Candy GC 1081D1/1-S Bedienungsanleitung
GC 1081D1/1-S
Lesen Sie kostenlos die đ deutsche Bedienungsanleitung fĂŒr Candy GC 1081D1/1-S (76 Seiten) in der Kategorie Waschmaschine. Dieser Bedienungsanleitung war fĂŒr 14 Personen hilfreich und wurde von 2 Benutzern mit durchschnittlich 4.5 Sternen bewertet
Seite 1/76

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å praöka
å praökaå praöka
User instructions
NĂĄvod na obsluhu
HasznĂĄlati utasĂtĂĄs
Instructiuni de utilizare

VĂĄĂenË zĂĄkaznĂku,
DĂ»kujeme VĂĄm, Ăe jste si
zakoupil vËrobek spoleĂŁnosti
PïŹed prvnĂm pouĂitĂm
vËrobku si pozornĂ» pïŹeĂŁtĂ»te
pïŹiloĂenË ĂŁeskË nĂĄvod , kterË
firma Candy dodĂĄvĂĄ, a
dĂslednĂ» se jĂm ïŹiĂŹte.
NĂĄvod, kterË jste k vËrobku
obdrĂel, vychĂĄzĂ z
vâ°eobecnĂ© vËrobkovĂ© ïŹady
a z tohoto dĂvodu mĂĂe
dojĂt k situaci, Ăe nĂ»kterĂ©
funkce, ovlĂĄdacĂ prvky a
pïŹĂsluâ°enstvĂ nejsou urĂŁeny
pro VĂĄâ° vËrobek. DĂ»kujeme
za pochopenĂ.
Tento spotïŹebiĂŁ je urĂŁenË
pro pouĂitĂ v domĂĄcnosti a
podobnËch mĂstech:
- zamûstnanecké kuchynû v
prodejnĂĄch, kancelĂĄïŹĂch a
jinĂ©m pracovnĂm prostïŹedĂ;
- na farmĂĄch;
- klienty hotelu, motelu
- v prostïŹedĂ pro pïŹĂpravu
JinĂ© pouĂitĂ spotïŹebiĂŁe mimo
domåcnosti nebo na jiné
neĂ bĂ»ĂnĂ© pouĂitĂ, jako je
komerĂŁnĂ vyuĂitĂ
profesionĂĄly, nenĂ zahrnuto
ve vËâ°e uvedenĂ©m popisu
Pokud se spotïŹebiĂŁ pouĂĂvĂĄ
nesprĂĄvnĂ», mĂĂe se zkrĂĄtit
jeho Ăivotnost a uĂivatel
mĂĂe ztratit prĂĄvo na
JakĂ©koliv poâ°kozenĂ
spotïŹebiĂŁe nebo jinĂĄ
poâ°kozenĂ a ztrĂĄty vyplËvajĂcĂ
z nesprĂĄvnĂ©ho pouĂitĂ
spotïŹebiĂŁe jako domĂĄcĂho
spotïŹebiĂŁe (i kdyĂ se nachĂĄzĂ
v domĂĄcnosti) nenĂ
vËrobcem akceptovĂĄno.
With the purchase of this Candy
household appliance, you have
shown that you will not accept
compromises: you want only the
Candy is happy to present their
new washing machine, the result of
years of research and market
experience through direct contact
with Consumers.You have chosen
the quality, durability and high
performance that this washing
machine offers.
Candy is also able to offer a vast
range of other household
appliances: washing machines,
dishwashers, washer-dryers,
cookers, microwave ovens.
Traditional ovens and hobs,
refrigerators and freezers.
Ask your local retailer for the
complete catalogue of Candy
This appliances is intended to be
used in household and similar
applications such as:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices
and other working environments;
- farm houses;
- by clients in hotels, motels and
other residential type
- bed and breakfast type
A different use of this appliance
from household environment or
from typical housekeeping
functions, as commercial use by
expert or trained users, is excluded
even in the above applications.
If the appliance is used in a
manner inconsistent with this it may
reduce the life of the appliance
and may void the manufacturerâs
Any damage to the appliance or
other damage or loss arising
through use that is not consistent
with domestic or household use
(even if located in a domestic or
household environment) shall not
be accepted by the manufacturer
to the fullest extent permitted by
Please read this booklet carefully
as it provides important guide lines
for safe installation, use and
maintenance and some useful
advise for best results when using
your washing machine.
Keep this booklet in a safe place
for further consultation.
When contacting Candy
or a Customer Services Centre
always refer to the Model, No., and
G number (if applicable of the
appliance see panel).

Ennek a Candy hĂĄztartĂĄsi kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©knek
a megvĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsĂĄval Ăn megmutatta,
hogy nem fogadja el a
kompromisszumokat: csakis a
legjobbat akarja.
A örömmel mutatja be Ănnek ĂșjCandy
mosógépét, amely több éves kutatås
Ă©s a vevĆkkel fennĂĄllĂł közvetlen
kapcsolat révén szerzett piaci
tapasztalat eredmĂ©nye. Ăn a mosĂłgĂ©p
ĂĄltal nyĂșjtott minĆsĂ©g, tartĂłssĂĄg Ă©s
kivĂĄlĂł teljesĂtmĂ©ny mellett döntött.
A sokféle mås håztartåsi gépetCandy
is kĂnĂĄl: mosĂłgĂ©peket,
mosogatógépeket, mosó-
szĂĄrĂtĂłgĂ©peket, tızhelyeket,
mikrohullĂĄmĂș sĂŒtĆket.
HagyomĂĄnyos sĂŒtĆket Ă©s
tızhelylapokat, valamint hıtĆ- Ă©s
A termékek teljes katalógusåtCandy
kĂ©rje helyi kiskereskedĆjĂ©tĆl.
A kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©ket hĂĄztartĂĄsokban Ă©s
hasonlĂł környezetekben törtĂ©nĆ
hasznĂĄlatra terveztĂŒk, pĂ©ldĂĄul:
- ĂŒzletek, irodĂĄk Ă©s mĂĄs
munkakörnyezetek személyzeti
- lakóépĂŒletekben;
- szĂĄllodĂĄk, motelek Ă©s mĂĄs
lakĂłkörnyezetek ĂŒgyfelei ĂĄltal;
- âszoba reggelivelâ tĂpusĂș
A kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©k hĂĄztartĂĄsi környezettĆl vagy
a tipikus hĂĄztartĂĄsi feladatoktĂłl eltĂ©rĆ
hasznålata, példåul szakemberek vagy
kĂ©pzett felhasznĂĄlĂłk ĂĄltal törtĂ©nĆ
kereskedelmi hasznĂĄlata a fent emlĂtett
alkalmazåsok esetében sem
Ha a kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©ket nem a fentiek szerint
hasznåljåk, akkor az csökkentheti a
kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©k Ă©lettartamĂĄt Ă©s
Ă©rvĂ©nytelenĂtheti a gyĂĄrtĂł garanciĂĄjĂĄt.
A törvények åltal megengedett
mértékben a gyårtó nem fogadja el a
kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©k sĂ©rĂŒlĂ©sĂ©t vagy mĂĄs jellegı
olyan kĂĄrosodĂĄsĂĄt vagy kĂĄrĂĄt, amely az
otthoni vagy a hĂĄztartĂĄsi hasznĂĄlattĂłl
eltĂ©rĆ hasznĂĄlat miatt következik be
(mĂ©g akkor sem, p3-ha a kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©k otthoni
vagy håztartåsi környezetben van).
KĂ©rjĂŒk, hogy figyelmesen olvassa el ez
a fĂŒzetet, mert fontos ĂștmutatĂĄsokkal
szolgĂĄl a kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©k biztonsĂĄgos
telepĂtĂ©sĂ©vel, hasznĂĄlatĂĄval Ă©s
karbantartĂĄsĂĄval kapcsolatban,
tovĂĄbbĂĄ hasznos tanĂĄcsokat ad a
legkedvezĆbb eredmĂ©nyek elĂ©rĂ©sĂ©hez
a mosógép hasznålata sorån.
KĂ©rjĂŒk, tartsa ezt a tĂĄjĂ©koztatĂł fĂŒzetet
biztonsĂĄgos helyen, hogy a kĂ©sĆbbiek
sorĂĄn is bĂĄrmikor belelapozhasson.
ACandy szerviz felkeresésekor mindig
adja meg a tĂpust, a tĂpusszĂĄmot Ă©s
a G-szĂĄmot (lĂĄsd a kĂ©szĂŒlĂ©k
Cumparind aceasta masina
de spalat CANDY ati aratat ca
nu acceptati compromisuri,
vreti doar ce e cel mai bun.
CANDY are placerea sa va
prezinte o noua masina
de spalat, rezultatul multor ani
de cercetari si studii asupra
nevoilor consumatorilor. Ati ales
calitatea, durabilitatea si
eficienta oferite de aceasta
masina de spalat.
CANDY va ofera o gama larga
de aparate electrocasnice:
masini de spalat vase, masini
de spalat si uscat rufe,
aragaze, cuptoare cu
microunde, cuptoare
traditionale si hote, frigidere si
Solicitati de la magazin
catalogul cu gama completa
Acest aparat este destinat
pentru uz casnic sau pentru uz
similar, cum ar fi:
- bucatarii de magazin, birou si
alte medii de lucru;
- ferme;
- de catre clientii de la hotel,
motel sau alte medii
- la pensiuni.
Utilizarea aparatului Ăźn scopuri
comerciale este exclusa.
Utilizarea aparatului Ăźn alte
scopuri decĂąt cele mentionate
mai sus, duce la reducerea
duratei de viata a aparatului si
la anularea garantiei.
Orice deteriorari ale aparatului
sau pierderi care apar ca
urmare a neutilizarii aparatului
pentru uz casnic (chiar daca a
fost utilizat Ăźntr-un mediu casnic
sau rezidential) nu vor fi
acoperite de agrantie.
Va rugam sa cititi aceste
instructiuni cu mare atentie
deoarece furnizeaza informatii
importante cu
privire la instalarea, folosirea si
intretinerea masinii Dvs. De
spalat precum si sugestii pentru
a obtine cele mai bune
rezultate la spalare.
Pastrati instructiunile cu grija
pentru a le putea consulta de
cite ori aveti nevoie.
VĂĄĂenË zĂĄkaznĂk, ĂŹakujeme
VĂĄm, Ăe ste si zakĂșpil vËrobok
spoloĂŁnosti Candy.
Pred prvËm pouĂitĂm vËrobku si
pozorne preĂŁĂtajte priloĂenË
slovenskË nĂĄvod , ktorË firma
Candy dodĂĄva, a dĂŽsledne sa
nĂm riaĂŹte.
NĂĄvod, ktorË ste k vËrobku
prijali vychĂĄdza zo
vâ°eobecnĂ©ho radu vËrobkov a
z tohto dĂŽvodu mĂŽĂe dĂŽjsĂ k
situĂĄcii, Ăe niektorĂ© funkcie,
ovlĂĄdacie prvky a prĂsluâ°enstvo
nie sĂș urĂŁenĂ© pre vĂĄâ° vËrobok.
Ă«akujeme za pochopenie.
Tento spotïŹebiĂŁ je urĂŁenË pre
pouĂitie v domĂĄcnosti a
podobnËch miestach:
- zamestnanencké kuchyne v
predajniach, kancelĂĄriĂĄch a
inom pracovnom prostredĂ;
- na farmĂĄch;
- klientami hotela, motela a
- v prostredĂ pre prĂpravu
InĂ© pouĂitie spotrebiĂŁa mimo
domåcnosti alebo na iné ako
beĂnĂ© pouĂitie, ako je
komerĂŁnĂ© vyuĂitie
profesionålmi, nie je zahrnuté
vo vyâ°â°ie uvedenom popise
Ak sa spotrebiĂŁ pouĂĂva
nesprĂĄvne, mĂŽĂe sa skrĂĄtiĂ
jeho ĂivotnosĂ a uĂĂvateÂș mĂŽĂe
stratiĂ prĂĄvo na zĂĄruku.
AkĂ©koÂșvek poâ°kodenie
spotrebiãa alebo iné
poâ°kodenia a straty
vyplËvajĂșce z nesprĂĄvneho
pouĂitia spotrebiĂŁa ako
domĂĄceho spotrebiĂŁa (aj keĂŹ
sa nachĂĄdza v domĂĄcnosti) nie
je vËrobcom akceptovanĂ©.
Marke: | Candy |
Kategorie: | Waschmaschine |
Modell: | GC 1081D1/1-S |
Brauchst du Hilfe?
Wenn Sie Hilfe mit Candy GC 1081D1/1-S benötigen, stellen Sie unten eine Frage und andere Benutzer werden Ihnen antworten
Bedienungsanleitung Waschmaschine Candy

16 Oktober 2024

6 Oktober 2024

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- Waschmaschine Kunft
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- Waschmaschine Nevir
- Waschmaschine Winia
- Waschmaschine Romo
- Waschmaschine PolyJohn
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- Waschmaschine Dexter Laundry
- Waschmaschine Godrej
- Waschmaschine ZLine
- Waschmaschine Creda
- Waschmaschine Arctic Cooling
- Waschmaschine Artusi
- Waschmaschine Trieste
- Waschmaschine SĂŽlt
- Waschmaschine Simplicity
- Waschmaschine Patriot
- Waschmaschine BSK
- Waschmaschine Equator
- Waschmaschine Khind
- Waschmaschine Simpson
- Waschmaschine Camec
- Waschmaschine Hestan
- Waschmaschine Koblenz
- Waschmaschine Hiberg
- Waschmaschine Icecool
- Waschmaschine Companion
- Waschmaschine LERAN
- Waschmaschine Currys Essentials
- Waschmaschine Bendix
- Waschmaschine Estate
- Waschmaschine Belling
- Waschmaschine Summit
- Waschmaschine IFB
- Waschmaschine Brastemp
- Waschmaschine ARC
- Waschmaschine Cambro
- Waschmaschine Integra
- Waschmaschine Haden
- Waschmaschine Mabe
- Waschmaschine DEXP
- Waschmaschine Palsonic
- Waschmaschine Euro Appliances
- Waschmaschine Emilia
- Waschmaschine Lemair
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