:0 1 1 - 39 49 6 0 0 0,3 06 7 4 0 00 . Fax :0 1 1 - 3 0 6 7 4 0 8 8, W eb s it e:w ww.h a ie r.c o m/ in
b) Ser ivice char ge s ap plicab le a fter expir y of com prehe n si ve war r a nty i. e. 24 m o nt hs .
Plastic Par t s, Top Lids, Drain Pip e, I nl et Pip e,
Lint Filter , O ute r Ca sin g
Product Warra nt y
Washing M achi ne
Period Parts not c o vered
Comprehensiv e: 3 6 Mo nths Motor : 14 4 M o nths
Warranty Card


Marke: Haier
Kategorie: Waschmaschine
Modell: HW80-BD12756NZP

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Bedienungsanleitung Waschmaschine Haier

Bedienungsanleitung Waschmaschine

Neueste Bedienungsanleitung fĂĽr -Kategorien-