Crane Suspended Body Weight Trainer ANS-16-032 Bedienungsanleitung

Crane niet gecategoriseerd Suspended Body Weight Trainer ANS-16-032

Lesen Sie kostenlos die 📖 deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für Crane Suspended Body Weight Trainer ANS-16-032 (2 Seiten) in der Kategorie niet gecategoriseerd. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war für 7 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet

Seite 1/2
Dok./Rev.-Nr. 194558_20160913
ID: #07177
(800) 407 1458
General information
Reading and storing the
user manual
This user manual
accompanies this sus-
pended body weight
trainer. It contains im-
portant information on
setup and handling.
Before using the suspended body
weight trainer, read the user
manual carefully. This particularly
applies to the safety notes.
Failure to comply with this user
manual may result in severe in-
jury or damage to the suspended
body weight trainer.
Store the user manual for future
use. Make sure to include this user
manual when passing the sus-
pended body weight trainer on to
third parties.
It is the responsibility of the own-
er to appropriately inform any
other persons who use the sus-
pended body weight trainer on
potential risks.
This user manual can also be re-
quested in PDF format from our
customer service.
Explanation of symbols
The following symbols and signal
words are used in this user manual
or on the packaging of the sus-
pended body weight trainer.
This signal symbol/word desig-
nates a hazard with moderate
risk, which may result in death or
severe injury if not avoided.
This signal symbol/word desig-
nates hazard with low risk which
may result in minor or moderate
injury if not avoided.
This signal symbol/word warns
against potential damages to
This symbol provides
you with useful infor-
mation on assembly or
Proper use
The suspended body weight
trainer has been designed ex-
clusively as a fitness device. The
suspended body weight trainer is
only intended for private use and
is not suited to commercial, ther-
apeutic or medical applications.
The suspended body weight
trainer is not a childrens toy.
Only use the suspended body
weight trainer as described in
this user manual. Any other use is
deemed improper and may result
in damage to property or even
personal injury.
The manufacturer or vendor can-
not be held liable for damages
incurred through improper or
incorrect use.
Safety notes
Danger for children and per-
sons with impaired physical,
sensory or mental capaci-
ties (e.g. partially disabled
persons, older persons with
reduced physical and mental
capacities) or lack of experi-
ence and knowledge
(e.g. older children).
This suspended body
weight trainer can be
used by children as well
as persons with impaired
physical, sensory or mental
capacities or those lacking
experience and knowl-
edge if they are supervised
or have been instructed
in how to safely use the
suspended body weight
trainer and have under-
stood the risks associated
with operating it.
Children must not play
with the suspended body
weight trainer.
The suspended body
weight trainer is not suit-
able for physically or men-
tally disabled persons.
Do not allow children to
play with the packaging
material. Children can get
caught in it when playing.
Risk of injury!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in injury.
Faulty anchoring of the
suspended body weight
trainer can lead to falls.
An inappropriate exercise
area can lead to injury.
Make sure that your ex-
ercise area has sufficient
space, is level and slip-
Always use the supplied
warning sign to prevent
other people from open-
ing the door on which the
suspended body weight
trainer is anchored.
Risk of damage!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in damage.
Do not use the suspended
body weight trainer on
sharp edges or in extreme
weather conditions.
Do not use the suspend-
ed body weight trainer if
there are holes or tears in
the tether, cracks or dents
in the metal parts or if the
stitching has come undone.
Always check the suspend-
ed body weight trainer for
damage before a workout.
Workout preparation
Anchoring the suspended
body weight trainer to a
Risk of injury!
Injuries can occur if the door
opens during workout.
Hang the supplied warning
sign on the outside of the
door where it is clearly visi-
ble. This is the side opposite
of which you are doing
your workout.
Only secure the door
anchor from the side of the
door which closes towards
you i.e. so when exercising
you are pulling the door
in the direction in which it
Make sure the door is
closed securely and, if pos-
sible, locked.
Risk of damage!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in damage. The met-
al parts of the suspended body
weight trainer can damage the
Do not allow the suspend-
ed body weight trainer to
dangle against the door.
Lay the tethers with loops
straight and without any
twists over the door top.
1. In order to anchor the sus-
pended body weight trainer
on a door, hook a carabiner
through one of the loops of
the tether with loops
2. Lay the door anchor
c over
the center of the door.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the
other tether and close the
door (see fig. 2).
The swing trainer must
lie on the side of the
door that closes towards
Risk of injury!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in injury.
Always use one carabiner
and door anchor per one
tether! Never connect both
tethers with only one cara-
biner and door anchor!
Using the suspended
body weight trainer
You can also use the suspended
body weight trainer outside.
Strong branches and crossbars
are well-suited for this.
Risk of injury!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in injury.
Choose a stable and safe
mounting point that can
hold your body weight.
Check that the structure
can support your weight
by firmly pulling on the
suspended body weight
Choose a secure mounting
point at a height of about
83" – 106" (2.10m – 2.70m).
If you attach the suspend-
ed body weight trainer
to smooth bars, wrap the
extension several times
around the mounting point
in order to prevent it from
sliding sideways.
Never connect the individ-
ual tethers of the suspend-
ed body weight trainer to
one another.
Always fasten the suspend-
ed body weight trainer
with the separate exten-
Risk of damage!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in damage.
Fasten the suspended
body weight trainer only to
strong branches so that the
tree is not damaged.
When fastening to a branch
use a tree protector to pro-
tect the tree.
Do not hook the carabiner
to any other part aside from
the intended loops.
1. Remove the door anchor
from the tether with loops a.
2. Wrap an extension i several
times around a mounting
3. Hook a carabiner d through
two of the corresponding
loops of the tether with loops
and an extension (see fig. 3
and fig. 4).
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for
the other tether.
Risk of injury!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in injury.
Always use one carabiner
and extension per one
tether! Never connect both
tethers with only one cara-
biner and extension!
Length adjustment
You can adjust the length of the
suspended body weight trainer
for every exercise.
Before adjusting, always
make sure that the teth-
ers are not twisted.
1. In order to shorten a tether
of the suspended body
weight trainer, press open the
clasp b of the tether.
2. Pull the tether on the
sizing strap k to the desired
length (see fig. 5).
3. Release the clasp.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for
the other tether.
1. In order to extend the
tethers a of the suspended
body weight trainer, grasp
both tethers.
2. Pull the tethers tight.
3. Press both clasps b open
(see fig. 6).
4. Pull on the clasps until the de-
sired length is reached
(see fig. 7).
5. Release the clasps.
Length selection
There are four standard lengths
for the different exercises.
The tethers
a are set to a me-
dium length upon delivery. This
means that the sizing straps
are at about the two colored lines
in the middle of the tethers.
Pull the suspended body weight
trainer to its full length so that the
looped handles h hang about
3 inches (7cm) above the ground.
Knee height:
Adjust the suspended body
weight trainer so that the looped
handles are halfway up your
shins (approx. 8 inches (20cm)
above the ground).
The tethers of the suspended
body weight trainer are set as
short as possible.
Placing your feet in
the looped handles
Some exercises require placing
your feet into the looped handles.
For exercises while lying on the
1. Sit facing the suspended body
weight trainer and take a
handle g in each hand.
2. Lie down with your back on
the floor and place both heels
into the looped handles h
(see fig. 8).
3. Press down on your heels and
stretch out your legs
(see fig. 9).
Exercises while lying on the
1. Sit facing the suspended body
weight trainer.
2. Place your right foot into the
left looped handle h
(see fig. 10).
3. Lift your left foot over your
right leg and place your foot
into the right looped handle
(see fig. 11).
S us pen ded Body Weig ht Tra ine r in us e!
¡E ntren ador en sus pensi ón en uso!
Product contents/
aTether (with loops), 2×
cDoor anchor, 2×
dCarabiner, 2×
eMesh bag
fWarning sign
gHandle, 2×
hLooped handle,
iExtension, 2×
kSizing strap, 2×
i h
ab c
User Manual
Try it out now
Just scan the QR code with your
smartphone and find out more
about the ALDI product you have
Depending on your smartphone
plan you may be charged for the
4. Turn right onto your stomach
and turn your feet around in-
side the looped handles
(see fig. 12).
Risk of injury!
If you are not in a physically fit
condition for working out, us-
ing the suspended body weight
trainer can damage your health.
Improper use of the suspended
body weight trainer can also
cause personal injury.
Consult with your doctor
before beginning any
workout program, especial-
ly if you have a history of
heart, circulatory, orthope-
dic or other health prob-
Immediately stop working
out if dizziness, nausea,
chest pain or other unusual
symptoms arise and con-
tact a physician.
Always start your workout
with a warm-up routine.
Always wear appropriate
sports wear and shoes
when working out with the
suspended body weight
Wear shoes with non-slip
rubber soles.
Always be aware of your
body tension during your
workout. Always keep
your back straight. Do not
let your buttocks sag and
avoid arching your back.
Risk of injury!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in injury.
Make sure that both tethers
are always pulled tight.
Hold both tethers tense at
the same height.
Clear a space of about 118"
(3 meters) length and 71"
(1.80 meters) width in front
of the door and when
working out outside.
Warm up thoroughly before each
workout. Then set the length
of the suspended body weight
trainer for the first exercise.
The recommended length of the
suspended body weight trainer is
indicated for each exercise.
Perform the exercises slowly and
make sure they are done correct-
ly. Do each exercise for about
30 seconds or alternatively with
10 repetitions. Rest for 30 sec-
onds after every exercise. Use
the break to relax your muscles,
to drink something, or to adjust
the length of the suspended
body weight trainer for the next
Chest press
Length: Long
Strengthening of chest and shoul-
der muscles.
Start position: Stand with your
back to the door and hold the
handles of the suspended body
weight trainer forward and
downward with outstretched
arms (see ). Step forward fig. 13
with one foot. If the tethers of the
suspended body weight trainer
rub your arms, raise your arms
higher, to the level of your head.
Action: Lean forward until your
arms are bent (see ). Stay in fig. 14
this position for a moment. Press
back again, until your arms are
entirely outstretched. After a few
reps, change the supporting leg.
Increase the level of dif-
ficulty by placing your
feet next to one another
or closer to the door. You
can also do the exercise
on one leg. Hold the leg
hanging in the air off to
one side.
Standing lean
Length: Long
Strengthening of chest and shoul-
der muscles.
Start position: Stand with your
back to the door. Hold the handles
of the suspended body weight
trainer forward with outstretched
arms at shoulder height
(see fig. 15).
Place your feet next to one anoth-
er and close to the door, so your
body leans slightly forward.
Action: Lift both arms simultane-
ously up over the head while you
lean forward. Stay in this position
for a moment. Move your arms
back down again (see ) to fig. 16
shoulder height, pressing your-
self backward. Make sure that
your back and arms are stretched
during the entire exercise.
Increase the difficulty
by doing the exercise
on your knees.
Knee bends
Length: Medium
Toning of thighs and gluteal
Start position: Stand facing the
door holding the handles of the
suspended body weight trainer.
Stand far enough away from the
door so that the tethers are taut.
Lean slightly back (see fig.17).
Action: Do knee bends. To do
so, stand upright with your feet
at shoulder width, placing your
weight on your heels. Look for-
ward. Squat down to just above
the ground (see ) and lift fig.18
yourself up forcefully by pressing
on your heels. Keep your back
straight during the exercise.
Increase the difficulty
by doing the exercise
on one leg or by doing a
short jump when rising.
Length: Knee height
Strengthening of overall upper
Start position: Place your feet into
the looped handles (see chapter
“Placing the feet into the looped
handles”). Lay on your stomach
and prop yourself up on your el-
bows (see ), with your feet fig. 19
pointing towards the door.
Action: Prop yourself up with
knees and elbows on the floor
and stretch out your legs
(see fig. 20). Hold this position for
a few seconds, then lower your
knees back to the floor.
Increase the difficulty
by propping yourself up
with your hands.
The side plank is even
more difficult. To do the
side plank, turn your
body sideways and prop
yourself up with one
arm or elbow. The legs
are in step position, the
upper leg is in front. Lift
the pelvis into a plank
position and hold the
position for a moment.
Return to the start posi-
tion and change sides.
Length: Knee height
Strengthening of overall upper
Start position: Assume the
stretched plank position on your
elbows (see fig.21).
Action: Bend your knees until
your buttocks points upwards
(see fig. 22). Then stretch out your
legs again. Do not touch the floor
during the entire exercise.
Increase the difficulty
by doing the exercise on
your hands. While bend-
ing, pull your knees ei-
ther forwards between
the arms or sideways to
the elbows. The exercise
becomes even more dif-
ficult if you do a push-up
along the way.
Leg bends
Length: Knee height
Strengthening of rear thigh mus-
cles and trunk.
Start position: Lie flat on your
back and place your heels into
the looped handles (see chapter
“Placing the feet into the looped
handles”). Lay your arms, palms
facing downwards, flat on the
floor (see fig. 23).
Action: Press your heels down
and bring your legs towards you
until they make a 90° angle. Stay
in this position for a moment,
then slowly stretch out your legs
(see fig. 24).
Increase the difficulty by
doing the exercise with
raised buttocks and not
letting the buttocks sink
to the floor during the
entire exercise. It gets
even more difficult if
you point your hands to-
wards the ceiling.
Length: Short
Strengthening of back, trunk and
arm muscles.
Start position: Stand facing the
door and hold the handles of the
suspended body weight trainer
with your arms stretched for-
wards at shoulder height. Lean
back with your upper body until
you reach a diagonal body posi-
tion (see ). The feet are in fig.25
a step position and remain so for
the entire exercise.
Action: Pull yourself forward until
your arms are bent (see fig.26).
Stay in this position for a moment.
Slowly lean back until your arms
are entirely outstretched again.
After a few reps, change the sup-
porting leg.
Increase the level of
difficulty by placing your
feet next to one another
and closer to the door.
You can also do the ex-
ercise with one hand,
using just one tether.
Cleaning, care, and
Risk of damage!
Improper handling of the sus-
pended body weight trainer
may result in damage.
Do not use any aggressive
cleaners, brushes with metal
or nylon bristles, sharp or me-
tallic cleaning utensils such as
knives, hard scrapers and the
like. They could damage the
Clean the suspended body
weight trainer with a damp
Make sure to check the col-
ored stitched seams for rips
or tears.
Store the suspended body
weight trainer in the provided
mesh bag e in a dry place at
room temperature and out of
the reach of children.
Technical data
Model: ANS-16-032
Weight: 2.86 lbs
(1.3 kg)
Product code: 93964
Max. load: 275 lbs
(125 kg)
Disposing of the
Sort the packaging before you
dispose of it. Dispose of paper-
board and cardboard with the
recycled paper service.
Disposing of the
suspended body weight
Should the suspended body
weight trainer no longer be capa-
ble of being used at some point in
time, dispose of it in accordance
with the regulations in force in
your state or country. Please en-
sure your recycling information
applies to the local regulations
and the EPA recommendations


Marke: Crane
Kategorie: niet gecategoriseerd
Modell: Suspended Body Weight Trainer ANS-16-032

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